Mijis' forum posts
I liked tomb raider 2 , i didnt played the last one is it good?
the eternal sonata review was ok
Why do you do that? It's so pointless and makes the PS3 fans think that ALL 360 owners are as ignorant as you.Scarface_tm431
Just for fun and a big problem with the authority
[QUOTE="Mijis"]but its not me who started it , the thread was already created
Here is a copy of your post. Please read it and tell me how you don't see that it's a trolling post. You are bashing the PS3 in the PS3 forum, while praising the 360.
"Its funny how everyone who has a ps3 is waiting for mgs4 , meanwhile people like me who owns a 360 is playing gears of war , oblivion, bioshock , call of duty, eternal sonata etc , i am not waiting for ninja gaiden 2 , halo 3 , mass effect ,fable 2 and big load of etc´s . I am just playing and you are just waiting."
"btw: my 360 is working fine , no more red rings, manufactered after july 2007"
Well thats true i bashed the ps3 at the ps3 forum but i didnt created the thread :(
You may not get banned, but you are clearly breaking the terms of use. You are making a system wars argument in a system specific forum.
This topic you just posted here will also be locked because it does not pertain to the Xbox 360.
If you want compare games on systems or to compare systems, go to system wars
If you wish to talk with a mod on why you were moderated, go to the ask the mods forum
but its not me who started it , the thread was already created
my acount was already suspended last week btw :(
Don't be foolish, none of us are loading up our PS3 to stare at the xmb. We have our fair share of games we are playing right now as well, and you know this. If you aren't aware, you obviously haven't followed a single game made for the PS3.JKnaperek
You have NG sigma , Warhawk, H Sword , i myself i am a big fan of Metal gear , i played it since NES , and i am sure i am gonna play mgs 4 some day with a cheaper ps3 and more games to play with or maybee on my 360 since the game comes from konami not sony.
Its funny how everyone who has a ps3 is waiting for mgs4 , meanwhile people like me who owns a 360 is playing gears of war , oblivion, bioshock , call of duty, eternal sonata etc , i am not waiting for ninja gaiden 2 , halo 3 , mass effect ,fable 2 and big load of etc´s . I am just playing and you are just waiting.
btw: my 360 is working fine , no more red rings, manufactered after july 2007
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