your the one comparing 3 consoles to the pc , you lost all argument you had when you did that, accuatly you lost it a bit earlier on this thread but you managed to loose it again.
wtf are you talking about? all three consoles will be cheaper to have over their lifetime with upgrades you need to make to the PC and on just building a gaming PC anyway. and if your comparing games over the last two years for the PC even though PS3 and Wii havent even been out a year yet where is the logic in that. of course they have more games..
you wouldnt think i would have to make post after post like this. how about this if you dont use common sense dont post. or post but dont try to call somebody else stupid because you know your stupid.
like i already said its not cheaper, you can build a pc for around 600-750$(and yes it will play crysis) sure you can go wild and build a 1000$-1300$pc, then it will be more expensive but not everyone can afford those.
its all about taste.
remember you need to buy not only the games and the system but acessories for all 3 diferent plataforms, if you already own a keyboard and a mouse you can use them on anyother pc.
if you own a Wii,360 AND a ps3 you are going to need, diferent controllers (if you just want them for single player then it comes with the bundle but if you dont, then you need 4 controllers for each system thats expensive)
pcs can use both the 360 and the ps3 pad, and even the wiimote.
you dont need to upgrade the pc unless you want to.
all 3 consoles might have more games combined, but they dont have more games that intrest me, so why even bother investing there?
right now there are 2 games that might get my attention outside the pc
Mass Effect,SSBB and thats all.
you need to use common sense, you dont like PC"s its your opinion it isnt a fact... you think they are too expensive, well guess what to people that can afford them they arent. it all comes down to what you like the most, it dosent matter how much it coasts, if you like it better you are going to pay more for it.
and where did i called you stupid? comparing the pc with 3 systems just because its more expensive its the same as comparing the PS3 to both the 360+Wii, now that woudnt be fair would it?
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