Looking at the Best Buy ad, the PS3 section is non-existent. There is also a two page ad for HD-DVD. No Blu-Ray. The store is almost the same way, with the PS3 section devoted to a teeny-tiny space in a corner. I know the PS3 has only been out for about 7 months, but want gives? Even the games in the stores themselves are not "real". Someone printed the cover, threw it into a video game case, slapped a $60 price tag on it, and then they make you go request it at the counter. BB does not do this with any other game system. It's been long enough! BB should be pushing and advirtising the heck out of the PS3. Thoughts?rosssca
Best Buy doesn't CARE. Why isn't PS3 in the ads more? Because it doesn't sell too well, to be honest. If there was something for the PS3 that would get people into the store, they'd put it in the ads. Best Buy has absolutely no "favorite" in all of this.
I'll go ahead and call it --- Heavenly Sword is not likely to be out this year. Nobody has seen much of the game and according to 1up, they actually saw MORE of the game last year than they did this year.
Sony is not going to allow a company to make a game that only works on a few consoles and no company is going to make a game that is only going to work on a portion of an ALREADY miniscule installed user base.
WHAT? (how can i say this with out u snitching on me?) thats highly uneducated of you, to my understanding Blu-Ray works on ALL SYSTEMS and there are plenty of non signed development teams making games for PS3 "EXCLUSIVE" and i kind of know now your only here to start trouble
Seeing as how the other consoles use 9GB discs, you, apparently, are the one with no idea what you're talking about.
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