@TheJessMan I hope it doesn't come to that either, from yesterday's footage I heard Connor saying you need Gold membership to receive the episodic content. Makes sense if you're playing online I suppose, I'm really just glad they are showing what episodic content should be. I'm looking at you Valve...
As Kevin has said, most the things Jon talks about aren't very compelling. To also have the combat compared to Skyrim's is disappointing, if not a huge let down. Without rehashing what Kevin or others have stated, Bethesda has a franchise to protect and I don't think they'd let this MMO drown it.
We will just have to wait and see. I'm hoping this holds true to Elder Scrolls lore and actually delivers combat, and by that I mean nothing like the Elder Scrolls.
Thanks for this story Laura, as a huge Halo fan myself this sounds interesting. I love the new approach with 343, since I fell in love with Halo's story and play for that content. Episodic content seems promising, especially since it will be delivered weekly. That being said I'm glad they are sticking to what makes Halo so amazing and can't wait for future updates.
What I loved about the stage demo was how it showed off the world at a slower pace, building up to each thing Aidan would do; from hacking to then the way he killed his target. This app sounds really cool, looking forward to hearing more about this title.
Thank you for the amazing review Kevin, once again your passion for such a great game shines. I must get this game when I get the chance. The demo alone was such a tease.
MidnightMeteor's comments