[QUOTE="Mizarus"] pc has naval sims, sims, rpgs,mmorpgs,racers,sports(from rugby and golf to soccer and cricket) party games, kids games(really kiddy games) third person shooters, adventure, puzzles(myst&cia), horror, any genre you can think of its also avaliable on the pc, the one and only genre thats week on the pc is the fighter genre.
and you dont need to upgrade very often, if you buy the right parts you will be upgrading for the first time after 4 years, and then if you want to keep up with playng games at max settings you might need a new righ 2-3 years after that.
yeah lets associate pc gamers with people that love star trek that makes SENSE! LOL i hate that show btw.
patching is something that a 4years old can do if you think its too much of a hassle then good luck getting a job
Sure it has those games. The question is how many interest ME. This is no different from 360 fanboys listing games to convince PS3 fanboys. Utlimately, people buy what interests them.
Don't upgrade very often? I don't have to upgrade a console at all. And considering, as I already mentioned, there are barely any PC games that really appeal to me (there are a few that pop up from time to time) why would I bother upgrading at all?
I find it extremely ironic that you would insult my intelligence, and say "good luck getting a job" when (a) I have a job, and (b) you clearly failed to udnerstand the very simple analogy I offered. An analogy is something you should have learned about in 10th grade.
lol read what i said, IF YOU WANT TO KEEP UP WITH GRAPHICS, you will need to upgrade if not you dont need to, its the same as when a new console comes out you are not FORCED to buy the next one.
when it comes down to games its all about preference i wont argue that, but thats not the point of this topic is it, i just stated that there are more games on pc
your the one who considers too much of a hassle to patch the a pc, not insulting your intteligence just sayng you are extemly lazy if you think that way. so its you who failed to understand my analogy, since i was implyng something and not stating it as a fact.
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