Hey guys,
I have always thought gamespot reviews seem to be unbalanced and not judged in a consistent manner. After the Titanfall review, I decided to make a thread about it and see what people on here really think of gamespot reviews.
I have to be honest and say that I am surprised that Titanfall scored as highly as did it, considering BF4 got an 8 and Last of Us also got an 8. All the games cost the same amount of money ($60, one can argue Titanfall costs more when you require to have a gold account, at least on consoles.)
Where Titanfall really comes up short to those two games I mentioned is in the content department. First of all, both BF4 and Last of us both got a long single player component of the game, along with a multi player component. One can easily say both BF4 and Last of Us offer a far bigger value for money, especially in BF4 case, far bigger maps and a far larger collection of weapons/vehicles a full on 64 player experience and a vastly superior graphics. Same thing can be said for Last of Us, a far bigger single player experience, decent multiplayer and with better graphics, especially considering that the game is running on an old gen hardware.
Titanfall hardly has a single player component and when it comes to multilayer content of the game, BF4 wipes to floor with it. If you go back and watch the video reviews of both Titanfall and Last of Us, the reviewer in the Last of Us talks a lot about the shortcomings of the AI, yet the Titanfall review makes no mention of it's extremely bad AI and large part of the game involves the AI. Surely if marks are reduced for Last of Us AI, the same should have been done for Titanfall?
Sure Titanfall is a fun game to play, but surely both BF4 and Last of Us are also fun to play, come with a lot more content, yet they both received 8 while Titanfall managed to get a 9 and it is basically a multi player game only with far less content than BF4 that costs the same as the two games I mentioned.
Sometimes I really don't understand the scores some games get on this website.
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