IGN gave it a perfect 10 too , last time i saw a 10 was with zelda ocarina of time. Anyway i have the game since sunday (dont ask me how) and i had much fun so far but i dont know if it deserves a 10
IGN review was nice for this game , so i guess i am getting it despise the fact that i have final fantasy 12 special edition and i didnt played it yet. I was i huge fan of jrpgs until the shooters came
I am playing mass effect and despite the technical issues i think this game deserves a 9 or more , i cant believe they gave it a 8.5 here on gamespot. On the other hand i rented assasins creed and i think its overated incredible graphics , nice combat but the repetitive gameplay makes this game boring and if a game is boring it deserves no more than a 5 .
Ithinkgamespotgets money for high scorereviewsand that is not bad,if gamespot was mine i would do the same , i work on marqueting and everything ismoney and this site is a goodplace to make good publicity. People on Gamespot needs money and deserves it but the reviews are loosing credibility
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