Mijis' forum posts
[QUOTE="lge777"]Final fantasy wittbolds
same here, from some things I've read Square over the years has had frivled relationships with Sony trying to keep them on their system because of Sony getting them out of debt a while ago. I really hope Final Fantasy goes multiplat soon, and MGS4. Every game should be multiplat!!!!
what debt???
I got my 360 two months ago , i played 2 hours each day , i finished bioshock , almost finished gears of war , played oblivion but didnt liked (not my cup of tea) and i rented halo i played it with some friends and i had a very good time and i realized i really need x box live since my friends are 30 like me so we dont have the time to sit and play togeter every weekend. I am living alone so i cant afford internet service right now so i dont have x box live , so my 360 is turned off.
I am beginning to think : "maybee i am becoming old" i am from the nintendo generation i played hours and hours wonderful games from nintendo , s nintendo and playstation.
I want to play this weekend i am playing alone so i want an rpg (not the oblivion type) so i have 2 choices : Final F 12 (ps2) or rent Eternal Sonata at the Blockbuster (i hope they have that one). I know final f has a higher rating in all the reviews . But i would like from your experience (not xbox 360 fans) people who played those games wich one will help tomake again a good connection with videogames???
1) Zelda Ocarina of Time
2) Final Fantasy 7
3) Chrono Triger
4) Metal Gear Solid
5) Gears of War
I wish Nintendo to be a software devloper only for 360 : Mario, Zelda, Metroid
And of course : Final Fantasy , God of War and Metal Gear Series
[QUOTE="Mijis"]Knowing that Gears of War is the only next gen until now , do you think assasins creed will be the next one?
Wow, the 360 is in its 3rd year and you think only 1 game has been next gen. You either have impossible expectations, you don't get out much or you have a very narrow and uninformed idea of what "next gen" is. And like someone else said, its not longer next gen, its now current gen.
Next Gen for me is a game that crossed a line , now visually tell me a game that looks same or better than Gears of War , if you find one that game is a next Gen
i think assasins creed will be worthy of that distinction but leaving bioshock out of that discussion is criminal.
Mate i loved bioshock , but i wasn´t impressed by the visuals Gears of War really crossed the line
Knowing that Gears of War is the only next gen until now , do you think assasins creed will be the next one?
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