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#1 Mitjastiskovski
Member since 2004 • 327 Posts

Add that to Bioshock, Gears of War, Forza 2, Perfect Dark Zero, Ghost Recon, and now you can add Halo 3. And you can add Mass Effect in about another 2 months.Lakers20004life

Yea nice collection of games there but whats the point of having them if your Xbox breaks every 5 min LOL

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#2 Mitjastiskovski
Member since 2004 • 327 Posts

When Battlefield Bad Company comes out in Q2 2008 i think CoD 4 will suck compared to battlefield. Battlefield Bad company will be one of the best multiplayer games on this gen. From what i heard in battlefield you will be able to blow up 90% of the buldings on a single map and in multiplayer around 40%.

1st Battlefield Bad Company

2nd Halo 3

3rd UT3

then CoD4

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#3 Mitjastiskovski
Member since 2004 • 327 Posts

Yea i understand exclusive are important to the consoles, but i would rather spend more money on PS3 which has way better realibity than X360 and comes with some great features. Yes the exclusive on PS3 are lame right now but that should change overtime. Right now i can play the multiplats and there are loads of good ones too. I rather see more multiplats than exclusive for my console who cares what exclusive a console got i just want to play good games which are coming to PS3 and i dont care if they are all multiplats.

Some people on the system wars bash PS3 because its got crap exclusive but that dosent mean that PS3 is bad. Instead of some good exclusive its got great multiplats. Alot of xbox fanboys would hate it if Halo goes to PS3 and if i was an xbox fan i really would not care one bit. Thats not gonna stop me from enjoying Halo 3 and i would not care if KZ2 goes to Xbox as a multiplat since thats not gonna stop me enjoying KZ2.

PS3 exclusive will come in time but as of now i can enjoy the multiplats. Even if Xbox game is maybe 10% better than the PS3 thats not gonna make much of a difference if the game is good. And exclusives are only a small part of the library of a game consoles, alot of games are multiplats anyway so i dont know what the fuss is about

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#4 Mitjastiskovski
Member since 2004 • 327 Posts

I really dont get all this argument about which consoles has better exclusive games. The fact is alot of X360 games are coming to PS3 and from this point fowards i really dont care about the exclusive games one bit.

MoH Airborne

CoD 4

Half Life 2

Area 51


Army of Two

and alot more...

So can anyone explain to me why exclusive games are so important? I really dont care about exclusive games when alot of good games are coming to PS3 and i dont care if they are multiplat, who gives a **** right? You still be having fun playing those games even if they are on X360.

I really dont get it guys you are having arguments 24/7 and they are all the same about exclusive games.

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#5 Mitjastiskovski
Member since 2004 • 327 Posts

Lemmings stop having orgasms because X360 outsold the PS3 by 11k. In one week 50k of X360 will break down and will have to be replaced so nothing to be happy about. As for PS3 the sales was good, only 11k behind a much cheaper console and a console that has currently alot more games.

chill out Lemmings

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#6 Mitjastiskovski
Member since 2004 • 327 Posts

how many flops can they take?




all NOT AAA!

what average game will the cows over hype next?


Get lost go and play your Godbox360. Oh srry i didnt know your broke down again. Is this the 27th time now? LOL

There are allready topics about PS3 games theres no need for a new one

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#7 Mitjastiskovski
Member since 2004 • 327 Posts
Its just Xbox fanboys being bored since their X360 broke down again. The best option is to ignoire them for 6 months till they get a new console, hopefully the newconsole will work more than 3 week so the system wars forum will have some good topics not stupid ones like this one.
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#9 Mitjastiskovski
Member since 2004 • 327 Posts

Its only been reviewed by ONE outlet, calm down buddy it hasn't flopped yet. Wait a week, go play your 360.MGS9150

Lately alot of Lemmings seem to be spending their time posting here and that because their crapbox360 broke down and now they have to wait 6 months to get a new crapbox thats gonna work for 3 weeks (Maybe)

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#10 Mitjastiskovski
Member since 2004 • 327 Posts

Man everyday there are 10 new topics about how PS3 sucks and X360 owns. In actual fact people forget that X360 has been out for 2 years now and PS3 is just starting to finish its first year.

In comparisons X360 been out for nearly 2 years and has sold about 12 million consoles.

PS3 been out for less than a year and its sold about 4.5 million consoles. Thats not bad because in simple maths X360 sold 6 million per year and PS3 has sold nearly 4.5 million in his first year. Not bad figures by PS3 is you consider that its hardly got any good games to play and that its much more expensive than X360. And X360 has been around for 2 xmas while ps3 has only been around for 1 xmas and in holidays season and christmas, thats when consoles really start to sell.

I am thinking that PS3 could reach the 5 million mark by the end of the year and then in 08 PS3 will be on fire.

So really people need to start waking up PS3 is not exacly in good position atm but its not dead either as some people claim here