300 MHz Power Processor
Voodoo 2 graphics
Floppy disk drive
Calling it now
Can't wait to play Quake 2 on that beast!!! It won't run Quake 3 or UT99 though, at least not the outside levels, which will chug at a 5 frames per second.
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300 MHz Power Processor
Voodoo 2 graphics
Floppy disk drive
Calling it now
Can't wait to play Quake 2 on that beast!!! It won't run Quake 3 or UT99 though, at least not the outside levels, which will chug at a 5 frames per second.
@SolidGame_basic: Personal 3 Fes was my first, followed up by Persona 1 psp remake, and then Persona 2 Innocent sin PSP remake. I never got around to playing the original Ps1 Persona 2: eternal punishment. Wish I had the time to do so, maybe when I am old and retired.
After that I got the P3P remake on PSP (PSP was a gold mine of good jrpgs). Then got and played Persona 4 Golden (I owned the ps2 game but never got around to playing that version).
I also own Persona 5, I started it, but only played a little as I was working on a number of other games at the time. Never got back to it. One of these days.
Persona got me into SMT, which I bought and own Nocturne and got the collectors edition of Devil Summoner 2, both PS2 games. I also own strange journey on DS (great game), Devil survivor on ds, and SMT4 (first version) on 3DS.
Going to say 85 for GS, but I think it will be better than that personally. I have loved Bend's games though. I loved syphon filter ps1 and even more so the psp games. Resistance Retribution on PSP was amazing and probably the best fps on that platform. If only they would of done a sequel on vita. Uncharted Golden was great too.
I bet that when it scores well lems and floyd will cry.
Personally, I might be a little interested but I can't play this in front of my kids, so it's a no buy.
Why can't you play when your kids are asleep? That's what I used to do. Now they are teens and its all good, my son shares in the same type of games, my daughter was into the sims, and cooking sims, now she doesn't play games and would rather listen to musicals and watches Netflix.... Oh and of course spend some time with the wife too, and then go back to gaming.
All the previews are very "meh" its not the hit EA/Bioware were hoping for the traditional bioware fan base is not impressed as well not sure who is going to buy this game
people that like MP co-op games.
alot of people.
Maybe its just my age, I just turned 40 and dont' have the time for this. Also I grew up playing single player and then multiplayer but in competietive and some mmo. I don't like this style game. If I am going to play this style game I don't want to have to rely on random people to get past a boss or dungeon. I loved borderlands 2 because the artsyle story and classes were great. There was no microtransactions and you could beat the game solo. I belive it ramped up based on number of players. It basically played like dialblo in shooter format. For that I am all for. Destiny style with everyone getting the same kind of meh loot that's only a fraction of a difference in stats as "can't mess up mp economy", nah I'll pass.
I don't want to play a MP game with a shallow story and characters. I don't want to play a game that's sold as a service. I don't want to play a game that doesn't respect my time. I don't want to play a game where everything has to be balanced in such a way that it's 'fair' for the MMO experience.
EA is not going to stop me from buying a game that I think I will enjoy. HOWEVER, this game was clearly built to EA's specifications - specifications that don't really interest me, good combat or not.
Too bad it's not single player.
Couldn't of said it better myself. Going to get metro and re2 remake instead on ps4. Oh and all the switch games that just got announced on the direct.
As with most games, basically no difference unless you're carrying around a microscope.
This. They all looked the same to me. Although, I am now hyped for the game. I will either get it for my ps4 or 1060gtx.
I never liked this Shawn Layden character. Something about his whole energy just seemed off every time he was on stage or spoke about games.
His whole energy bout gaming seems fake. I hope they replace this clown with someone who actually cares about gaming before he does irreversible damage to the playstation brand.
I miss Kaz.
Same here, actually I miss having Jack Trenton mic dropping. Him Yoshida, Kaz and Adam Boyes nailed the ps4 launch.
You realize this design is also pandering, right? Just to horny teenagers. Horny Teenagers aren't really the baseline for gamers anymore.
Don't you know that pandering is only when companies cater to groups that you don't associate with. :)
I am 40 years old and married try again. Its' just you millennials don't like the female form or something. I don't get it. It seems to me a number of people got brainwashed.
If they want less sales, so be it.
Get Woke, Go Broke.
This, so much this. As someone who has been playing games since the 80s, I don't like the ideology that has crept in to some game devs. Mk was about pushing boundaries and making a brutal game in the spirit of heavy metal/rock and roll.... but millennials didn't' carry the torch and dropped it somewhere after 2013, hence we have the creep of a cult called intersectionality that poisons everything it touches. You see this in movies and mainstream media now too. Waiting for people to stand up and push back.
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