No.....It's not, it's the most powerful, and open, and flexible. Hence why it's the most expensive, just like a Ferrari is more expensive than a VolksWagon. wemhim
Not if you already own a Ferrari if you get my meaning.
You do not need to buy anything to play the games. You already own it. (And don't try to post denying that you have a pc and somehow your post 'magically' got on the internet.)
I don't think I saw any threads on fire emblem on system wars yet, so I guess I should start it no? I've been reading in Nintendo power that it was a currently underhyped game and I have to agree, the more I learn about it, the more awesome it looks like.BigB_Anderson
While it's true this game will certainly sell some consoles (In Japan, at least), suggesting that the console would sell 'like hot cakes' is streching it. Disgea has quite a small following. Make no mistake, the games are great, but it's hardly a big name franchise.Piccolo-san
Really? Could it be that I don't have my finger on the pulse of popular gaming like I thought I did? I would like a few more people to chime in first. I think it is only a matter of time before disgaea fans start posting.
Hmmm. People don't seem to agree. Well if I buy a ps3 it disgaea 3 will be a huge factor in that decision. That is all I can say for sure. I think ps3 sales will go on a rush. But I'm just 1 person.
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