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Mika_Kitty Blog

another year

I am now 22 nothing special but hey its something........ hopefully this year I will not be cursing the day I was brought to this earth to rot away ...... :D

No but seriously it was great I had the people I loved closed and No I don't care if that soiunds mushy....... I aslo got some cool presents :D like nintendogs! YAYness and a sony cybershot :D yayness

I hope you all have a great birthday whenever it comes and goes :D


Sleeping Rights (extremely long)

Last night I was tired like around 1130 right and I usually bother Zeth to come to bed so I can fall asleep....... Eversince we met we have been sleeping in the same bed.... even before we started dating..... SO I have gotten extremely used to having him in bed with me.....

Well anyways I saw that he was way into this game I rented earlier that day so I did't bother him and I dozed off..... Problem is I keep waking up becuase I couldn't sleep well..... you know that something is missing feeling. So I asked him could he tuck me in or come to bed. He was like yea alright I just am going to save it. (I had a huge headache becuase the noise of the game and the chair was wake me up constantly)

Doze off again wake up doze off wake up...... and 2 hours later he is still playing that game. So I got pissed off.... told him what I thought and muted the tv and tried to fall alseep again....... By this time I am extremely grumpy and when I am grumpy it isn't a good thing.....

So when he finally come to bed I kick him out and argue with him Me being wide awake now from utter headaches.... and him being tired . So I argue with him he sai d I was over reaction which pissed me off more. so I kept pulling hm into bed just to kick him back out again..... my from of punishment that and I was wide awake and I didn't think it was right that he should go to sleep.....

Eventually I calm down but then I laid down quietly and I couldn't fall asleep..... 30 mintues later I wake him up and make him help me fall sleep..... :D which worked........ I got to bed at 5am I was trying to sleep at 1130 .....

I was not a happy camper but can you blame me? BLAUGH!! sorry so long ......

#66 Proof read? No Proof read? ok ok yay


I am no shaved washed cleaned etc........

I was in Massachuetts or however you spell it ....... at my bf house.... Stuck there becuase i had no car.....

but now I am my pjs.....comfy comfy comfy!!

but what's with the scissors??!! why would you mail me those?!??!?!

Thankies for those who cared!

Home!!! I want to go Home

I have no comfy close, my pants are wet, my shoes hurt me, my stuff isn't here, I have no good shampoo and conditioner for my hair, I have hairy legs and hairy armpits becuase I dont have a razor, I have no way of leaving.......

I WANT TO GO HOME!!! :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: I am homesick!! :cry: :cry: :cry: *sniffles* :cry: :(

I want to know what you are doing.....

In five words or less tell me the most interesting thing you did today.........

Me: I tired to walk home to CT from MA..... It didnt work. :x

YOUR TURN! :oops:

Notice I learned to put pics in my entry and now I am abusing it.

#2 in a strangers bathroom ......

......seriously though I am not sure how many people follow the same rule ......but who knows......

RULE:: Do not do the number 2 in anyplace but your own house

...I hate using the bathroom in other peoples houses..... it is disturbing..... .what if they find out??!! :o Ugh to have to deal with hiding the smell......becuase as we all know it smells :| no matter who you are IT SMELLS!! oh oh the nightmare!!.... Problem is.....with all my moral stand points on not using the john at anothers domain there comes a time when you just can't hold it :| ......... :cry: and I couldn't hold it!!..... I tried so hard!! :cry:....... so no came the part of covering it up...... flush as much as possible.... wash hands like crazy to get the smell of the soap in the air.....and use airf freshner QUIETLY! so you won't get caught...... I did all that and to top off my problem..... he went in right after me :cry:.....that sucked....

:lol: I thought it was funny so I thought I would share.......... Seriously though :| :lol: .....

On another note... I got my GI mag today and I have this thing where I LOVE litteraly LOVE to open my own stuff..... and HE OPENED IT!! :cry: Zeth opened my Mag......(btw it came in plastic) I swear I was on the edge of tears!! MY GI!! WHY MY GI?!??!

I think I might be insane :o

The true meaning of emotionally unavaviable (sp)

I am starting to think if I look up emotionally unavaiable it is going to have the perfect discription of my boyfriend. :|

Unable to show emotion, when pushed however will show angry .... I always here guys talk on and on about thier girlfriends nagging ang nagging and I finally understand why they nag......... BECAUSE YOU DONT PAY ATTENTION TO THEM!! So in reality it isn't is just repeating the same thing over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over .......etc you get the point.

We quiet frankly I get SO sick of repeating myself that I just may different ways....... I kick him out of my room. I dont let him use my tv or my computer....but yet none of this affects him.....he just sits there looking at me like I am insane....... Frankly I want to murder him :|

Ok ok so some of you may think I am completely over reacting.... but you sit down for 5 mintues and repeat the same thing over and over and try and change it up and make it different and see how you feel when the other person doesnt give an effing poop what you said......

my last words AAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRGGGGH!!! :cry: