2) The Wii U's name was (and still is) confusing consumers.
3) Normally I'm jazzed about a new GTA game. But this time around, I think I'm finally getting burnt out on it.
4) I agree with Reggie about the Wii U's controller. It offers far more possibilities than the other two do. But will any of that potential ever be realized?
"The issue is the lack of a steady rate of software launches to motivate the consumer to drive buzz and engagement and to highlight the wide variety of uses of the GamePad. That's the issue."
You're right about that Reggie. BUT, the name is an issue too. I've seen the confusion around the name first hand and even engaged with those who've mistaken the Wii U for a Wii peripheral.
Another thing that's an issue is the console's box art. There is literally no features shown or explained on the Wii U's box. I've seen people look at a Wii U on a store shelf and ask, "does this have Netflix? I don't see Netflix on it. I see the Playstation has Netflix on the box. Should I get that?"
You can't ignore these things. While they may seem small or trivial, they're not. They are huge factors in the eyes of a consumer who doesn't follow the happenings of our beloved industry as closely as we do. Not everyone gets their info from the internet. Some people get it right off that last line of defense: The Box. And yours emphasizes two things: the "Wii" name and a picture of the controller with the Wii U console behind it (and keep in mind that the Wii U has a very striking resemblance to the original Wii).
I'll just say that I'm happy with my Wii U basic model for it's color. That's right, I said it's COLOR. I purposely passed up the deluxe model on launch day because I thought the white one looked loads better than the black one. The bickering over hard drive space is just silly. I bought a 1 TB USB Hard Drive for $69 and never looked back. I have 25 games to date, 33 if you count virtual games. Of all the games I own, only 6 are on disc. I'm never going to understand why everyone makes such a big deal about the storage when the problem is VERY EASY to solve. Both models can be connected to two 2TB USB hard drives simultaneously for a grand total of 4 TB of storage!! And data can be swapped between each drive. What more could you want?
Anyhow, it kinda makes me sad to see the white model being phased out. But at the same time, I'm glad that I got one. Because those of us who own one not only have the coolest looking color now, but it's our little piece of collectable history to show that we were here in the beginning supporting a very good system that has a very undeserving bad rap.
@JLCrogue @Micropixel I'm the same way. I download most of my games. So for me, it's kind of important.
Although it may not be the most popular solution, I picked up a USB Hard Drive for my Wii U (it was only $69 for a 1 TB) and it's worked out fine for me. 1 TB is way more than I'll probably ever need for the console, but it was only $69.
Anyway, from your perspective, I can totally see your complaint. But I doubt that most of the people here are like you and I on this. Unless they're going to actually USE more hard drive space, it shouldn't be a big deal.
@JLCrogue Well which do you prefer? Digital copies? Or physical discs? Because most people have made it clear that they want physical discs over digital media (just ask Microsoft).
And if that's the case, what are you planning to use extra hard drive space for?
@vault-boy @Micropixel I disagree. I have friends and co-workers ready to buy the system just for Zelda before this price cut was even announced. I guess we're just going to have to wait and see, eh?
Wow, I really didn't think Nintendo would do it, but they have. They're going to take the plunge and drop the price. Good job!
I see the haters are calling for a bigger price cut? Not gonna happen guys. It's gonna sell at this price. Especially with that Wind Waker Edition. That thing will be GONE day one.
And I guess my white Wii U is now a collector's item since they are phasing that model out.
Micropixel's comments