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MonsterMMORPG Blog

You wanna play Pokemon for free ? check out Monster MMORPG V 2.1.5 update

Version 2.1.5 Has arrived to Monster MMORPG with 107 new monsters and some very cool new features

* 107 New monsters added to the game (can be seen at the bottom of the thread) and 9 monsters images updated

---- Image updated monsters: 1122: Angpsy, 1125: Bossang, 1140: Sepra, 1141: Serptychc, 1619: Helioptile, 1639: Wappa, 1624: Drapkin, 1625: Pupgon, 1626: Pumpagon

* New full featured stat calculator coded. This tool is supposed to work as you are in battle, which mean full stats.

---- First load the monster then click update to see stats
---- Stat Calculator :

* How to play, quick tutorial added to the home page and also as an in-depended page

---- How to play Monster MMORPG:

* New rules page added to the game and also hot linked with an icon from chat screen

---- Game rules:

* Voting sites count decreased significantly

* All monsters on maps re-assigned

* All monsters default abilities re-assigned

* All NPCs and their monsters re-assigned

* Currently not available to catch monsters can be seen at below (they may still be obtainable with transformation)


* Credits page updated with row numbers also more artists added


* Main navigation menu bar and some hot links at the footer and header updated

* For the weekend 200% EXP & Gold bonus event started

* Home page load time decreased with performance tuning

* Here 107 new monsters from 9 new volunteer artists



Online Browser MMORPG Game MonsterMMORPG V 2.1.4 Update and awesome event

Monster MMORPG V 2.1.4 Deployed - Change Logs

* 83 New monsters added to the game
---- The good part is we have new artists this means more monster possibilities at the future
---- Total number of contributor monster artist count increased to 38
---- These artists can be seen at credits page

* Very special weekend event started with 300% EXP and Gold boost
---- This event will probably finish this tuesday - 9 July

* All monsters on maps re-assigned

* All monsters default abilities re-assigned

* All NPCs and their monsters re-assigned

* Currently not available to catch monsters can be seen at below (they may still be obtainable with transformation)

* MonsterDex now displays 100 monsters per page

* 3 Monsters images updated
---- #980 Flicey, #955 Falcipy, #1501 Behemoth

* Here the newly added monsters


Free RPG Browser game like Pokemon Monster MMORPG V 2.1.3 - 60 new monsters

Version 2.1.3 Beta Deployed on MonsterMMORPG

* 60 New monsters added to the game. At the below of this thread you can see them. We have new artists and that is a good thing since it increases our chance to get new monsters in future

* Mixed general chat section added to the game. Every language can be spoken there. Good for 1 to 1 when no one else using

* Type chart page added so now you can see type effectiveness of attacking and defending types


* Trade-Sell history page added for Ancient and Legendary monsters. Benefit of this is, if you happen to suspect someone selling-buying monsters for real money, you can report them to me


* User profile page, user monster details page won't require login anymore

* Main navigation menu organized a bit more

* All monsters on all maps re-assigned

* All NPCs on all maps re-assigned

* All Monsters default abilities are re-assigned

* 200% Bonus event started for weekend

* Walking monster count for per map increased to 50 from 40 so not appearing monster count decreased even though total monster count increased

* Currently not available to catch monsters can be seen at below (they may still be obtainable with transformation)


* 2 Existing monsters images updated
---- #971 Cornimy, #1031 Unimy

* New monsters images


MonsterMMORPG V 2.1.1 With 28 new monsters and EXP event

Version 2.1.1 has arrived to free indie game source


* 28 New monsters added to the game. At the below of this message you can see them

* All monsters on all maps re-assigned

* All NPCs on all maps re-assigned

* 200% Bonus event started for weekend (don't worry hopefully following each week have)

* Currently not available to catch monsters can be seen at below (they may still be obtainable with transformation)



Monster MMORPG V2 - 2.1.0 Is now live with 120 new monsters for pokemon games

Version 2.1.0 Beta Deployed on

* 120 New monsters added to the game. At the below of this message you can see them

* 5 Monsters images updated (replaced with better new ones)

* All monsters on all maps re-assigned

* All NPCs on all maps re-assigned

* 250% Bonus event started for weekend (don't worry hopefully following each week have)

* Currently not available to catch monsters can be seen at below (they may still be obtainable with transformation)


And here comes the new monsters ^^


Monster MMORPG V 2.0.8 - 82 new monsters

Versiyon 2.0.8 deployed on Monster MMORPG
Here the news

* 82 new monsters added to the game
---- We have 4 new artists and hopefully more monsters to come

* All monsters default abilities are re-assigned
---- This does not affect existing monsters and the abilities pool that monsters can get when you capture new monster

* All monsters on maps are re-assigned

* All NPCs on maps are re-assigned
---- All NPCs monsters also re-assigned

Special weekend bonus event started
200% bonus EXP & Gold from all battles

New monsters can be found at below :)

Monster MMORPG V2 2.0.7 - New super fast server and weekend event

Version 2.0.7 Beta deployed on

* Server migrated from Europa - Netherlands to Buffalo, New York, USA
---- So now game should be super fast for all those close to USA or have nice internet connection to USA

* The new server is a lot better from the previous one
---- 2 x 256 GB Sata 3 SSD a raid 1 - super fast disks
---- 32 gb ram
---- 3.5 GHZ cpu
---- Latest frameworks
---- 1 Gbit Internet connection

* From now on all monsters below 50 level will gain more exp
---- 1-10 : 200% permanent EXP boost
---- 11-25 : 150% permanent EXP boost
---- 26-35: 100% permanent EXP boost
---- 36-49: 50% permanent EXP boost

* Home page improved a little bit
---- Now you can see latest version change logs links there

* Attractive Player and Horrifying Player items will be effective for 1000 steps

* Natures page added to the game :
---- Will be improved later with sorting and filtering features

* Abilities page added to the game :
---- May get improved later with sorting and filtering features

*** And special weekend event started : 150% bonus from all battles ***