@Vizard666 It's Rockstar, the total size might be a compressed 32gb like Max Payne 3. In a way this is good, because Max Payne 3 looked fantastic, but I had it on PC. Did they announce GTAV for PC?
@Pharaoh1911 It is a joke, the same joke they told last year with Nuketown 2025. They'll do this to force people pre-order it so they can break records (which they will again) in numbers, while BF4 gives you a free map PACK for pre-ordering. It's kind of sad that people will rush to play a broken game over a game like BF, where the developers actually work to make the game fair for all (like the limited ammunition in vehicles now). COD is nothing more than headglitchers, boosters, and quickscopers.
@jayjay444 @SPuDl This so much, look what's happening at Squareenix. They "removed" there president and make him head CEO. In most asian cultures removing someone from a position and placing them in certain locations is a HUGE sign of loss of respect. If you think about it, Don started at EA then went to Microsoft. EA sued Zynga and now that's where Don is going, it's like saying "you messed up guy, now go die slowly in the desert". I don't care about the console wars, but this guy handled everything poorly.
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