In case there is any confusion, this looks to be a seqeul or spinoff of the game 'Primal Carnage' currently on Steam. It's a team based multiplayer game a la humans vs. dinos. Kind of fun, but gets old fast IMO.
I would love a Primal Rage sequel, one of my fav games of the 90s by far.
Eddie, once again a pointless article I see. There's two things you and Picthfuck have in common, utter incompetence and you both need to be fired asap. Eh? Sounds more exciting to me than hearing about your thoughts on this dolt's "excitement" for the PS4.
@Wej_accept_it yeah... because GTA 5 doesn't have anything even borderline ridiculous in it and JC doesn't have a "3" yet, but also doesn't have anything crazy in it.... derp.
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