@tightwad34 No it is not the first time at all. James Bond and Sherlock Holmes had to be brought back from the dead by their authors in books. Shakespeare had to trim and change all of his plays to conform to the dictates of the government censors under both Queen Elizabeth and King James. Here are 8 movies that changed the endings based on audience test screenings, Australia, Fatal Attraction, Clerks, Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story, Little Shop of Horrors, Men in Black II, Dawn of the Dead, and The Break-Up. Source: Eight Movies That Changed Their Original Endings By: Vicki Santillano. The end to Blade Runner was changed both before and after release, the Star Wars movies (a few times) after release. Here are 3 games that changed their ends, Portal (A while before Portal 2′s release Valve released a little patch for the original game, patch was free BTW), Prince of Persia with the Epilogue DLC (not free), Fallout 3 (with paid DLC). So yes it has happened before and it will happen again.
@chilly-chill @drsw36 Oh wise one then please explain to us how your squad ended up with joker and why they left you to die alone? If you chose to destroy and "lived" then why does it seem like your on Earth and not floating in space when the Citadel exploded? Want more plot holes? There are plenty like mass relay explosions, stranded races over earth, and how did TIM get on the Citadel? There are plenty more plot holes and nothing was answered with the current ending as it stands now. Glad you liked it, just don't understand how you can with major plot holes like those.
Just wanted to point out Shepard is a Commander not Captain!
Your also missing the point that Bioware LIED about the ending and the MP and how it would be used. So its not that the end sucked it is that the lied about it. If your OK with lies to get your money, I own the Golden Gate Bridge, if you want to own 60% just send me 1,000,000,000 and it will be yours! No refunds, bridge as is.
So gamers should just ignore outright lies to you then? What do you not get about that part of it, and why are you OK with it?
@everyday182 Bingo, your choices affected the end game in ME1 and 2, not so in ME3. That was the fun part of the series for many people, seeing how things changed based on what you did and how it affected the end of that game. You can't do that with ME3 because no matter what you get the same ending and don't even get an end boss to fight!
@everyday182 Ok then how about the Normandy in ME2, if you don't upgrade it then? How about the fact who lives and dies in the end is based on what you do all threw ME2. The difference is your choices matter to how the end plays out on both ME1 and ME2 even more so. In ME3 you can take a new ME3 character and get the same end as one that has played all three ME games. You see the difference now? What you do in ME2 affects how the end plays out. In ME3 it doesn't matter what you do at all to prepare, you get the same choices no matter how you play it in other areas. Even if you don't cure the Genophage for example in ME3 your war assests are the same because you lied to the Krogan and get the Army anyway, the parts you lose are made up for by the Salarians and their forces. They made you get war assess, but why? Unlike in ME2 it doesn't seem to affect anything in the end. Are you starting to see how the end of ME3 doesn't fit with the rest of the series? They made your choices appear not to matter at all, unlike the other games and how they played out in the end.
@everyday182 Wow you just cant understand this can you. Your choices mattered in ME2 at the end. Who lives and dies, keeping the base or destroying it, and I don't know fighting a real boss and not talking to a stupid ghost child that has nothing to do with the ME world built up over three games. Sure ME2 is left with a few choices however those choices matter. You can disagree with ME1 or ME2 and their ends however it is really hard to dispute the fact your choices mattered way more in ME1 and 2 then anything you do in ME3. By forcing you into an A, B, or C choice they took the FUN out of the ME series where your choices mattered. A full renegade or paragon in ME1 and 2 had very different endings, in ME3 they are given the exact same choices that mean nothing other then what color tings blow up. What is so great to you about that? Why do you think I am angry by asking you to defend your position? I have solid reasons why I feel mislead, what are your reason again, everyone else lies so it is OK that they lied? That is not anger that is only question, if I was angry with you I would ask your opinion at all.
@everyday182 Well you must have never played the second game then. You get very different endings in ME2 based on what you do! Also again I didn't read on the net there would not be an A, B, or C ending that was in interviews by Bioware, on video! Same with the MP comments, so again I am back to why are you trying to defend people that outright lied to you? Just asking like you did me, did you not see the TV inteviews, website interviews, magazine articles, or TV advertising? Really dude, ME2 had very different endings, how can you be a "fan" of ME and not know that!
@everyday182 How about because with ME1 Bioware didn't publicly state there would be 16 different endings for one. So I was not mislead about that game. So why would I moan about it then since they didn't mislead anyone about that game? Why are you OK with anyone lying to your face, like they did with this game?
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