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#1 Midnightshade29
Member since 2008 • 6003 Posts


1. Selling my Dual Shock 1998 edition PS1 and 65 games (including suikoden 1 and 2, black label final fantasy 5 through 9, persona, legend of legia, mega man legends 1 and 2, sotn, RE1-3, Tomb raider, road rash 3d, loaded ..etc...) for a whopping $100 ....lol.

- Some of those games are worth double that alone. And I wish I never sold it. I got most of them back on PSN, playable on my psp, vita and ps3, but my god I loved that system. It sucks but I needed rent money back in 2001 :(

2. Lending a "friend" my Turbo Graphix-16 and 35 games back in 1991, only to find out that his parents split up and he moved to a new state that week. I never got my system back :( .... we used to lend game systems to each other back in the 1980s so it wasn't a wierd thing to do... I am still salty over that.. I want my 1st ed TG16 damn-it!!!!

3. Having someone break into my apartment back in 1997 and steal my Nintendo Entertainment system with all the games.. along with my Genesis, and all the games, (and a full rack of CDs.) I never did replace them.

Yeah I had bad luck with game systems... Back then I "partied" a lot so it was bound to happen by some degenerate jerk...

4. Going to a co-workers house in 2008 and playing the wii.... I wound up being drunk and found one in the store that night (which was rare thing back then) and bought it. I played it for around 2 weeks with my then girlfriend and friends and then put it on the shelf. I got a ps3 to compliment my pc when GTA4 and MGS4 came out and the wii never got touched again. I sold it and 5 games back to gamestop the next year.

- the regret was not selling the wii, it was buying a console while intoxicated and not thinking it through....

5. Selling off my old pcs.. I had a 8088 4color ibm pc, a apple iic, a 386sx with the "MPC" version of windows 3.0 which came with cd versions of Ultima Underworld and Wing commander 2.... , back when bbs's were the only online.... Also a 486 and Pentium 2, then 3 with Voodoo 2 then Voodoo 5 pci cards.... ahh Quake 3 and Unreal Tornament ran like a dream on 3dfx hardware! Loved that era! That occured right after the PS1 jrpg golden age imo...

So many gaming regrets.... I won't even get into buying crap jrpgs on PS3 because there wasnt any good ones back in 2008.. Whoever told me cross-edge was a good game needs to find a new hobby!

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#2 Midnightshade29
Member since 2008 • 6003 Posts

@emgesp: What I miss more than the gore is real damage effects to location. For instant, you get shot in the arm, your aim is shaky, you get shot in the leg you limp or have to crawl. You get shot in the stomach you have to hold your guts in and hold on for dear life while aiming back with a shaky hand and a delerious mind....

The things that could of been done, but instead we have 2 weapon slots and regen health...thanks a lot halo pfft...

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#3  Edited By Midnightshade29
Member since 2008 • 6003 Posts


Damn, Now I want to play some SOF2.... and maybe throw in Undying, Vampire the masqurade and deus ex while we are at it....

PC games before the 360 came out, back when almost all fps and western rpgs were made for pc first.... I miss that era... (oh and the Political correct thought police weren't lurking around gaming sites back then either....)

If only I could buy SOF2 online, but it seems it's one of those games like Freelancer that you just can't get on steam or gog.

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#4 Midnightshade29
Member since 2008 • 6003 Posts

@speak_low: I'm hyped, then again I bought and loved heavy rain and beyond 2 souls on day one.

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#5 Midnightshade29
Member since 2008 • 6003 Posts

@BassMan said:

Lower your expectations people. It is a console. You have to pay for quality. That is why a good PC is more expensive. I doubt they will come out with an expensive console. This is Nintendo. Their last 2 consoles have been a generation behind. They want to make money off each console and they want to target families, not the hardcore gamer.

This and see my points above. Plus they would take years to make games for it. Look how long it took Nintendo to makes games for the wii-u.. claiming that "hd assets are too hard" or something like that. Things that ps and xb already conquered back in gen 7...

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#6 Midnightshade29
Member since 2008 • 6003 Posts


Does it really matter? It could be 10x as strong as current consoles... and it will not matter one bit.

1. If it releases mid gen, then most hardcore will already own a PS4, Xb1, or Wii-u

2. Most people only own 1 console (some of the rich unmarried, childless folks on system wars are not the norm)...and as stated in point 1... most people will be satisfied with what they got.
The original Xbox came out after the ps2 and was leagues ahead in hardware... it didn't matter at all.

3. The hard core have been burned by nintendo to many times to care at this point.

4. If it is a powerful system, coupled with a nintendo gimick then it will be pricey.... Big N doesn't loss lead on hardware....

5. As per point 4, casuals will not bite on this due to the price.

Frankly I don't believe it will be powerful, and if it is it won't matter. Only the nintendo faithful will buy it. To everyone else, they will keep what they have and wait for gen 9.

My advice to nintendo --> Support the damn system you put out, wii-u until 2018 and then put this next system out. Otherwise you will be pissing current wii-u owners off and will not get much in return due to points above.

Alternatively if it's a weak console with gimick... it could sell like hotcakes to the casuals...ala wii , but than that requires to get them off their phones. So unless the NX is a phone, I don't see it happening.

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#7 Midnightshade29
Member since 2008 • 6003 Posts


Whats funny is lems bash on this game but they were all in on the hype and praise for star wars kinnect... the dance game... I remember when it came out and many a lem was saying how fun it was.

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#8 Midnightshade29
Member since 2008 • 6003 Posts

@NathanDrakeSwag said:

Why is it only lems hating on this game? Is it because you get a shitty 720p sub-50fps version?

Pretty much.... there tactic... bad mouth games that people are playing so halo gets more spotlight...

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#9 Midnightshade29
Member since 2008 • 6003 Posts


Maybe in sales, but in general trend of software popularity and the 3rd party gaming industry in general. The wii was a casual fad that died out around 2009-10 when the smart phone boom hit. Casuals put their wiis away and rode up the iphone bandwagon.

The PS3 and 360 remained competitive and popular up to the start of gen 8.. where was wii? Were were the games from 2011-2013? Few and far between and almost all 1st party or shovelware. The wii lost in the mind of the average person (not the hardcore nintendo fan).

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#10 Midnightshade29
Member since 2008 • 6003 Posts

@charizard1605 said:
@nyadc said:
@charizard1605 said:

Really dude? That's what we are coming down to? That's like saying the original Xbox controller was a flaw with the hardware. it's stupid, in other words.

Yes, the PlayStation 4 controller is the only wireless controller I have ever owned in my life where I constantly get pissed off because the controller seems like it's perpetually about to die.

And the Xbox Duke controller and the N64 controllers probably elongated my hands when I was playing them, I won't call these hardware failures though. It's a shortcoming, it's not a failure. It's like calling the low battery life of the Vita a hardware failure, or the RAM pool on the PS3 a hardware failure.

B4X can't deal with your common sense, sane-logic and any attempt to put playstation on a pedestal with logic will result in him changing the subject, deflecting or moving the goalpost. I can't stand that type of behavior (and unfortunately people with strong ideologies or leanings are pull this shit all the time)