I have this stupid History report due this Thursday coming up. I want it to be done, but I don't wanna do it. I just want it to be like magically done and worthy of an A+. Yeah, not gonna happen... :lol: :P I'll not do it this weekend cuz I'm sick of work and I almost have all week. I'll start doing it on Monday. Well, I'll just do all of it on Monday. So um...if on Monday, I don't come on here, PLEASE DO NOT come over to my house and do an early Halloween prank. :lol: And don't come over here dressed up as Jason with a REAL chainsaw and do something you'll regret. :P
On a happier note...today went pretty AWETHUM!!! I didn't have much homework when I got home. Just Latin and History. Latin was easy and I already did it, but History...ah, I'll wait to do it. I'm in a lazy mood today.
Oh, and I had music today. We did AWETHUM and Mr. Harper gave us a new piece of music. It's really easy. It just has SUPER LONG slurs so you have to take a deep breath of else you're screwed. I don't care though. I practice more than most flute players in the eigth grade band, well, more than any of them actually. So, my diafram is pretty good. I can push out a lot of air. :) Pretty handy, huh?
And then...we had the Super Secret Afterschool Music Meeting! Mwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Seriously, it was pretty fun! :D We played through the first piece of music and did AWETHUM!!! Then, he gave us the second piece and we practiced it for a while...but then.....guess what? Oh goody, the fire alarm just HAD to go off!!! Yep! Right then and there! :lol: It wasn't a real fire. Some idiot just pulled it for the heck of it! Hate upper classmen! ALWAYS up to no good! :lol: But um...we went oiutside for like 15 minutes and just kinda talked and goofed around. I actually met two new friends. One of them plays the oboe and the other is a flute player that played before she came to BLS. So um...we came back and just ran through the second piece all the way, did okay, and then we packed up and left. It was nice cuz there were only 7 of us there. :) And then, before we left, Mr. Harper, since he's AWETHUM, made a bet with us. If the New York Yankees win the world series, we have to play him a NYY song on flute. If they don't, he'll win a Red Sox shirt to school. :lol: See, he's a MAJOR NYY fan and we're in Boston, so we all like the Red Sox. He's really from NY. So um...that's always an issue. And then I said that we'd just refuse to play it. :P At that point, we were just goofing around. We do this ALL THE TIME in music! :lol: And since I'm actually pretty well behaved in that class, he usually expects that kinda remark from someone else. Well, I'm not well behaved in that class, I must admit. :P But I'm better behaved than most of the other kids in my class. At my school, everyone that takes an instrument is AWETHUM, but everyone else is a bunch of stuck up jerks! So um...he said that he was "deeply disappointed" with me. He was just joking. And after that, one of my friends left and said she'd meet me at the train. Gee, thanks. :P So um...after that, I left and met up with her at the train and got home at 4:30.
Now, I'm at my dad's and still have History homework to do but I ain't gonna do it today. Oh wait, ain't, ain't a word! :P I have too many things to look forward to though. My new glasses, Catatonic, The Comic Con Convention on Sunday. Yeah, I told you I was into comics. I go twice a year to whatever comic convention with my dad. My brother doesn't really care for comics. Just kinda a thing me and my dad are into. My mom thinks they're stupid so I just keep all my comics at my dad's place for fear of my mom ripping 'em all up.
And I have to go to the dentist tomorrow. Ugh, I know! The dentist, the eye doctor's, and I'm also gonna go to the regular doctor soon. All at once apparently. :P Well, that's it I guess. I won't be on here tomorrow morning cuz I'll be getting my teeth cleaned. I hate it cuz when it's over, your gums are all sore and you can't eat for like an hour! I hate that part! I mean, the not eating for an hour I can deal with, but the soreness is SUCH A PAIN!!! Ciao! -MightyBFan25
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