Midnightshade29's forum posts

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#1 Midnightshade29
Member since 2008 • 6003 Posts

@SolidGame_basic: 90% single player 10% multiplayer but the mp has to be a game that is short bursts like CoD as I have wife, kids and a dog who don't let me game for long without pausing...which mp doesn't allow.

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#2 Midnightshade29
Member since 2008 • 6003 Posts

@davillain-: At least when Sony had bad sales on PS3 they released tons of exclusives which brought in the sales.

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#3 Midnightshade29
Member since 2008 • 6003 Posts

@CTR360 said:

I am dissapoing telltale dont make game of thrones season 2 and tales of bordelands season 2 and the walkind dead series going worst too bad

Yep this. Both Tales of borderlands and Game of thrones were amazing. Walking dead, I love, but after season 2, I had enough with that storyline.

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#4 Midnightshade29
Member since 2008 • 6003 Posts

@texasgoldrush: Life Is Strange? That game my 14 year old daughter likes, that I personally can't stand(the little I seen her play it from episode 1, it was free on psplus). Seems like a teen focused cringe fest. You mentioned two devs that both made life is strange. And you quote that as the saving grace of the genre. Where is the other ips?

I loved telltale walking dead, but they needed to make a new story, I think people, at least I got burn out with the Clementine storyline. They should of made a new location, a twist, hire some better writers. Who knows, I never bought the last 2 walking dead games. Tales of the borderlands and Game of thrones were great though.

Bottom line there is more than enough room for Telltale and other devs. They can keep making good varied games and your two devs can keep making tumblr melodramas.

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#5 Midnightshade29
Member since 2008 • 6003 Posts

@jun_aka_pekto said:

Not me. I spend less time sleeping because of gaming.

Haha.. So true. Me too! Still putting in 10 hour work days though, plus weekly ot.

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#6 Midnightshade29
Member since 2008 • 6003 Posts

@DocSanchez: Glad to hear your opinion, don't let the apologist- authoritarians silence your speech.. If you wanted that there is a forum called neogaf that will ban you for having a contrary opinion. Which honestly, makes this forum a blast. You can have an opinion without getting dog-piled or banned.

Personally I haven't played the game, and wont. I loved the first ME game, but after me2 took out the rpg, and after dragon age 2 did the same.. (although I liked the story from me2, I own 3, but never played it). Yeah I have sworn off bioware. I tried to give them a second chance with DA:I, and it was the wrong decision. The game was like a mmo, not a rpg ala da:o.

The writing was on the wall when the founders left to make beer, and the studio got taken over by sjws. The same thing happened with Beamdog and the baldurs gate expansion. They let a cringy feminist write the script and the game was full of 4th wall breaking bull crap of putting stupid present day extreme fringe social issues in a medieval setting. I am sure me:a is full of that too from what I have seen. As for "they are explorers", so were star trek ship crews, but they weren't all cringy teen like characters, they were professionals like in the original me trilogy.

Sjws don't do good writing because writing good plots is "patriarchy and misogynist"...lada lada lada... at least according to buzzfeed and sarkesian. lol.

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#7 Midnightshade29
Member since 2008 • 6003 Posts

@ConanTheStoner said:

I wonder how many cows on this board even bought Nioh. Most of the dudes on this board I was discussing it with aren't even PS fanboys lol.

Silversix is probably the biggest Nioh fan on this board, but he's a closet hermit anyways. What about the rest of them though?

I haven't bought any ps4 games since 2016... not because I don't want to, but because I am broke. The only games I bought this year were cheap games on gog and steam for $5-10. Its what happens when you have a family and someone gets surgery and is out work for a month. 1 income with multiple kids and there isn't any left for buying games :(

I will get nioh on price drop eventually ( and Re7, gravity rush2, and maybe horizon)

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#8 Midnightshade29
Member since 2008 • 6003 Posts

@Legend002: This... Even if you have a 4k tv, money is tight at the holidays. I find it surprising that so many people on here think everyone has disposable income. Maybe if your young living rent free in your parents house, but adults have kids and wives, and extremely expensive utility, credit payments, and mortgages , not to mention food and paying for gifts for family and friends. A 4k tv or a ps4 pro is the last thing I would consider buying (that would go for an expensive xbox too, if the scropio was on the market now). 1080p is fine for 95% of people, except the super well off, or the people who have broken tvs.

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#9 Midnightshade29
Member since 2008 • 6003 Posts

PC - well over 600+ games, since 1986

Well over 150 PS4 games (including Download and PSN games)

PS3 - 150+
PS2 - 30 games
PS1 - 60 games
PSVita / PSP - 300+ games
3DS/DS - 120+ games

Legacy systems - from Atari 2600, NES, TG16, Genesis, and on up.... to many to count...

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#10 Midnightshade29
Member since 2008 • 6003 Posts

@GarGx1 said:
@Coolyfett said:
@robokill said:

Racism, like cop violence, is misconstrued and massively overestated.

You sound comfy and white

Racism goes in all directions

Yep... Unless you go by gender/racial/marxist studies bullcrap Orwellian definitions that puts everybody in collectivist categories and generalizes everyone as a monolith. (their definition - Racism = power + privilege, which is basically there way of saying everyone with white skin tone is a racist just because there are more of them).

The real definition is "prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior."

Every one is an individual and responsible for their own actions. You don't blame a group of people for the actions of one or a few...it's bullshit!

And guess what, Oppression doesn't exist in America... it hasn't for quite a few decades now. You need to go to the middle east, North Korea, Venezuela, Cuba, you know hard core socialist /communist countries where the government elite rule over everyone and even tell them where to work, gives them tin shacks to live in, and supplies everything for them in minuscule quantities the same in poverty... Equality for the masses... no $1000+ pc setup there.

Wish people would stop thinking in collectivist mindset. We are not monolithic groups, that's divide and conquer right there.