Mijis' forum posts
I'm only about 10 hours in but somehow i feelBlue Dragon terribly underrated. The story is definitely common but so is every single FF game so what gives? The one downfall (besides theboss musical score)i see is the fact that on the field menu you have to run around tapping "A" to find hidden objects, but the interaction of some of the objects feels more randomly generated then ANY other game. The level up system i feel adds quite a bit of strategy to it. Leveling up specific classes then swapping to a new class and retaining skills is a cool idea.
Have you ever played ff4 and ff7 ?, those where good rpg´s with good stories not common at all.
Wrong forum to post this.
You only have 5 posts dude. Dont worry everyone gets owned at Gamespot forums one way or another.
Sorry man i am a publicist and every magazine needs a top 10 on the cover to sell , so it gets hard for me not to put a list on my threads
Sorry but my english is not good
Iam very happy with my 360 , but there are a few killer games coming for the ps3
Here is my list:
1. final fantasy games2. metal gear games
3. H.Sword
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