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MightyBFan25 Blog

Super Secret After School Music Meeting! :P

Mwahahahaha!!!!!!!!!! We did! Our after school music meeting went AWETHUM!!! We got a new piece of music. It's Over The Rainbow from The Wizard Of Oz. You probably know of it, right? Well, it's actually pretty challenging but I love it and I can already play it pretty good. I'm just a little shaky on a few measures here and there, but I mean, we just got it today. :P I'll get better. :)

So um...the day went pretty good. Not much homework or anything. :) Just a few things. :D I acutally met up with a few of my friends on the train cuz I guess they had something to do after school also and we met up and took it home. It was AWETHUM!!! And it was so funny cuz one of my friends got off at his stop and was running to keep up with the train and could see us, and he banged into some random person! :lol: It was HILARIOUS!!! :P We were all laughing so hard and people were looking at us like we were crazy or something. :P

And I love Night now! I stayed up late last night to read ahead and it's AWETHUM!!! If you've read it, PLEASE don't tell me what happens cuz I wanna read it on my own. :D

And I played that prank on my mom too. :D Even though I got home a little later than I usually do, it was still way earlier than my mom so I had time to set it up. :P I put an elastic around the hose connected to the sink. And when my mom came home and turned on the sink...well, she got soaked! :lol: Mwahahahaha! I'm a horrible kid! :P I'm not under any punishment though. I just got a few days extension on my present punishment. :)

And um...I was kinda busy today so I only went on The Mighty B! forums. Sorry. It's cuz I got home late. :(

And I wanna thank all of you for wishing my little bro a happy b-day! :D I told him that a bunch of my AWETHUM online friends told him happy birthday. :) He was happy. So thanks. :D

And one last thing. I actually found out that one of my friends who I take the train home with watches The Mighty B! :D It's AWETHUM!!! He's not a huge fan, but'll watch it when it's on. He said he'd give it like an 8 out of 10. I don't know why I never aksed cuz I never knew that. :P Well, now I do. One more thing to talk about. :)

And um...that's it for today. :) Ciao! -MightyBFan25

It's My Little Brother's 9th Birthday! :D

Yep. Today my little brother's 9. Another year older, smarter, stronger, etc..., and another year more annoying. :P Well, he's AWETHUM most of the time and he's had an AWETHUM day today. We were celebrating at my mom's place for a while so that's why I'm making this blog kinda late. Well, it was fun. Nothing crazy cuz's my mom, we already had the crazy birthday party at my dad's place on Sunday. :P So, wish him a happy birthday if you wanna! :D

And um...the day at school was pretty good. I had a fair amount of homework. And it was the first day of the second term and we got new seats in Math and Italian. We kept the same seats in ELA, Latin, and History. In Italian, Mr. Mummolo only moved a few peoples, including the person sitting next to me who I absolutely hated cuz he was so quiet. Now, I has a person sitting next to me who I can actually talk to. I mean, she just came over and we randomly started talking. And it wasn't awkward or anything and it usually is when you meet someone for the first time. And I mean, I never knew her from anywhere and we're already friends. :) Wierd, huh. :? But kinda AWETHUM I guess. :P And we sit in the back, so we can get away with talking and causing a little trouble. He he he! :twisted: And we got new seats in Math too. I sit in the back now which I kinda like but I sit at a table with no one who has any social skills, so, being in the back ain't even worth it! Ugh! Well, this happens at my school, A LOT. :P

And in ELA, we're reading this book called Night and it's AWETHUM!!! It's about the Holocaust and all that. I LOVE reading about that kinda stuff. It's kinda fascinating to me. :P I'm not crazy! Well, maybe I am. But that's one thing I like reading about! :) It's so AWETHUM already and we only were assigned to read one chapter and take notes, and I did that, and all 20 vocab words for the book. I'm probably gonna stay up really late and read the whole thing. The thing about reading these sorta books is that they get me sad, angry, and keep me thinking about how I would feel in that position, but I can't put them down. Well, that's just me probably. Cuz I know a lot of people who hate reading about that stuff.

And since today was my brother's birthday, I didn't wanna ruin the happy perfectness by one of my pranks, so I decided to hold off that AWETHUM one till tomorrow. I'm gonna get my mom with that hose thingy attatched to the sink. You know what I'm talking about, right? I'll put an elastic around it, so when she turns on the water, well, she'll get it! :P :twisted: I'll tell you how that goes. :P Once again, probably funny but not good.

And my punishment's getting real annoying now! Remember, cuz of what I did last Sunday. It's still in effect. My dad did nothing about it over the weekend and laughed when I told him what I did. But now, back to being punished. It's just annoying cuz it limits the pranks I can pull off. :P Ah well, when my punishment's up, which I think is gonna be in a week or two, I'll do it again. :P

And I was kinda busy today so I'm just gonna go Mighty B! forum-ing today. Well, I might do the HTF and MF ones. Maybe..... Oh, and speaking of that, I made a Mighty B!/HTF Spinoff and put it on The Mighty B! Scripts forum. I took a long time doing it, so read it if you get the chance. :)

And um...that's it for today. Ciao! -MightyBFan25

I'm Tagged! :P

Speckledorfed tagged me so here's the 10 facts about myself:

1. I love watching horror movies like Saw. I'm never scared by those kinda movies and I actually can't look away from them. But I'm not sadistic or anything, even though I did play Juror #3 in Twelve Angry Men.

2. My parents are divorced and I get to see my dad on the weekends. I hate my mom but my dad's AWETHUM!

3. This one's kinda obvious, but The Mighty B! is my favorite show ever. It's cuz it's AWETHUM and the fact that the show kinda reminds me of how things were in my life when I was 9. I mean, I was just like Bessie and always got picked on by people like Portia and Gwen.

4. I'm a wierd nerdy tom-boy. I have so many nerdy hobbies it's RIDICULOUS! :P And I'm definately not normal in any way possible. And I hate prissy girls so I tryo to be as unlike them as possible just to get them ticked off cuz it's funny. :P

5. I love being a troublemaker and torturing my mom. But I only like to cause trouble at inapproperiate times where I'll get in the most trouble. I refuse to do any pranks on Halloween just cuz everyone does that. I'll cause trouble every other day.

6. My room is very cluttered and looks disorganized but I can find everything.

7. I'm really smart without even trying. I mean, I go to BLS, which is this super hard advanced school and I can manage A's and B's without even studying or anything. I probably would get all A's if I actually tried, but I'm too lazy. And I don't get it from my family either. It just happened. :P

8. I can speak some Latin and Italian.

9. I hate dressing up all nice and everything. I'll just wear my jeans or sweatpants or shorts and a t-shirt and my sneakers and I can leave. But I obviously wear my glasses and I refuse to take them off. And I like to wear a watch even though I never look at it for the time. :P

10. It seems that where ever I go I always find one prissy person like Portia who absolutely hates me and it's always funny. Well, to me anyways.

(Now, I know it's only 10, but I wanna do a few more. I'm actually starting to like doing this list thingy. :P )

11. When I get upset about something, I usually pace around my room and go off on a rant about whatever it is for about an hour or more.

12. When I grow up, I wanna be a pediatrition, own a house, get an AWETHUM car, go to Italy, and learn to play the oboe, clarinet, trumpet, saxophone, and french horn.

Okay, that's it! :D And now I wanna add a few updates about what's going on in my life, you might not really care, but I wanna say them anyways. :P

The day's been pretty good. We went out for dinner and well...let's just say I'm glad we didn't get thrown out of the resteraunt. :P I'm going back to my mom's in about 15 minutes and I don't wanna go, but I has to. Ah well. At least I can watch the Amazing Race. :D

Oh, and yesterday was crazy on Halloween. Geez, WAY to many Halloween pranks. I refuse to take part in those anyways. (sarcastically) Yeah, it's just SO ORIGINAL! Ugh! Seriously, if you're gonna play pranks, do something different. :P But um...yeah, eggs, shaving cream, and toilet paper all over the neighbourhood. Just great! Seriously, I'm kinda ticked off by that! I mean, they just trashed the neighborhood! And those stupid teenagers who cover themselves in shaving cream and go all around East Boston, ugh, I wanna strangle them!!! :mean: I remember my arch enemy at my old school did that one year and I found out and I told everyone the next day and she was SO EMBARRASSED. A lesson in Humiliation 101 taught by me. She deserved it for being stupid and she's was evil to me in the past. It was funny to get her back. :P Besides, she's a priss and you know how easily people like that get embarrassed, right?

And one of the evil kids at my old school actually treid to friend me on Facebook yesterday. I don't think I will. She's part of that past that I wanna leave behind. Besides, I don't need to be cyber-bullied. :P That's all I need!

Well, that's it for now! Ciao! -MightyBFan25

Have An AWETHUM Halloween!!! :D

Okay, I hope all you peoples have an AWETHUM Halloween! Just don't dress up like a cat and just meow and hiss and cuddle like Bessie did. :P What are you gonna do? I don't really have any plans. I went to see Saw 6 and it was AWETHUM. I'm not getting dressed up or anything. I'm just gonna help pass out candy. Halloween's the only day where I refuse to act crazy cuz I'm wierd. :P

But, the day's been AWETHUM!!! :D I got my new glasses, I saw Saw 6, the weather's so nice, and it's Halloween. Seriously, the weather's perfect! :) It's somewhat windy and it's in the high sixties I think. :D I love this kinda weather. :)

So um...yeah, that's it. This is one of my shortest blogs ever I think. :P I'll post up that story later today. Ciao! -MightyBFan25


Sixie Rush Day! Mwahahahaha!!!!! :P

Yep, today was sixie rush day at my school, just like I said yesterday. It seems as though we've moved on from silly string to that stuff in a can that makes your hair a certain color. Ugh! That's not bad! I mean, I don't wanna see a sixie get rushed, but COME ON!!! Like no sixies got rushed and when they did, it wasn't bad at all! Well, I guess that's good. :D I'm a little ticked off, but for the sixies, that's good. :)

The only thing is...a lot of my friends have those cans of hair color stuff and well, they were just screwing around with it as a joke. And...they just randomly rushed me in the hallway. :lol: Ugh! :P I'm not a sixie and I wasn't late to class once! I'll get them. :P I don't really care. It's just a minor inconvenience of the day. :) The only sucky thing is that I have to take a bath today to get that stuff out of my hair. Ah well. At least I'm not being forced to by my mom. :P

But other than that, the day went by pretty good. I didn't have too much homework when I got home and I already did it! AND...TERM ONE IS OFFICIALLY OVER!!! Grades are closed and wer SHOULD get our report cards soon. I love getting my report cards. It helps me see what I doing good in and what I can improve on. Then, I know what to focus on. :D I'll tell you how I do. :)

Oh yeah, and I'd say about half of the kids at my school dressed up today. And you're probably thinking that me and all my crazy friends would dress up, right? Well, if you thought that, you're wrong. :P All of my crazy AWETHUM friends didn't dress up and I didn't either. It seems as though at my school everyone with absolutely zero social skills dressed up. Like all the wierd quiet people that kinda freak me out sometimes. :? And some of them are going up to me and asking why I'm not dressed up or saying that I'm no fun or blah blah blah blah...... Geez, they're the ones that aren't fun. But I couldn't possibly care less. Who cares what other people think. :D

That's the thing. You might think that I'd be one to go overboard with Halloween and dress up and do Halloween pranks and all that. But, for most people, Halloween is the only day they act crazy. And for me to do all that stuff, I'd just be going with the crowd, and I hate doing that. I'd rather act crazy when it's NOT the right time to. :P

But, don't take this the wrong way or anything. This is just my opinion. If you absolutely love Halloween and go overboard with it, that's AWETHUM!!! :D I just don't choose to. And don't take offense to any of my comments. This only refers to my school, which is different from most schools. So, don't listen to any of my comments and sorry if I did offend anyone by that.

So um...yeah, that's it I guess. :) I'm gonna post up the Mighty B!/HTF spinoff tomorrow AND I'm finally gonna get my new glasses. AWETHUM, huh?! :D And check out The Mighty B! page on There's 2 new episodes airing on 11/14! So um...chi vediamo domani. Ciao! -MightyBFan25

Two Substitute Teacher's Today!!! :D

Wierd, huh? Two substitutes in one day. :? One was for History an one was a study teacher. Both classes were boring and I got no history homework. :D It made the day WAY easier. :P

Yeah, the day was pretty easy cuz of the substitutes. And I had hardly any homework. Just some ELA and to practice my flute. :D We didn't get any Latin, Italian, or History, and I did my Math in a study, and most of my ELA. I just had to finish up my intro paragraph for this essay thingy on 12 Angry Men. I only had about 2 sentences left and that only took a few minutes. And one of them was the thesis statement that I'd already came up with. :) Easy, huh?

The day was AWETHUM!!! :D I had PE today. We were playing soccer again. I absolutely suck at it, which is kinda pathetic cuz I'm part Italian. :lol: :P But it was fun and it ended up in a tie. 3 to 3. That's the second time in three PE classes! Ah well. At least no one lost. :)

I'm in a pretty good mood now. The rain stopped and it's actually nice out. And it's Thursday. Just one day left of the week. And Survivor's on tonight. :D I've been keeping up with it all season. I need to watch TV reality shows during the week. Well, that and The Mighty B! :P

I didn't do any pranks today. You probably were waiting to see what troublemaking thing I was gonna do today, huh? :P But I decided to save up something AWETHUM for tomorrow. I'm not gonna tell you. I'll just say that I'm not gonna do anything bad to my mom. I'll set up kind of a trap, so to speak. It involves that hose thingy that some sinks have, and a black elastic. She'll never know what's coming. :P My mom deserves it anyways! I'll just give her a break today. :) I'm too lazy right now.

My punishment's going pretty good. My mom's actually kinda forgotten about it...I think. :P She hasn't forced my to take ANOTHER BATH yet, and I hope it stays that way. I hate bathing every day! It's stupid! And I actually haven't been in any mood to go to the park. If I REALLY wanted to, I could probably just sneak off after I get home from school before my mom comes home, but I don't wanna. I'll just accept my punishment cuz I deserve it. :P Hopefully, if I'm lucky, I won't have to take a bath today. :)

And last thing. You probably want me to just shut up by now, right? :lol: :P Well, just a few more sentences. I think I said something about here before about what happens at my school to sixies (7th graders) at my school, but I'll say it again. Well, it's not Halloween tomorrow, but since it's a weekend, it has to be done tomorrow. :P Every year at BLS on Halloween, it's Sixie Rush Day. And if you're a sixie and you show up late to class, well...the upper classmen get to silly-string you. :P I was a sixie last year, and I showed up late to class that day once and well, I had silly-string in my hair for like a week. And you might be thinking since I'm a troublemaker I'd definately wanna rush sixies this year. Well, the answer's a no! I will not rush a sixie. I just think it's kinda mean, and besides, everyone does it! If I'm gonna troublemake, I'm gonna be creative with it! And I don't do Halloween pranks either. It's not original if you ask me! You might think I'd wanna do that stuff cuz of the way I am, but I like to be a little creative with what I do. :P It's more fun! Well, in my opinion anyways. :D So, I'm not rushing any sixies.

And um...that's it I guess. I have that idea for The Mighty B!/HTF spinoff and I'll post it this weekend on the Scripts Forum and on one of my blogs. And speaking of that, I went on the MB, MF, and HTF forums today in case you're wondering. And I almost forgot: I got a TOS! Ugh! It was only one! Apparently I said something offensive in the MF forums. I did not, right? Well, maybe in the character elimination game. That's probably what it was. Okay, I deserved that one. I needs to be more careful. :) Well, sorry if I did offend anyone by that. :( Ciao! -MightyBFan25

Got To Play Math Jeopardy Today!!! :D

Yeah. We did. We played this math version of Jeopardy in Algebra today to get ready for the term test tomorrow. I'm a little nervous about it, but I've been doing pretty good in Algebra this year, so I don't know why I'm worried really. Tomorrow's kinda the last stressful day of the term. The term closes after this week's up. And tomorrow's when everything's gonna happen. I have a Latin term project due, a History term paper due, and an Algebra term test. Yep, everything's piled up at once. It sucks, but ah well, I can cope with it. :) Besides, it's not too bad if you stay on top of things, which is what I do. :D I hate procrastinating. It works for some people, but not for me. If I wait until the last minute to do things, I get all stressed out, rush, and do a horrible job on whatever thing it was. But um...I'm all set for tomorrow. Just a little nervous, which is wierd cuz I'm hardly ever nervous, or embarrassed for that matter. It's a wierd feeling cuz it hardly ever happens to me...but I should shut up and get to the next part of this blog. :P

The rest of the school day was AWETHUM!!! I had literally no homework tonight except to practice my flute and to the History term paper bibliography, which is nothing. I love playing the flute, and the bibliography only took like two minutes. When I told my mom about the bibliography, she asked me what a bibliography was and asked me if it would take a long time! :? How do you not know what a bibliography is?!?!?!?!?! I mean, seriously, it's the last page of a research paper to show where you got your info from! Ugh! I can't stand my mom, and she thinks she knows everything. I'm only in the eigth grade and I'm already smarter than her. Well, with some things anyways. So um...I had a relaxing day. :)

After that, I had a lot of free time so I went on The Mighty B!, MF, and HTF forums in case you're wondering. :) And I played this AWETHUM prank in my mom! I took all the blankets and pillows and stuffed animals and such in the house and put them all in the living room. I dragged my mattress into the living room too and put it on the coffee table, so the whole living room looked like a bedroom or something. :P Then, I just got changed into my pajamas and turned off all the lights in the house except for a lamp and pretended to take a nap. She got SO TICKED OFF at me!!! And guess what my punishment is...

I don't even really have one! I'm already under a super heavy punishment for what I did on Sunday and I'm under anti-filthiness lockdown or something. :P So, she couldn't come up with any other punishments for me that I couldn't break. So she just yelled at me and made me put everything back. :D AWETHUM, right? I'm in so much trouble that I can't possibly get into any more of it! :P I'm almost immune to punishment at home now. I'll see what else I can do tomorrow.....

The only kinda sucky thing is that it's been raining like crazy lately. If I wasn't under anti-filthiness lockdown, this would be AWETHUM cuz the ground would obviously be muddy. But it's annoying cuz I am under heavy punishment and I can't go. This just makes me realize that I AM actually being punished and I don't like that thought. I like to be an optimist. :) But the good thing is that well, it's raining like crazy. Even though I'm banned from the park and stuff, I still have to walk home and I can come in dripping wet and my mom'll wanna kill me. I can't wait for it to snow though. I love playing in the snow like a 9 year old. :P But another bad thing about it raining is that my mood can sometimes coordinate with the weather. Like, if it's raining, I'll be somewhat depressed. And I am kinda depressed, but when I don't look outside, I'm happy, when I do, I'm not. :? Wierd, huh?

And one last thing. I've been thinking about that Mighty B!/HTF spinoff for a while and I have the idea now! I think it's AWETHUM but I don't think I'll have the time to post it in the next few days, so I'll try to do it this weekend. It somewhat also involves the books Through The Looking Glass, and Julius Caesar. In the beginning and end, there's a Jabberwock, and they all form a conspiracy like in Julius Caesar, but against Portia! But um...don't wanna give too much away!

Well, that's it for now. I'm kinda tired but it's only like 8 at night. :P Wierd, huh? But um...that's it. I'll tell you how tomorrow's prank at home goes. Ciao! -MightyBFan25

I Did My Latin And History Term Projects!!! : D

Okay, I'm sorry that I didn't really go on that much yesterday cuz I was REALLY BUSY!!! I had to do this term paper on Columbus for History. I did that all yesterday and it took me FOREVER!!! Ugh! I hated it! So, sorry about not making a blog or going onto any forums yesterday. Blambe my teachers. :P And today, I did my Latin Term Project which was REALLY EASY for me, just time comsuming. It was one of those things that involved a lot of writing but not much thinking and I HATE that kinda work! It's boring and time consuming! But least it's all out of the way and I can relax for the rest of the week. It's all due on Thursday. :)

The day went pretty good. :) Nothing wierd or funny really... just a normal, somewhat boring day. I had a decent amount of work when I got home. I did that, practiced my flute, and did my term project for Latin. I finished at about 6:30, so I just decided to go on The Mighty B! forums today. I'm too tired to do much else... I had Health today, which I like a lot. Don't think I'm a wierdo or anything, actually, you have every right to think that, cuz I am wierd. :P But, I just like talking about health and safety and all that. I just hate the personal hygene parts! You can probably guess why... :P But I really like talking about abstaining from drugs and smoking and drinking and all that. I think it's kinda interesting. No one else I know likes it though... It sucks, huh?

And I wanna tell you how Sunday night went now cuz I didn't get to put it on a blog cuz I didn't make a blog yesterday cuz I was busy and kinda lazy. :P So um...yeah, I came home filthy, messed up the house, and my mom was ready to kill me! Mwahahahaha! I'm any neat freak's worst nightmare, which is kinda funny if you ask me. :lol: So I was forced to take a bath against my will, and I got sent to my room. Ah well, I knew it was coming and it was worth it. :) There are consequences for doing that, and they're mostly negative. And then, that night, my mom came up with some evil punishment for me. I have to bathe every day, I'm banned from the park, and she's debating wether or not to make me actually clean my room! Ugh! It sucks! But, I obviously knew it was gonna happen, and I can still mess up the house when I get home from school. I'll never stop and I'll never learn my lesson. And as soon as my anti-filthiness lockdown's up, I'll do it again! :P

And this kinda gets back to what I said before about how prissy people shouldn't even ATTEMPT to be like me. I mean, they don't know what I do in my spare time, and I won't tell them either. Well, if I did, it might freak them out and they'll leave me alone. :P Nah, I shouldn't. Well, maybe I should. Now I'm not sure. Cuz I mean, prissy girls who have like zero social skills wanna be my friend so I'll introduce them to my friends and they'll be in our little group. And then, what GS did has also happened a bunch of other times. And they'll try to act like me and act all nerdy, but...they don't know anything else about me. I mean, for them to REALLY be like me, they'd have to do what I do to my mom to get her to have neat freak panic attacks, and you know they wouldn't wanna do that. I don't know if I should tell them to get them to leave me alone or not. I don't really think I should cuz then rumors and all that crap starts. Yeah, I don't think I will. I'll keep what I do at home, at home, and what I do at school, at school. :) Those prissy girls just annoy me.

Well, that's it I guess. I might do a rant on Columbus in tomorrow's blog if I have the time, which I think I will. I have to go take a bath against my will now. Ciao! -MightyBFan25

Comic Con + Catatonic = AWETHUM!!! :D

Okay, today was ABSOLUTELY AWETHUM!!! I went to Comic Con today and it was AWETHUM!!! I actually completed the run of the Robin comic series. AWETHUM, huh? Now all I have to do is keep up with the new ones. Which is pretty easy. I'll just go to this comic shop in Winthrop every month to get the new issue that comes out. :) I'm so happy about it cuz I've been wanting to complete it for a few years now. And how could the day possibly get any AWETHUMER...well, Catatonic's airing! I already saw it and it was the MOST AWETHUMEST Halloween special I've ever seen. And the best episode of Season 2 so far in my opinion. Even better than Dirty Happy, and I absolutely loved that episode. Yeah, it had a lot of gross humor, but it was still AWETHUM!!! And the gross humor was actually kinda funny if you ask me. :D So um...yeah, I got home with 15 minuted to spare before it aired. When the commercial happened, right before Bessie was gonna get run over by a car, I just fell off the couch and I was banging my fist on the floor saying: Come on! Why does there have to be a commercial right now?! Bessie can't get run over by a car. That'd ruin the whole series! :P But then, it came back and Bessie was fine and I was so relieved. :)

So um...yeah, I had an AWETHUM day! :D Well, aside from the fact that I'm going back to my mom's place today. Ugh! I hate her! She's such a neat freak and she's always nagging! I can't stand it! I mean, my mom's place is so orderly, clean, perfect and uptight and I can't live like that!!!!! Geez, that's why I torture my mom by keeping my room all cluttered and "disorganized" and that's why I go out of my way to get absolutely filthy. I just wanna get her ticked off, and cause some chaos. She seriously deserves it. And I mean, what else would you expect from someone like me? And she's probably gonna make me take ANOTHER BATH after I just took one yesterday cuz I really needed one. :P Ugh! I don't wanna! :( I hate baths and I hate being all clean and perfect! And that's what my mom thinks all girls my age should be like. And um...yeah, most girls are like that, but I'm not! I'm definately different from most girls my age and my mom can't understand that! If she could just get that and accept that, maybe she wouldn't hate me so much. I mean, then instead of her yelling at me for going to the park and getting filthy, she'd just roll her eyes or something cuz she'd expect that of me. Ah well. It's pretty funny to get my mom ticked off. :P And it rained last night, so the ground's all muddy again. My mom's place is actually close to a park that has a softball field that pretty much no one ever uses. I might just take a softball bat and some balls and go there to hit some balls tonight. And then, practice my sliding a bit. :P He he he! :twisted: Cuz I know my mom's gonna make me take a bath for no reason. Well, I'll just leave and give myself a reason to take a bath! I will. Yeah, I'll just get ready for school tomorrow, and then I'll leave to go to the park and get absolutely filthy again. I'll tell you how that goes. Probably funny, but not good. :P It'll be worth it though.

That's about it! I had an AWETHUM day, I'm going back to my mom's in about two hours and in about four hours, she's gonna wanna kill me! :P Ciao! -MightyBFan25

Catatonic Airs Tomorrow!!! :D

I'm in such an AWETHUM mood right now cuz Catatonic's gonna air tomorrow. I can't wait to see it! I am so ready to see it! Aw man, this is gonna be AWETHUM AWETHUM AWETHUM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D PLEASE, don't forget to watch it. It'll be on Nick at 11:30. :)

I had a nice relaxing day today. :) Well a nice day besides going to the dentist. :P Yeah. It was bad. My teeth are killing me! :( But PLEASE don't feel bad for me. I hate when people do that about my parents divorce and stuff. I don't wanna see other people feel bad cuz of me. :) Besides, I'm fine right now. I mean, a little tooth pain ain't gonna kill me. :) So um...after that I did my History homework and practiced my flute. Then, I went to the park with my little brother. And had rained a little bit earlier today...the ground was kinda muddy...and um...we were playing some random games...and well...we came back absolutely filthy. :P My dad didn't really care at all. But if that was my neat freak mom, well, that woulda been a completely different matter. My mom is such a neat freak, it's RIDICULOUS!!! Another reason why I hate her. But my dad seriously didn't care. I mean, it's just dirt and water. It'll get cleaned up. :) I mean, I just got home, took a shower and changed into some different clothes. No big deal, right? Besides, it was fun. :D And I'm a tom boy, I like doing this kinda stuff. :P My mom just doesn't get that about me. I'd rather be at the park getting absolutely filthy than at the mall shopping for clothes. :P I'm not like most girls my age apparently. :D

Um...that's about it. I'm gonna be going to the Comic Com convention tomorrow, so I'm gonna miss Catatonic the first time it airs, but I'll see it again on Nick2, which is three hours behind Nick. I'll just catch it later tomorrow, or have someone tape it for me. Yeah, I'll just record it and see it when I get home. I know how to do that. :P Okay, ciao! -MightyBFan25