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Edited By MinerAvatar


Skyrim is a real pain in the rear on Master or Legendary if you don't cheat somehow. You know like before the patch, using a certain book to hit level 81, or using a potion glitch to make armor with 1000 rating with two enchantments with 300% resistance to stuff. Maybe a sword that does 1000 base damage and has two enchantments with 500 fire damage and 500 shock damage with 1000 charges. Sure then it is easy on any difficulty. But after the 1.9 patch to hit level 252 and get every perk point possible without cheating in some way on Legendary is almost impossible unless you have hundreds of hours of spare time at least.

That said, I agree it is a very different game from Dark Souls anyway and I still like them both. I don't think you have anything to worry about with this game at all. Besides if you cheated in Skyrim to make it easy I bet you would have no problem glitch farming souls in a certain forest simply watching fools fall off a cliff and power leveling your Dark Souls character that way either making the game easier as a result.

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Side note, I Do not know if you have played it but Max Payne is a much different experience when played on easy, normal, and hard. With the easy mode it can even teach you how to play a game so you can then play it on the harder settings with a better feel for how the game play works. So it also adds some replay value as well. I see no down side at all to having more options that allow people to play a game their way, just like you could still play it your way. Enjoy the game the way you want to, you bought it. Who give a crap how someone else plays a video game as long as you enjoy it yourself? The normal mode in Max Payne for example isn't for everyone, just like Dark Souls, however at least it give you an option to play it in easy mode, or to make it really hard if you find normal too easy for you. Mass Effect same thing, much different on Insanity vs normal and easy.

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An easy mode wouldn't help those people anyway. There are cut scenes in Dark Souls and if you read the item descriptions they tell you what they do and side effects like with the Zweihander Sword form your example. Like outlaw they just can't read or at least can't comprehend what they read. The people your describing are the same people that play Skyrim on novice and then wonder why they never die.

I agree not every game can cater to everyone but have no problem with them adding a menu option for the people that want to play it with dumber AI or however they make it easier for people that can't handle it on the harder difficulty. It will sale more copies so they can make more games in the series. Really a menu option isn't going to take anything away from anyone as long as some achievements/trophies can only be gotten from playing it in the normal mode.

The only way this effects you is if you chose to use that option, like I stated just don't use it, problem solved. Almost every game have a difficulty setting and no one has ever forced me to play a game on the easiest setting. An easy option would not have made Dark Souls a worse game since the main game would be 100% the same. Plus then you can brag about how you beat it on normal to all the easy mode people that can't do it. Options are never a bad thing for games in my opinion.

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Can't seem to reply because it keeps deleting my comment back to you, so here goes try number 4. I praise the game and stated I would still play it on default settings like it is and yet you seemed to have missed that part completely. Learn how to read, I am not asking for QTE filled crap at all, just pointing out that if it had an easy mode OPTION it might sell more so they could then make more money to make more games. Thank you for living up to the stereo type of a childish selfish gamer that only wants games to be one way.

Your are no better then the PC vs Console people. It is a fracking game so enjoy the game the way you want to, on what ever system you want to. If a game has an option no one is going to force you to use it. You have no idea what games I play or how I play them anyway do you?

Skyrim has 5 difficulties and if you don't cheat, you will die on the hardest setting. The other way is you can be a God and play it on easy and just hack your way to the end. Either way play the game how you want too and stop caring about how other people play the game they bought and payed for. What difference does it make in your life how they play it? I hope next time I fire up Demon Souls It will be your world I invade just so you can see how I play it. To quote Shang Tsung "Your soul is mine!"

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Even if they add an easy mode to this game it will still be good. Before you get all worked up about an easy mode all they have to do is make sure some achievements don't unlock unless your playing it in the normal mode and disallow PvP in easy mode. If your playing it in easy mode the last thing your going to want is some invader messing with your game anyway. Besides there are disabled people that simply can't do some of moves you had to do in Dark Souls and an easy mode would have made the game better for the controller challenged.

Their are people that love games, like many the wounded vets missing body parts, that need an easy mode to play games at all. How someone else plays a game is not your concern anyway so stop with the elitist attitudes. The game can be just as good with an option that you personally don't have to use, so what is the big deal if someone else uses it? What you not going to feel special because someone you have never met, and never will meet, played it different then you did? Who cares, enjoy the game the way you want to. Don't you understand that they need to sell the game to make money to make more games in the series? If you want to play a game no one else does then go buy Aliens Colonial Marines.

Darn it this game deserves to be played and if an easy mode lets them sell more so they can make more, that is just fine with me. I'll still play it on the default setting and enjoy it my way but will gladly welcome more people getting into this fun series of games so they can keep making more of them.

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At him, I could have deleted your tag but wanted your Poo comment in there for my reply LOL. I am just sick of the Witcher people posting all the time about how great that game is.

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@Korvus85 @JayQproductions

Poo is right. Every article about any publisher and some Witcher fan always goes "but the Withcer this, and CD Projekt Red that." That game is very niche and no fun at all to play unless you love the story, you must have, but I sure as heck didn't.

To try and compare quality titles like GTA, Red Dead, or even Bully is an insult to those games. Your stupid Witcher games have poor level designs, are linear as heck, have poor mechanics for leveling, crafting, etc. All those games are is fancy choose your own adventure books with a crappy main character only loved a very few people. Even your beloved story had the worst ending in game history, it even makes Mass Effect 3's end look great.

I like the polices of CDPR but their games have sucked so far and should not be copied by anyone. Even they are switching to an open world like most Rockstar games and are taking a more Skyrim approach to the Witcher 3. Even they know they need to get out of the small niche they are in right now if they want to compete with the big games that are fun to play.

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Edited By MinerAvatar


Good answer! However my point is the media reports on Kim and Lindsay Lohan a drug addict, over deserved people like her. Why are promiscuous drunks like Snookie and J Wow more celebrated over positive role models like her?

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Edited By MinerAvatar

I wish the main stream media would report more about women like her that are good role models over someone like Kim Kardashian. Think about if you ever have a daughter. Would you rather her be a CFO of one of the largest companies in the world, or be famous for having a sex tape and being on a "reality" show with nothing to offer society other then getting pregnant by one man while married to another one? Good luck to her in her new job.

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@Gravity_Slave You should try Fox News they make up the best stories.