#@brandonmacleodE: Yes, I have seen the original movies, and no I didnt expect great narratives/deep stories. I knew what I was going in for, and like I said, I liked the movie, it was fine. It was somewhat at the level of the originals, which is good. But making it like it was the second coming of jesus, like you're making it to be, and saying Tom Hardy's performance in the movie was amazing when there was little of it. Is where I'd have to disagree with you. :) But like everything else. This is only na opinion, my opinion. Like others have mentioned above, interstellar was a great movie, and probably "The Martian" aswell - which I havent seen yet. And with the new 007 movie about, you've got great contestants for a "movie of the year".
@brandonmacleodE: I liked the movie, it was fine, but saying it's the best movie of this year? Nope. Also there was hardly any acting from Tom Hardy, just alot of long stares from him. And going batshit crazy on that guy, and calling people names just because of this movie, won't take you anywhere and whoever reads your replies will brand you a troll and a spoiled child.
@rob_handlery: I read that aswell somewhere. Either it was the beta access, or the temporary Xbox exclusive thing is because now there's talk of a PS4 version in the works. Don't quote me on that though. :P
Anyways, CQC is loads of fun. My CMDR name is Ignion, on PC, hit me up if any of GS staff plays it!
@rob_handlery "Currently an exclusive for Xbox One, CQC mode comes out for PC and Mac later this year." It's out right now for both PC, Mac and Xbox. Later this year is the Horizions expension and update 1.5 which will raise the ship count to 30+ ships in game.
Molokai16's comments