Stop the presses , hell is freezing over, I think we found something most lemmings, hermits, cows and sheep can all agree on and unite with (ok there is the 20% outlier) but most hate the thought of an always online streaming solution taking over gaming.
Midnightshade29's forum posts
Nope. I don't want to gaming to be run by a monopolistic company named Alphabet. I don't want games to suddlenly vanish because people stopped playing. I don't want to have to have an always online connection.
I play when there is no internet. I prefer single player and prefer physical for larger games when available and digital for smaller indie single player games.
I detest microtransactions, F2play (POE /Gems of war excluded) and would play a linear fps, open world fps/action/adventure, stealth game, tactical shooter, western RPG, JRPG or old school RPG over anything multiplayer or online only.
So no, I will keep my PS4, Switch and PC for current gen and maybe a ps5 next gen but Stadia(or whatever the hell it's called) will not get an ounce of love from me.
@xantufrog: I'm impressed to see someone here finally saying this and realizing that gaming is not restricted anymore to men.
So women can't like to pretend to be a good looking sexy character? They can only pretend to be sexy men. Because muscle bound sexy shirtless men are not being censored. Only the women... but what do I know, I am just a straight male who loves some good looking broads and art styles the likes of Red Sonia and 80s Fantasy covers, but I guess people are too offended for others to allow it. Jeesh. Oh and there is nothing wrong with beautiful women. When I play games I don't want to see regular looking people (that includes dudes too) I don't want them looking like me). There is a reason it is fantasy and fiction.
lmfao imagine being a grown ass man(I hope y'all are grown) and getting butthurt because a game where you kill each other in gruesome ways doesn't have enough digital cartoons with thongs. ?????
Y'all some sad sexless cucks. ??♂️??♂️??♂️??♂️
The only cuck is the people like you who are for censorship, and don't like attractive looking people. Sorry if you feel offended and can't take seeing beautiful people. Let me guess the fat sport illustrated models are more your style too? Do you want them all covered in burkas? I figured reeeeeeeeereeeeesetera was the only place people would support censorship, jeesh.
Im 40 btw, have two kids and have had plenty of sex in my lifetime. Doesn't mean I stopped liking to look at beautiful babes. A man who is against that must of been indoctrinated millennial. Your attitude wouldn't jive a decade ago. Virtue signaling won't get you
The whole idea was just to attract attention, anyway. And frankly, I think Mortal Kombat is a good enough game without the skimpy outfits. Either way the violence is most important part and that remains untouched. Outfits don't change anything. And tbh, it's fun to see anti-sjws get riled up over the smallest changes.
Yeah, good luck cosying up to SJWs with an avatar from that series.
That was my first thought as well. He is going to not be able to play games like neptunia pretty soon thanks to the people he likes and agrees with, the censors. Yet here we are. I just don't get it. 10 years ago this kinda of crap wouldn't even be a thing. It crept its way into media, video games, academia, and politics.
I am just glad there are people here that don't like mk being changed like it has to pander. A few years ago, I would disagree and call foul on "saint" Anita Sarkesian and her ilk and people would act like I was the problem. I remember being banned, silenced and kicked off certain gaming websites for expressing my belive that she was selling a cult-like secular religion. It felt like it as I got labeled a heretic for not agreeing. So so glad system wars hasn't fallen astray. Intersectionality is pure cancer and poison. I wish more gaming companies would hold their ground, like ID and Warhorse have done. It seems like Eastern Europe and Japanese devs aren't infected but Sony has been since they moved their headquarters to Cali - sjw central. Hence the censorship of DMC ass cracks and whole segments of games that were intact on the vita, but now get removed when ported to ps4.
I skipped MK11 out of principle. The only mk game I never owned. I love MK but will not support this or the lootbox crap as well. I picked up SF5 and Soul Calibur VI instead. Glad I did. I hated SF4, but SF5 is a breath of fresh air ( I sucked at 4, 5 I can at least hold my own).
Video games and GTA never had a relationship as far as I'm concerned....
It was just an early version of those things on the internet now we where it's like a flash game and you just torture a mannequin or something just not approproiate as far as I'm concerened.
It was ap part of an era when that was normalized in kind of ho oh you know this is sorta HOllywood/Italian something or other..
And it's like well, no, no, it's not, and all this sucked so no more.
What are you trying to say? Don't tell me you find GTA "problematic" (uggh hate that term). Anyway gta is an exaggerated take on urban street life and it has some basis in reality, just ramped up. Sure there is Hollywood influence but guess what that stuff comes from real life (or at least used to before people got too sensitive over outraged). People like games to do things they would never do in real life. It's a fantasy. I don't want games to represent the real world 100% that would be boring. There is nothing wrong with GTA. You can not like the game but, that doesn't mean its bad. They are fun games.
@ghosts4ever: Hell no. Keep your machine games away from any of the old franchises. And I don't want "woke" Quake. Let ID do it. They are doing right by Doom and keeping it real. Also it's IDs baby. What would be cool is getting Carmack, Ramero, American McGee and the rest of the crew to reunite and make a remake or hell a new Quake game.
@boxrekt2: makes sense, its the best racing sim on the market this gen, worth 60 bucks, has tons of replay value.
Imo days gone and crackdown 3 are not.
This really does showcase something tho, ps4 exclusives seem to only sell well right after release. After people beat them, they kinda just sit on the shelf. Many of thier exclusives have no replay value.
Look at Nintendo... 2 Wii u ports... are still charting while games like horizon, uncharted 4, bloodbourne, and spiderman are back on the shelf...
days gone just came out and because sony has had a drought in exclusives since spiderman released it seems to have done well tho.
Wii u ports. 99% of gamers didn't own a wii u. Of course they are going to sell now that people own a Nintendo console to play them. Hell I will buy hyrule warriors (if the damn game ever gets a price drop) and that is a wii u port. My problem with Nintendo 1st party is that prices never drop. They are greedy. There is no reason a game like Hyrule warriors should be $60. Its old. If that game was on ps4 it would be $20 new by now. Dont' even get me started on switch game prices being $10-20 more than other consoles for a lesser quality game. I only buy them on sale. Luckily 3rd party still drops in price on switch, wish I could say the same for Nintendo 1st party. I just won't buy unless it's a must buy (mainline Mario/Zelda, Metriod/Fire Emblem only).
@vaidream45: is this out on the switch? I am moving and my vita and 3ds are all packed up. i don't want this game on ps4, and would love it on switch.
Played like, 30 minutes of Wildlands with Howmakewood, was roughly 40 minutes too much.
its far cry in third person.
This on other hand is the real Ghost recon game. intelligent game design for men.
not third person far cry/just cause hybrid they call it ghost recon.
I think I am going to go back and revisit older GR games, thanks I needed this video from the glory days, before casualization, games as a service, always online, and microtransactions took hold.
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