ok i just got my 360 and i enjoy a lot the achievments , but i dont know what are those Gamepoints i get with every achievment do i win something with them ?
have to agree too , i never liked the castlevania 3d versions and i am not interested in playing a devil may cry castlevania , they need to invent something new (not a castlevania fps please!!) or stay on the 2d plane.
[QUOTE="furtherfan"]it has been officialy confirmed, NUMEROUS times, that it is NOT, i repeat,NOT coming to PS3Vyse_Legends
*sigh* Sadly people cannot seem to realize that Bioshock isnt coming to the PS3 just like MGS 4 isntcoming to the 360.
Not very sure of that, 2kgames and Konami are not "married" to platforms , if you want an example just see what happened with resident evil 4 wich was "exclusive" for nintendo game cube.
Mario,Zelda, Starfox, Halo, ( and i am not sure if gears of wars) those are exclusives
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