@cherrytsuru @Mevrick You don't need to make excuses for them mate. They're not the first company to make a comprehensive game, on which they worked tirelessly, and, like any commercial company, they have a marketing department that makes cold calculations about what to announce, when and how.
I'm not saying CDPR is a bad company or something like that. On the contrary, I still place them very high among gaming companies. But these kind of decisions greatly lower the value I place on a company.
@Coco_pierrot I don't think you're entirely correct. I think Blizzard planned those expansions ahead, the difference is that they started developing them only after the main game was completed and they got feedback from the community. Then they took a lot of those feedbacks and modified those in the expansions.
I remember seeing a leaked video on Youtube that showed an alpha version of the ending cinematic for Heart of The Swarm and it was about half a year before Wings of Liberty was released. That just goes to show that the story elements for the expansions were in development a long time ago.
The thing I dislike the most is when dlc is announced before the main game is even out yet (or shortly after). No matter how much the developer claims otherwise, it just seems like content has been cut out of the game and put into the dlc.
It also ruins the excitement for the dlc. If I played a game that I enjoyed for a year or so and then the publisher announces an expansion/dlc then it's very exciting news and something you're looking forward too. On the other hand, if you announce all of those things before the game is even published then that feeling is greatly diminished.
I enjoyed The Witcher 2 a lot and I pre-ordered The Witcher 3 months ago (And I very rarely pre-order games). I liked CDPR as a company as well, however their decision to announce and sell their expansions before the game is out just took the wind out of my sails. I will probably still buy those eventually, but I can't help but feel it was a poor choice.
Speaking of exoskeletons, there's the Rewalk. It's an exoskeleton that allows people crippled from the waist down to walk on their legs, very impressive.
Mevrick's comments