@jcrame10: Because free games every month. Batman Arkham knight and Darksiders 3 this month and last month sniper elite 4 and wipe out omega collection. Plus the money improves their servers. Those are reasons enough for plus.
As for 1st party games without multiplayer, good. Unless it's a strictly multiplayer game or a genre that usually has it, it's not needed. A game like Killzone, Resistance, MLB Gran Turismo or Socom without multiplayer I would be right there with you. A game like Uncharted, infamous , GOW, Tlou without it, ehh, not bothered. That means it better have a longer single player.
Plus Why should Sony be competing with 3rd party for that. 3rd party games got that covered. They don't need to compete with battlefield, cod, or those crappy kid/hipster infested f2p games like fortnite. Sony is cornering a market that isn't being served by MS. Their devs do this better than most and they are pushing that as a selling feature to hard core gamers, like myself.
My only complaint lately with them is their censorship bs , and I feel that comes from moving to authoritarian-sjw west coast instead of sticking headquarters in Traditional Japan.
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