@BigDawgSteve420 Not to mention there are 3 Xbox One products in the top 25, the day one edition, the controller, and at 23 the first Xbox one game Forza 5. There are 9 PS4 items. 5 console versions, the controller and 3 games.
"Just like today, a family member" it is right there LOL and have you seen the Angry Joe Videos?
So your resorting to names and saying real facts I have posted are misinformation LOL OK. Links to MS are fake I guess. The reports from new articles are all lies then. The Amazon top sellers are fake I guess then too. LOL
Check my games I have tons of them on 360 and NO PS3 games, I don't hate MS but they decided to make a DRM box that will not let me own what I buy. I hate that only. Never once have I said I was impartial, in fact I have been very clear I hate the Xbox One because of the DRM and plan on buying a PS4.
So that means I can't ask question to want to learn how the one feature they have that might be OK works then? If your the kind people buying the X1 I really do want no part of it then. You and Don are two of a kind aren't you? Reminds me of that South Park Episode with Michael Jackson and how his answer to loving kids was just "your ignorant."
Darn dude you should go on a submarine cruise with Don and play the Xbox One together, oh wait you can't do that without a 24 hour check in darn it, but hey they have a product you can use the 360.
If you do have a link to an article I honestly would like to read it, if you talked to them and there is no link just say that then. Good God you act like I shot the Pope or something, it a game console not a person.
I asked a simple question and didn't say I didn't believe you even. I will try again, was that from an article or did you talk to them yourself? I have read these links and it says "family and like it works today", here is a link to the current family plan as well, granted that will change.
Calling me cynical is fine, but why the need for profanity it was just a question?
You talked to them or is this from an article? Joe talked to them too and that isn't how he described it but until they clear it up none of us really know.
Give your games to friends: Xbox One is designed so game publishers can enable you to give your disc-based games to your friends. There are no fees charged as part of these transfers. There are two requirements: you can only give them to people who have been on your friends list for at least 30 days and each game can only be given once.
Right from this
http://news.xbox.com/2013/06/license and also in the Joe video.
@malokevi @clynch0527 Jokes on you, you can only play the single player parts not the MP parts, check out Angry Joe's interview with Major Nelson and his commentary video about the interview where they talk about that feature a bit.
@m4a5 @MinerAvatar @clynch0527 @udubdawgz @bmart970 What part of you can not play games if the system doesn't check in do you not understand, it has to register the game for you to use it.
@clynch0527 I am talking about giving the disc to another person, it can only be done once, you lose the game from your system, the new person has it but can't give to anyone else after that, confirmed by Major Nelson.
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