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#1 Metroid_16
Member since 2004 • 254 Posts

where are you from?

if you're american, no one's bashing you're country... read the stuff in my original post.

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#2 Metroid_16
Member since 2004 • 254 Posts

I feel horrible for the Aussie's and Europeans... like... you guys get TOTALLY screwed sometimes, with prcies and release dates.

man. why can't EVERYTHING be around the same price, and be realeased on the same day?

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#3 Metroid_16
Member since 2004 • 254 Posts

well, here's my problem. Im about... 300 kilometres too north. yes. kilometres.I Live in Canada. I love my country. and even though many people dont like the U.S.... I don't really have that big of a problem with them. one ploitical leader can't make the ENTIRE country bad.

but... there's still one problem. on itty, bitty problem that costs me about 10 dollars every time I go to my local Eb Games.

the loonie is at the highest its been in a while, almost 95 cents to every american dollar.

but why is it that I STILL have to pay 10 extra dollars for EVERY single game I get? and with consoles, its an extra 100!

I dont understand... shipping cant be THAT much of a problem, can it? Microsoft is in Washington and if a game needs to get to a place further south than ontario is north... they don't get charged extra. do they?and don't even say its trading, because we have NAFTA, and that would cancel out all other things. I can't seem to figure out where my 10 dollars is going.

so, that's my little rant... can anyone explain to me what's causing this? and does anyone else feel like they are getting shafted?

and sorry to everyone across the pond... must suck even more for you.

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#4 Metroid_16
Member since 2004 • 254 Posts

oh man, definitly agree with you.

any other store and its like well... if its not here, it doesnt exist.

like... are you high, or incredibly stupid?

Eb Games ( I live in Canada ) is amazing. the employees at the one near my house... so funny. they are like.. frieds to me :P even though they are a couple of years older. when no one's int he store, conversations go on about anything and everything and they always make me laugh.

oh man... great shop. sometimes they aren't, but its a good chain :)

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#5 Metroid_16
Member since 2004 • 254 Posts

so.. I had this GENIOUS idea -

instead of playing my PC games on this little 17inch moniitor I have... Why not play it on my HDTV in my basement? itd be cooler, and a lot bigger :D

so, my question is - is there anything I need to know about setting up my HDTV to my PC? I have an 8800GTS and i have a 2005 or 2006 Sony Bravia, if such information is required. I have VGA inputs, HDMI, basiically everything. I'd just like to know if there are some precatuions I should take or if tehres something I need to do to my PC before hooking up y TV to it. I would rather not screw up either :)

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#6 Metroid_16
Member since 2004 • 254 Posts

im telling you, Canada Computers man :P

as for between a 7600GS and a 1600XT....

id say 1600XT.

for no more of a reason than ATI is Canadian (woot!) and Nvidia can't do anti-aliasing and something else at the same time on their video cards. I have a 7300GS and because it can't do both at once it bogs down the system sometimes.

But even for laptops, check Canada Computer's premade ones. they could be good.

or why not get a preconfigured system? some of them are dirt cheap and could probably run BF2142. I've seen ones that can definitly run it well for under 1000 or even under 800

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#7 Metroid_16
Member since 2004 • 254 Posts


you can get an ATI x1650 Pro for $113.

plus shipping, that's only 120 plus tax.

there's a bunch of others there two, just search AGP and select AGP cards under category

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#8 Metroid_16
Member since 2004 • 254 Posts

I will tell you right now - I am Canadian as well.

And the most AMAZING place to get anything computer related is Canada Computers.

they have such amazing prices on just about everything.

I don't know if they have what your looking for.

but regardless, they have crazy prices on just about everything.

AND! (best part):

flat 6.99 shipping rate on anything in Canada.

that is, unless you live in the territories.

I advise you to check it out.

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#9 Metroid_16
Member since 2004 • 254 Posts

nothing's wrong with not liking Halo

I know a lot of people at my school don't, and I figured out the reason. MOST people I find that didn't like the Beta were the ones who started playing games (a lot) once Gears of War came out. these people don't like Halo, because they like the tactical action Gears or Vegas has - sneak behind walls, pop up, just miss getting sniped, and torque bow the mother****er.

THan there are people like me and my friends. we grew up liking games in the golden age of Counter strike and such. when Halo came out, we were all over it. We like the fast, run and gun stylings of CS, Halo, and other games like that. We like our no scope headshots, circlestrafing, jumping, and shotty-to-the-faces.

so all in all,. it mmight be that you're just a new breed of gamer.

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#10 Metroid_16
Member since 2004 • 254 Posts

Hello yet again members of Gamespot.

My current computer has a Pentium 4 3.2 GHz core (with hyperthreading)

and a 7300GS(BFG)

it also has 1gb of memory, over 300GB of storage and whatnot, but I don't really mind about that.

My question for you guys is - what's more restricting, my CPU or my GPU?

all my new games run super bad (1FPS on 3Dmark06 until it crashed)

so... is it my video card that's really putting me down, or is it my Pentium 4?