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MightyBFan25 Blog

Stupid History Report!

I have this stupid History report due this Thursday coming up. I want it to be done, but I don't wanna do it. I just want it to be like magically done and worthy of an A+. Yeah, not gonna happen... :lol: :P I'll not do it this weekend cuz I'm sick of work and I almost have all week. I'll start doing it on Monday. Well, I'll just do all of it on Monday. So um...if on Monday, I don't come on here, PLEASE DO NOT come over to my house and do an early Halloween prank. :lol: And don't come over here dressed up as Jason with a REAL chainsaw and do something you'll regret. :P

On a happier went pretty AWETHUM!!! I didn't have much homework when I got home. Just Latin and History. Latin was easy and I already did it, but History...ah, I'll wait to do it. I'm in a lazy mood today.

Oh, and I had music today. We did AWETHUM and Mr. Harper gave us a new piece of music. It's really easy. It just has SUPER LONG slurs so you have to take a deep breath of else you're screwed. I don't care though. I practice more than most flute players in the eigth grade band, well, more than any of them actually. So, my diafram is pretty good. I can push out a lot of air. :) Pretty handy, huh?

And then...we had the Super Secret Afterschool Music Meeting! Mwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Seriously, it was pretty fun! :D We played through the first piece of music and did AWETHUM!!! Then, he gave us the second piece and we practiced it for a while...but then.....guess what? Oh goody, the fire alarm just HAD to go off!!! Yep! Right then and there! :lol: It wasn't a real fire. Some idiot just pulled it for the heck of it! Hate upper classmen! ALWAYS up to no good! :lol: But um...we went oiutside for like 15 minutes and just kinda talked and goofed around. I actually met two new friends. One of them plays the oboe and the other is a flute player that played before she came to BLS. So um...we came back and just ran through the second piece all the way, did okay, and then we packed up and left. It was nice cuz there were only 7 of us there. :) And then, before we left, Mr. Harper, since he's AWETHUM, made a bet with us. If the New York Yankees win the world series, we have to play him a NYY song on flute. If they don't, he'll win a Red Sox shirt to school. :lol: See, he's a MAJOR NYY fan and we're in Boston, so we all like the Red Sox. He's really from NY. So um...that's always an issue. And then I said that we'd just refuse to play it. :P At that point, we were just goofing around. We do this ALL THE TIME in music! :lol: And since I'm actually pretty well behaved in that class, he usually expects that kinda remark from someone else. Well, I'm not well behaved in that class, I must admit. :P But I'm better behaved than most of the other kids in my class. At my school, everyone that takes an instrument is AWETHUM, but everyone else is a bunch of stuck up jerks! So um...he said that he was "deeply disappointed" with me. He was just joking. And after that, one of my friends left and said she'd meet me at the train. Gee, thanks. :P So um...after that, I left and met up with her at the train and got home at 4:30.

Now, I'm at my dad's and still have History homework to do but I ain't gonna do it today. Oh wait, ain't, ain't a word! :P I have too many things to look forward to though. My new glasses, Catatonic, The Comic Con Convention on Sunday. Yeah, I told you I was into comics. I go twice a year to whatever comic convention with my dad. My brother doesn't really care for comics. Just kinda a thing me and my dad are into. My mom thinks they're stupid so I just keep all my comics at my dad's place for fear of my mom ripping 'em all up.

And I have to go to the dentist tomorrow. Ugh, I know! The dentist, the eye doctor's, and I'm also gonna go to the regular doctor soon. All at once apparently. :P Well, that's it I guess. I won't be on here tomorrow morning cuz I'll be getting my teeth cleaned. I hate it cuz when it's over, your gums are all sore and you can't eat for like an hour! I hate that part! I mean, the not eating for an hour I can deal with, but the soreness is SUCH A PAIN!!! Ciao! -MightyBFan25

I Missed The Eigth Grade Assembly!!! :D

WOO HOO!!! I got to miss the eigth grade assembly!!! It was AWETHUM cuz from what I heard, it was so boring! And when my friends told me that, I just said: Ha ha! I'm a band geek and I got to miss it for band!!! :P I did this to all of my friends who weren't in band, would not BELIEVE how many of them went out of their way to get me back! :P I KNEW, if I played Zap today, I'd be in so much trouble, so I didn't play today. Ah well. Tomorrow...maybe. But friends would get chalk dust all over me or hit me in the back of the head, you name it, they did it! :lol: :P It was funny though. I kinda deserved it for bragging about missing the assembly. :P But I'm a little ticked off about missing it cuz it was something about the enviornment so we had to wear green. Well, we didn't HAVE to, but we should've. And I did, and was all excited, but nope, I had band. Obviously, band is better, but I mean, I get band so often. It would've been nice to miss it for an assmebly. :) Ah well. :D

In band today, we did AWETHUM!!! We nailed it!!! :D We played the entire piece of music through and got it perfectly. The only section that occasionally screwed up was the trumpets. Stupid trumpets! :lol: :P But I was SO HAPPY that we got it right!!! I gotta vent for a second. AWETHUM AWETHUM AWETHUM AWETHUM AWETHUM AWETHUM AWETHUM AWETHUM AWETHUM AWETHUM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Okay...okay...I'm calmed down now! :P

I didn't have much homework tonight. When I got home, I just had Latin which was realatively easy. Well, for me anyways. This year, I'm good at everything except for History, and even then, I can manage a B-. My best subject is ELA though. Ms. Wenz likes me a lot. It's probably cuz I'm not afraid to actively participate and I behave...most of the time anyways. He he he! :twisted: But I think the biggest reason aside from that is cuz I'm a nerd and I went overboard with the acting in Twelve Angry Men, even when I had a part that most people would be embarrassed of playing. You know, Juror #3, the sadist, loudmouth, bigot guy who everyone hated. :P

And I'm so glad that it's Thursday!!! I get to watch Surivior tonight. Foa Foa NEEDS this next win. They're on the biggest losing streak in Survivor history but I route for them cuz they have a funnier name than Galu. :P Yeah, I'm out of it. :lol: And tomorrow's Friday which means it'll be the end of the week and I get that after school music lesson with the other flutes and oboes. I can't wait. Watch, I'll be the only one to actually show up cuz I'm a huge band geek! :lol: :P But seriously, I think a little over half of our group will show up. :) And over the weekend, Catatonic will air, and I'll probably get my new glasses. It might be this weekend, or maybe one week after that. :D I can't wait! Too many things to look forward to!!! :D

Well, that's it I guess. I have all these things to look forward to so I'm probably gonna be an anxious mess tomorrow! :P Yeah, not good, huh? Ciao! -MightyBFan25

Oh, Do I Have A Story For You!

Yep I do! Okay, remember that prissy girl that I sat next to in homeroom that I tried to be nice to but she acted like a COMPLETE JERK to me?! Her initials are GS so I'll just call her that for the sake of less typing. :P So um...yesterday, she tried to friend me on Facebook, and I was thinking about ignoring it, but I saved it cuz I wasn't sure what to really do. And, apparently she realized that I didn't do anything yet. And she comes up to me and she's trying to act all nice me. Wierd, huh? She's dressed up all casual for once and she didn't have gym either that day. No makeup or jewelry or anything else that's stupid in my opinion. And she came into the room dressed up like that reading a graphic novel. I think it was Yu-Gi-Oh which I love reading. And you know how it's all backwards cuz it's Japonese or something, right? And she's reading it the way you'd read like Julius Caesar or something!!! :lol: And I'm thinking: Yeah, you're really a nerd?! You can't even read a graphic novel the right way! Ugh! She just wants to be friends with me now and my answer's no! When I got home, I hit ignore on her friend request. And when she was talking to me, I didn't listen. Screw her! She wasn't nice to me at all! Why should I be?!

Other than that, today was AWETHUM!!! :D I only had Latin and History homework when i got home. Tomorrow, we have an eigth grade assembly meeting in the auditorium first period! Ugh! I have to miss band!!! Why why WHY!!!!! :cry: I love band! I'm a band geek and nothing will ever change that! Well, at least I have that afterschool music meeting with the other flute and oboe players in my grade after school on Friday. :)

Oh, and in gym class today, we played soccer. I suck at it, but I like playing it. And I actually did decent. I actually kept up with everyone and almost scored a goal...almost. :P

And that's it for today I guess. I'm just gonna go on The Mighty B! forums and if I have any spare time, I'll go to the HTF and MF ones. :D I'll always go on The Mighty B! ones and blog every day, guaranteed. MF and HTF ones I'll go on if I have the time cuz I'm kinda busy sometimes. Ciao! -MightyBFan25

I Got To Punch Out A Camera In ELA Class!!! :P

Seriously, I did! I punched out that camera I made in ELA class. That's what it was for. :P Everyone was laughing at the interview we did cuz it was pretty funny. :lol: It was supposed to be funny, so we nailed it! It was AWETHUM!!! All my friends thought I did such an AWETHUM job!!! I found a way to pull off an amazing oral presentation with one of the quietest kids in my ELA class. I was obviously Juror #3 cuz I was the only good actor of the two of us. It was good. And Ms. Wnez asked if she could keep the props. I was like: Yeah. Sure thing! I mean, I REALLY didn't wanna drag them home with me anyways. I was glad she did! :D We're gonna get a good grade! I know it! I sent my partner a email saying how good a job I think we did. I do that with all my group projects. :) And um...I had a study with one of my friends today and she had ELA right after me. So um...I was telling her about what we did for the project and she was like: That was you?! And I said: Huh? Whaddya mean? And she said that Ms. Wenz was apparently talking about my interview all day for the rest of the day! She didn't say my name, but everyone knows it's me. Anyone who hates me there probably hates me even more! :lol: Well, that's only like three people. And they're all jerks anyways. Who cares! But the next time my friends see me, I'm probably gonna get hit in the back of the head or something cuz I was the one who did the props, and all my friends are the kinda people who would do that to me. :P Well, I'm gonna be "that girl who punched out a camera in ELA class and did an awesome interveiw" for the next few weeks probably. I don't really care. It's not negative attention. :)

Today went pretty good I guess. :) I had no homework cuz I had two studies!!! :D AWETHUM, right? I got home kinda early cuz I got an early train. I'm kinda tired though cuz I went to bed late last night cuz I didn't wanna go to bed! :P

And I'm back on The Mighty B! and Making Fiends forums. I'll start HTF tomorrow. I decided to add one show every day to the foruming list till I get to all three. Well, check out the Making Fiends and Mighty B! forums. You're more than welcome! :D I mean, me and Girlygirl24 are the only ones who go on every day. We could use more people, huh? I mean, Girlygirl24, you're still an AWETHUM friend and you're AWETHUM to talk think I should just shut up now. :P Well, you're always welcome. Just don't bash the show for no reason!

You all better watch out too. I'm alreadt over 30% done with level 2 and I've had my account for only a day! I'm gonna catch up in level on with you all again! It's on! Just kidding. :P But I will catch up to you. I'll write a rant about Columbus on one of my weekend blogs probably. Well, that's it I guess. question: Can any of you speak Italian or Latin, and if so which? Ciao! -MightyBFan25

I'm Back!!! :)

Hey, everyone! I'm back. I made my new account and redid my profile and everything. Tell me what you think. PLEASE start tracking my again. I was MightyBFan2500. Any of my friends, I'm tracking you, so track me and we can be friends again. :) AWETHUM, right?

Um...School went pretty good today. I only had History homework when I got home. We had a substitute in Italian so it got turned into a study. And I did my History first thing when I got home.

My ELA interview thingy's due tomorrow. So um...I hope I do good on that. I'm a little nervous, but not as nervous as most people. :) It'll be fun. I get to punch out a camera! :lol: :P

That's about it for today. Not much to really say. But I did have a wierd dream last night and I wanna tell you it. So, my mom said she was gonna be gone for the day because she had to go somewhere. She told me not to leave the house. So the day went by, and she didn't come back. And then, it eventually became a week. So then, I left the house to go get a job for some strange reason. I found a job working at this bakery and the people that ran the place were so nice. When they learned about me and my brother's situation, they let us stay there and they would take care of us. About four months later, my mom found out where we were and came to take us back, but we were happy there! And then, there was complete chaos at the bakery and I woke up! It was wierd.

Well, I'm back. I can't wait for Catatonic, to get my new glasses, and to get back to The Mighty B! forums. And Girlygirl24, I think I promised you a LONG time ago that I would go on the HTF forums. Well, I will. but that'll start tomorrow. I'm kinda busy tonight. Well, that's it for today I guess. Ciao!-MightyBFan25