This is my PC Specifications:
Processor: AMD Athlon 64 X2 4000 2.4 GHZ
Video Card: ATI PCi-E X1650 512MB DDR2
Memory: 1GB DDR2 667
Motherboard: MSI K9AGM2-L
HDD: 80 GB
What do you think guys? can my PC run newer games, preferably NBA Live 08 and NFS Offroad
i just need opinion guys..thanks
I think you'd be ok with today's games. Im not very good with AMD processors, but im pretty sure what you have is dual-core. if so, you should be fine. You're video card is ok by today's standards and should hold you for a while. The Hard drive may be a bit small to hold many consecutive games, but that isnt that big of a problem,nothing you need to upgrade, but it could be good if you plan on having multiple games on you're ciomputer at once. 1GB of RAM seems to be good for many XP setups, although I prefer two (it is better) one should suffice. In other words, yes, youre system is fine
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