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#1 Metroid_16
Member since 2004 • 254 Posts

This is my PC Specifications:

Processor: AMD Athlon 64 X2 4000 2.4 GHZ

Video Card: ATI PCi-E X1650 512MB DDR2

Memory: 1GB DDR2 667

Motherboard: MSI K9AGM2-L

HDD: 80 GB

What do you think guys? can my PC run newer games, preferably NBA Live 08 and NFS Offroad

i just need opinion guys..thanks


I think you'd be ok with today's games. Im not very good with AMD processors, but im pretty sure what you have is dual-core. if so, you should be fine. You're video card is ok by today's standards and should hold you for a while. The Hard drive may be a bit small to hold many consecutive games, but that isnt that big of a problem,nothing you need to upgrade, but it could be good if you plan on having multiple games on you're ciomputer at once. 1GB of RAM seems to be good for many XP setups, although I prefer two (it is better) one should suffice. In other words, yes, youre system is fine

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#2 Metroid_16
Member since 2004 • 254 Posts

I forgot to mention. I played a DEMO for Silent Hill 4 and was scared. the wall thing... ew....

and also Resident Evil 4 the first time around. after encountering the regenerator for the first time and scrambling to kill him. and than when you can just hear them its... ugh. worst sound EVER, scares me all the time. that, and garridors. the first time I saw one Im pretty sure I almost died when it chopped my head off.

mostly, games don't tend to scare me that bad. its more of an "oh s$#*" moment.

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#3 Metroid_16
Member since 2004 • 254 Posts

The last game to really creep me out at times was F.E.A.R. I was totally not expecting some dead guy to jump out of a hallway of blood, or for Alma to make that hallway light on fire. and DAMN you cannot kill that little girl.

the only game I've ever been mortally terrified of was Mortal Kombat Sub Zero. Does anyone remember that game? for the little while I played it, Im pretty sure it was a 2d side scrolling action game. I rented it one day when I was young (around the age of 10 if not younger) and that totally scared the bejeebers out of me. I saw Sub Zero get OWNED by a giant pole, and blood went everywhere and... ugh. Needless to say, playing that in my dark basement which doesnt have a single creeped me out, and I never touched that game again.

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#4 Metroid_16
Member since 2004 • 254 Posts

I want to know why one game engine from a game, runs almost all the other games.

Like the Unreal 3 engine, all the next gen games are being run on that engine almost.

And I know it's hard to make a new game engine, but why are almost all the games run on the same engine ?


A lot of games are run on the same engine because of two principles - Time and Money

think about it - Unreal comes out with this great new engine, Unreal 3. it supports DX10, makes amazing looking games, and it already started with one big seller - Gears of War

so now you're with you're gaming company. You're smaller than the epic-ness of Epic (baha!) and you see this amazing new game with ungodly graphics running on a supreme engine. now, you have two choices. buy this engine and its rights for XXXX amount of dollars as a one time payment, and start making that oh-so-great game right now, or, you hire a bunch of people and pay them XXXX amount of dollars over XX months to develop this engine that MAY run as good as Unreal 3. But, it isnt proven to be as good, and although it may add uniqueness, you're paying people and losing time whilst you could just BUY this great engine

see the circumstances here? this is why most companies choose to buy an engine, in this case, Unreal 3. Big name companies developping killer sequels (Halo 3) or develloping new games that they hope will be good (Crysis) will use their own engine, because they have money, people, and time.

thus, a lot of killer games have their own engines. thats not to say bad games have their own engines either, or to say people with the Unreal 3 engine can't make good games, though

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#5 Metroid_16
Member since 2004 • 254 Posts

I learned that female zombies give a fatal blowjob,lol.I laughed so hard when they killed paul that way.MetalGearAce1

LOL I totally remembered that

you're so frustrated that you / you're escort dies but... its too funny

I also learned that it would be pwnage to be in a mall with zombies, but you need a sniper rifle. oh. and dont trust crazy mexicans.

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#6 Metroid_16
Member since 2004 • 254 Posts

wow.. there are a lot of games out there people like. Some of these I may end up buying because you guys are making them seem so good :P

KOTOR, I will admit, had a great story. one of the few Xbox RPGs I beat and than wanted to play again from the start. Oblivion... I couldnt really get into. The world was so 'free' that I always ended up doing other things, and I didnt like how the monsters levelled with you.

One game with a great story, I must say was... GRAW2. I simply loved the sotry for some reason. Vegas and the original GRAW were good too, but GRAW 2 stayed in my 360 until it was done, and than some.

best PC game though would have to be half life 2 or F.E.A.R.

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#7 Metroid_16
Member since 2004 • 254 Posts
oh.. I forgot Diablo II. that would be a very close second, such an amazing game.... great single player, plus great multiplayer, plus loads of replayability. Its kinda like Halo.... its not revolutionary, nothing tooo different, but for some reason, its just SO freaking amazing
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#8 Metroid_16
Member since 2004 • 254 Posts

well... really, theres a lot of things to be considered, here. Graphics, inovation, impact, value, fun....nes, and personal opinion.

you could say starcraft, because its 10 years old and still has a following. Super Mario for being one of the first big names. or even unreal tournament, if you really like fragfests.

but really... I might just have to say - Half Life 2.

sure, Half life 1 was the recolutionary FPS with a great story. but Half Life 2 did it again, this time with amazing physics, possibly the best weapon ever created, the Gravity Gun, and.... TONS of mods. The mods make it the best - you can find a mod for literally ANYTHING with Half Life 2. plus, Half Life 2 was the basis of CS : S, which was a pwnage mod.

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#9 Metroid_16
Member since 2004 • 254 Posts

you're running it at a good pace? hmm...

it might just be the scenery, people, and everything mish mashed together makes you a bit queasy compared to the recycled levels and similarity of CS source.

but it could also be you're screen refresh rate... or whatyever its called.

I know if my friend doesnt keep his up,he can actually see it refreshing (even when no one else can) and it bothers him.

try putting it up a bit, maybe?

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#10 Metroid_16
Member since 2004 • 254 Posts

Yet again, Im hoping for some help from my fellow gamespotters. this is the only good PC forums on the web :P

so anyways, here's my problem.

I just set up my old computer (2004 IBM ThinkCenter, I think. twas good enough to play most new games, but on low, with risk of lag.). Decent computer and such, bought a Netgear g/b/a card with it so I could get wireless internet.

now... its being stupid. it was in my room and the signal was fine, twas very good, downloading stuff like mad and getting a ping of under 30 in every game I had.

but than I put it in my sisters room, in her desk, and theres a problem. the signals good enough to FIND the router... connecting to it is a different story. it knows its there, but it just cant connect.

my router is not netgear, its a linksys, but Im still running the fastest it can go (not N, but the one below... cant remember, Im thinkin its g?) it workeed with my computer, but i cant get it running in my sisters room.

her room is actually closer to the router, basicaily20 feet in front of it, 2 stories up. I have all the latest firmware or whatever you want to call it for both the router and card (the router still works, dont worry, im not a COMPLETE noob) but it still wont connect. Im just lost.

can someone PLEASE try and help me out here? My mom is already angered at me as it is for reasons I could never comprehend, and I dont want her being moreso
