@SpinDie25 Th game was delayed twice before, they are probably still working on it. It's a free download so there is no reason to complain, plus there really isn't even any games coming out before the online releases, so it's not like you'll get tangled up in another game.
Makes sense, because of the mandatory 8GB install. I don't care about pop up if the map is this huge, but I hope everything flows seamlessly together. I want to try and ride a BMX around the whole map.
It's not going to last, no console player will pay the subscription fee for too long if at all. Especially if Destiny and The Division doesn't have a sub fee.
On another note, was there no Skyrim Mod's of the week this week?
Funny, if people actually watched the red band video they would have known she was being tortured before. Kind of hard to have a full uniform when you're getting the shit beat out of you along with waterboarding...
@mattcake According to the public, COD sucks and it has thrived for years. Even the MLG pro's hate the game and only play it to get paid. Can't deny the power of fandom.
@bunchanumbers Get the Zelda Wii U edition, free game, unique console designs, free Zelda Historia book downloaded onto your system. The Wii U is not for me personally but I have a 3DS XL and couldn't be happier. I'm also a Sony person and I can say the Vita will disappoint badly, so if you want a portable system get a 3DS. But personally I wouldn't get the 2DS mainly because it's not really portable unless you put it in a back pack, at least with a regular 3DS you can put it in your pocket easily.
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