I can honestly say that ive played both betas for Halo 3 and im currently in the COD 4 beta as well and i must say WOW, COD 4 is going to be a masterpiece. It is so much more immersive than Halo 3 and any other FPS for that matter, i know a lot of people are skeptical because they are tired of the other World War 2 Based CODs BUT TRUST ME!! COD 4 is a TOTALLY DIFFERENT BALL GAME.. lets just say this.. COD 4's sound rivals black hawk down infact ive watched black hawk down in surrond sound on blu ray and after playing cod 4 on surrond sound, it even sounds better than the movieblack hawk down with sound effects!!
If COD4 does not get GOTY i Will be in utter shock!! So far this gen, no game can touch this!! And yes i will still be getting Halo 3 and i enjoyed the beta for that game also but COD 4 blows it out of the water. And for those that dont belive me, my Gamertag is hallowed Saint!
As far as the gameplay, man dont even get me started. The gameplay is downright amazing and genious, its the first FPS that actually uses real strategy and you feel so damn good when you get a kill, the map "Crash" is probably the best FPS multiplayer ive ever played in any game ever! I know a lot of you might be thinking im over exagerating but once you play this gem of a game, you will know exactly what I mean, this will ge GOTY quote me and put it in your sig if you like!
Everything about this game screams excellence! From the moment you start up the game at the title menu and you hear the voice say "Lets Do This" after you press the "A" button, you know this game is definitly a gem!!
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