[QUOTE="Mitjastiskovski"] Wii may be leading now but at the end of this gen PS3 will be first second X360 and 3rd Wii. When PS3 price drops and when more games will be avaible then alot of the PS2 users will get a PS3 most likely. And when 120 million sony fanboys will switch the game will be over for 360 and the Wii.
Atleast thats what i think
I know you only have 13 posts, but this is the kinda thinking that got sony in trouble to begin with. 120 million PS2 owners are not sony fanboys. They are 90% casual gamers. And casual gamers switch consoles like the wind. They simply buy what all their friends are playing. And right now, all their friends are palying Wiis and 360s.
Even if the PS3 gets the games, it's still too exspensive. And at the rate consoles drop in price, by the time PS3 is down to $200 (the price where casuals will buy a console) it will be too late.
Your Logic makes no sense. This Next Gen War has hardly started and people are allready picking winners. And can you provide me a link where you read about PS2 gamers 90% beying casual???
Last Gen PS2,Xbox,GC sold 176 Million consoles together and i am not even including dreamcast here. This Gen has sold just over 25 million consoles and i am counting X360,PS3 and Wii together.
Last Gen (PS2, Xbox, GC) Sold about 176 Million consoles all together
This Gen (X360, PS3, Wii) Sold just over 25 Million consoles all together
People need to start waking up this gen has hardly left the start line so dont start to pick winners.
As for PS3 being expensive, its the most cheapest consoles in this gen if you look at what you are getting for the money.
I am 100% sure that PS3 at the end will win in terms of sales. PS2 when it came out was $100 more expensive than Dreamcast and had alot of problems but people still buyed it. history will repeat it self again.
My Info came from the following sites.
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