@FireEmblem_Man: Well, my wife contributed to the switch numbers by buying me one for my Birthday in Dec. I love it, playing Zelda, and Mario, but even more than that I love being able to play Dark Souls, Skyrim, Doom, LA Noire, Prison Architect, and a ton of indie games on portable. The fact that I can play dark souls on the toilet is amazing....lol
Midnightshade29's forum posts
@Sushiglutton: Nothing wrong with red dead2, not everything has to be something new. It was engaging and maybe just not for you. I am sure the other 15 million people who bought, it at least 90% loved the game. Also not everything needs to be super fast paced, or over the top action every second. For an RPG and open world guy who likes exploring RDR2 was amazing. Rockstar has their own style, and they are good at it.
@Shmiity: Loved it. Of course, I am all into this style of rpg. Also was big into vampire the masquerade bloodlines. Vampyr one of those games that didn't get hype from the mainstream. Other rpgs that got panned but I thought were amazing were Kingdom Come Deliverance, Alpha Protocol (last gen) and the Technomancer. There was faults and quirks sure, but like gothic 1 and 2 were unique and engaging. Vampyr had all those traits too.
AC: Odyssey (PS4) $30 Gamestop)
Soul Calibur VI ($30 Best Buy)
Just got a switch from my wife for my birthday in December, with Mario Odyssey (she bought us jeopardy and wheel of fortune lol, at least she will game with me on those).
And she got me Dark Souls remastered on switch (loving it!!!)
I bought since the 11th:
Zelda BOW ($40 gamestop pre-owned).
Hollow Knight (eshop $10)
Prison Architect ($25 eshop)
Civ 6 (eshop $44, own on pc but love this portable version!)
Resident evil revelations 2 (13 eshop my 2nd copy as have on vita)
Skyrim (eshop $40 couldn't resist having this on the go, I own it on PC, PS3, PS4 and now switch /facepalm )
World Conqueror X (eshop $5)
LA Noire (switch gamestop $15)
Titan Quest (eshop $20 )
Unexplored ($10 eshop)
Immortal Redneck ($10 eshop)
Lumines Remastered ($10 eshop)
Bouncy Bob (1 cent eshop)
Oh what is really cool abut the switch is the reward points for buying digital. All the stores need this. I didn't pay 2 games due to this. Really cool, they just need to update with ratings and playtime like 3ds has.
Waiting on sale for Octopath traveler, Valk4 on switch (own on ps4), Disgaea 1 and 5, Doom (own on ps4), Ys 8 lacramona of my ex Dana (why this game doesn't go down in price its 2 years old.
Can't wait for some Fire Emblem and Tales of Vesperia oh and would love some Advanced wars but Nintendo doesn't want my money that bad.
Konami could do some Castlevania while we are at it.
REally hate the high cost of new Switch games, portable is supposed to be cheaper, also those joycons at $70-80(80 at gamestop wtf!!!!!%$%@) will these ever drop in price, I want a 2nd controller.
The first one still had the truly awful real time with pause combat that was popular like 500 years ago but things have moved on. The second one has the same they learned literally nothing from the first. Worse, they listened to a load of beardy nerds on their forum who persuaded them to make their combat meaningless so they could role play the whole game without worrying about combat.
Clowns. Both them and their idiotic 'fans'. They should have gone turn based or just plain real time anything but that crap. Small surprise their target audience is so limited.
Now they have Phil Spencer to point them in the right direction. LMFAO! That's the end of that then!
Wait the combat for the 2nd game is meaningless? Please elaborate? For non gamers, or walking simulator san Francisco living silicon valley types? Please tell me you are just talking about infinity engine pause and play combat, which I am fine with but turn based would be better.
@SolidGame_basic: Looks awesome, will support for dub, wish the yakuza games were dubbed. Hell they could of put English vo in Yakuza kawami just use the old voice work but didn't, at least give us that option. I can't stand having to read when I am trying to immerse myself in the visuals. It just doesn't work well.
I'm definitely a bit perplexed by these scores - the game has a lot more content and substance right now than something like Sea of Thieves or No Mans Sky which got not great but at least mediocre reviews.
I guess this is just a case of being lucky (and historically unlucky), but I've experienced relatively few technical issues and bugs with 76 compared with FO4 and Skyrim.
in some ways, I don't think this is a bad thing since it'll force Bethesda to up their game in terms of sloppiness and polish in the future. I kinda feel like this reckoning should have happened with Fallout 4 since that game was just as much of a mess as 76.
I do suspect a lot of people who enjoyed Bethesda's previous games will be depriving themselves of a game they would probably enjoy quite a bit if they gave it a real chance
Nope. Never interested in playing with assholes online. I want single player fallout. I don't want a Rust or Arc clone in fallout backdrop. Making this multiplayer and not an rpg was an instant no buy from me. They should of just made fallout 5. I also take it as a way to cash in on microtransactions and "Games as a service" two things that are the plague and need to die.
Sad to see where the West is on alot of issues. Aside from this, transgender is still being ostracized, gays are still being discriminated and we still have to deal with racism. We're too far behind.
Then when we decide to focus on an issue, we go after the crap that doesn't matter. None of this censorship has any effect on pedophilia which is still a big issue. And it doesn't even remove sex from Western games. It solves nothing and it protects absolutely no one.
So you want to remove that from western games? how about none of that. How about let people live their lives if they aren't hurting anyone or causing abuse to kids. I don't know, maybe it's my libertarian mindset that censorship is bad. I can't stand when I see websites or social media do it and its even worse when a game maker does it. These are fiction rated m. The cult of Anita and feminists started this nonsense. They use tragedy or a joke as a means to censor, like the commies they are. Something tells me the censorship is coming from Sony America's new California headquarters. And cali has changed a lot, for the worse, in the past few years.
Unfortunately due to the likes of Resetera, Polygon, Kotaku and other outrage outlets, Japanese Publishers now views the Western consumer as " abit of a pussy".
Thankfully Valve ignored the attempts a peer pressure by bias media and went with a "anything goes as long as you're not bullshitting us", attitude. Which is probably the most progressive attitude for the medium, as porn will become more and more prevalent as time goes on. Regardless of what some pink haired freak cries about on twitter.
Yep you can blame the "NPC's" in their pussy hats along with the Anita cult over at reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesetera for this crap. The kotakus, waypoint and all that sjw garbage, with their "ban everything men like" bullshit.
Just look how they railed and whined and reee'ed over Sydney from FF15 or Quiet from MGS5. How dare straight men like large breast. Look at all the ultra politically correct crap on colleges and some media. Remember IGN used to have babe of the week. That wouldn't fly with the pearl clutching people of today. I still don't know what the hell happened.
@brah4ever: You are right. I just bought an nvidia 1060gtx after my amd 7870 died. I wasn't in the market for a video card, but this card a mid range card makes all my old games maxed, nothing I have really pushes it at 1080p (have a 24" 1080p monitor).
I remember buying a voodoo 5 for unreal tornament and quake 2/3, theif, tomb raider etc.. A GeForce 3 for morrowind, kotor and neverwinter nights, vampire the masquerade, half-life 2, farcry, nolf, etc.. A GeForce 6800gt for Oblivion, a 8800gts for the witcher, neverwinter nights 2, stalker and crisis. Then a 9800gt when that died. The 7870 got me to ps4 level. Now with the 1060gtx the benchmarking was fun for a few days but there is no exclusives really that showcase that gen of cards.
Where is the new stalker games (dev is dead). Where is a new Quake, or a new Crysis graphics powerhouse. It seems that most games on pc these days are indies, or multiplayer free to play crap like fortnight or some other millennial trend game, or games I like on pc that don't even require high end graphics (roguelikes and strategy games).
I have been saying this for years though. I remember when pc pushed exclusives like Crysis, Stalker, Gothic, the witcher, Doom 3, neverwinter nights, etc.. that aren't mmos or free to play schemes.
For controller games, I play on ps4, because my tv is huge and games like RDR2, GOW etc, aren't' on pc.
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