Blizzard, making the semi-better version for PS instead of fixing the PC version by removing RMAH and online only. Damn you, tis a shame I didn't wait this long.... let Blizz retain master trollin' rights as always.
Only game franchise I liked from Kojima. Never got the HD versions, though I wanted too as I love the series. Think I'll stick to the originals for the time being.
Could care less about Kojima and is MGS following. No respect and hope the series dies.
This is just sad... the potential for a great Star Trek game stripped down to be a TPS shooter no less. I blame the movie tie-in on only the reason that it would make DE push the game out faster and not do as much detail as otherwise. Still... ugggh.
At least there's always Chronicles of Riddick": Esccape from Butcher Bay. One of the best move tie-ins I've ever played, and it had more than just shooting sections. Go figure.
@Thumbler76 @bustalyme @diskotheque I concur. I stopped playing it back when it first came out and just haven't gone back. I will eventually, but there's just so many other great games around now.
So wait... "next gen" of CoD is going to be on current gen? At least for the console gamers... Activision should hire Eddie, I think they belong together.
A game with trailers that make you think it would be on par with The Walking Dead in terms of character building... then you see the game in action and go... WTF?!
MidnightMeteor's comments