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#1 Midnightshade29
Member since 2008 • 6003 Posts

@hrt_rulz01 said:
@LordCrash88 said:
@hrt_rulz01 said:
@LordCrash88 said:

EA's markting did a good job, obviously... ;)

Taking complexity and depth out of systems is ALWAYS dumbing it down, no matter how you call it. You can like a simplification of systems, you can like a game that offers less options, depth and systems, but it's still a dumbed down system. That's just what it is and there is nothing to agree or disagree upon. Whether you like the changes or not is a whole different question, a question you can actually disagree upon.

Had nothing to do with marketing... it's just how I felt after playing them.

And I still disagree with the term "dumbing down". Just because a game simplifies & fine tunes it's systems, doesn't mean it's "dumb"... that makes it sound like a bad thing, which in this case it certainly isn't (you disagree obviously). But it's not a categorical thing like you're suggesting.

But hey, it doesn't look like we'll ever agree here.. :)

Dumbing down indeed means simplification (but yes, RPG fans often use the term in order to also state their disgust for such practices). If your prefer the term simplification you can use that one. ;)

But no, the systems in ME2/3 are not "fine-tuned". That's just not true. They are truly simplified which means they are changed in a way that is less complex, less deep and offers less options. Almost all RPG and gameplay systems were changed in order to reduce complexity, to raise the action rate and to increase the accessibility.

I'm not denying that they simplified the systems in ME2/3, but you make it sound like it's a bad thing. I totally disagree... I think they made it better overall.

Look at a lot of examples in life... simpler usually means better.

This is the problem. Most "RPG" fans prefer deep systems over simplification. They just take that out of all games now (at least we have the throwbacks like wasteland 2, divinity, and poe, but nothing big budget like in the past).

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#2 Midnightshade29
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Vampire the masquarede: bloodlines... Planescape Torment, Baldur's Gate 1 & 2, Arcanum , Neverwinter nights 2, old gold box AD&D games (if you remember the 80s) etc... All story based, party based CRPGS

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#3  Edited By Midnightshade29
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@GarGx1 said:

The people at Polygon will always try to push a political agenda into everything, this noisy fringe minority should be treated with nothing but contempt and summarily dismissed and ignored.

My advice would be to never link their website and never post or regurgitate any of their poorly masked bile and intolerance of others who do not blindly follow their rhetoric.

AGREED 1000x over!

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#4  Edited By Midnightshade29
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@Cloud_imperium said:
@mjorh said:

Tbh, i feel like they're trying too hard to be different. Hell they even imply that there's no gameplay ..

After all, yeah it's their opinion.

They gave GOTY back in 2013 to Gone Home. We both know why Her Story won their GOTY because fvck good gameplay and level design right? If it was an award from a website with good track record, I would've taken it seriously.

"Social justice" ...ie marxism uggh.... that is what polygon is all about.... cultist ideology runs that site. (hell half of them hate games.. there was a rockband 4 review where they whined about having to play the game and about some bullcrap instead of reviewing the game).

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#5 Midnightshade29
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@Salt_The_Fries: It stopped happening after vista came out and killed sound blaster hardware acceleration from working. Now no one has EAX or anything like that. Devs feel throughing souround sound is enough... yet it's not. I remember thief, tr2, solder of fortune 2, clive barkers undying , vampire the masquerade bloodlines, battlefield vietnam etc... all had extra effects, eax, and reall 3d hardware positioning. Hell I remember my sound blaster live card from 2000 that actually boosted my voodoo and p3 in fps for games and opened up a whole new world back then...

Bottom line MS vista killed sound blaster which killed dedicated sound cards. No more sound blaster = no more deals with devs to make good ambient 3d audio == :(

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#6 Midnightshade29
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@charizard1605 said:
@Shewgenja said:

Are we literally dumping on VR for any reason now?

Can I start a thread about Virtual Reality starting with a 'V' so it is doomed?

No, we are starting a thread on new news, the same as it has always been.

All of which aside, I'm not even sure how this thread is 'dumping' on VR, especially since its focus seems to be the PS4's specs mandating an external processor. Stop being so sensitive.

why , you sound like the sensationalist agenda driven narrative mainstream news that the usa has been full of for that past 15+ years.... in other words making shit up because you want to bash something. We get it you don't like the ps4.... it runs great, who cares if it needs an extra processor for vr.... whoopti do...

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#7 Midnightshade29
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@VanDammFan said:

funny how nobody complained of how underpowered ps4/xbone was when they came out..they were out performing pcs at the time..even game developers were praising them..Suddenly they are just horrible and outdated and need replacing 2 years later..maybe just enjoy and quit using your microscopes to pixel peep..and your calculators to add up fps and res?..just a thought..

I agree with you. The Current consoles are fine. If these fools are so concerned with specs, they should build a damn pc. I never understood how some people said these consoles were underpowered because they didn't match nvidia titans with i7 at that time of release... wtf... The price for one of those cards alone in 2013 was well over $500 for just the gfx card...

Everyone bitched when PS3 was $500 on release, but now they want that? I call bullshit! 97% of most gamers will not pay that much for a console.

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#8 Midnightshade29
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@Shewgenja said:
@cainetao11 said:

@Shewgenja: seems like it would have to be right? Why make the same mistake as the WiiU? They have to up the ante in terms of power imo. People seem to have become obsessed with it to a degree so it would be a great thing to be able to say we're the strongest in the market. Guess we'll see.

Well, it's two-fold, right? Resolution Wars started last-gen, so I argue that the desire for a performance oriented console has been around for well over a decade. Secondly, with the advent of mobile gaming strip-mining the Wii audience from current-gen system buyers, the need to have a powerful console to differentiate your offering is crucial to setting up your branding or identity with consumers.

Long story, short. Unless something like VR or AR really disrupts the market, power will be a big selling factor from here out.

ha.... my theory is opposite. Cheap.... low powered mobile games platform that can hook up to your TV.... $149.99... only way to explain their high ship numbers.

Nintendo doesn't do power...lol.. you guys always lie to yourselves.

And why would anyone buy something from a company who didn't stick with their current console? less than 4 years and very little games == wii-u .. abandoning people who bought it. Just like the wii did after 2010... No thanks.

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#9 Midnightshade29
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@SolidTy said:

It's too obvious and I posted on this topic many times before.

I owned both and if you owned both back then and went to the store every month for new games, you could see one machine was raining high quality innovative new industry defining games and the other you would starve a long time and then get a sweet, epic industry defining game as well.

It was no contest though. I did love fighting games and the absence of Street Fighter and other major fighting games hurt bad, but generally kick ass 2D games like Castlevania SOTN or Metal Gear Solid not releasing on N64 also sucked. The various late Playstation ports on the N64, usually priced $20 more due to cartridges. Why would I want to wait for a late port version priced higher and with less audio/music? Nope. I had all the machines. That said, the N64 did have some great games, just not nearly as many. The deficit on gaming libraries was MASSIVE.

To be a kid though, things were different. I wasn't a kid. A kid typically didn't have disposable money, they didn't have a way to stores, they didn't drive, they didn't buy games every month, they didn't reserve/pre-order games, they didn't see the difference of how many games were on each shelf, and many were far more forgiving on that era because ignorance is bliss (and to be fair, Nintendo bliss is awesome), much like I'll say in 15-20 years when people are talking about the Wii U as the greatest Nintendo machine ever made. Trust me, it's going to happen.

This, so much this... I was out of high school with a job... going to the store and seeing a golden era of JRPGS and games that weren't targeted for children.... And back then the games would go on sale really quickly. I remember going to the mom and pops game stores back then and coming out with 5 games at a time. It was nice getting them for $10-30 a pop...meanwhile all n64 games were released few and far between, no rpgs, and just didn't appeal to me, plus they were expensive.

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#10 Midnightshade29
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@bobrossperm said:

PlayStation had a better library by quite a margin. N64 was missing most of the third party stuff that made the SNES such a juggernaut. PS1 continued where the SNES left off in that regard. And exclusive wise, apart from literally Mario 64, I'd rather play PS1 exclusives.


I also think your age at the time had a lot to do with things. I grew up with nintendo on the nes and snes, (also had genesis and tg16 and various pcs at the time) , but stopped caring about nintendo first party during the early 90s. In fact I stopped gaming for a time in high school. It wasn't til I was out of high school that the PS1 came out and brought me back to gaming. With juggernaut RPGS.... that continued and were way more advanced than I remembered from the nes/snes era... That with Resident evil, tomb raider, road rash, and a ton of other games that were targeted more at adults...

To me it felt like a mold was formed in that gen... Nintendo for children, Sega for angsty teens, and Playstation for adults and everyone in between. Of course not everyone fit that mold, but that was the way things seemed to me.

I am sure if Nintendo actually had RPGS I would of bought that too... but it didn't and neither did Sega at that time either... so PC and Playstation became my go to combo by default, and has been that way ever since...