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20 New Super Monster Images And Extra Special Weekend Event At MonsterMMORPG

Well here we are again with dear gamers. MonsterMMORPG once again making an awesome weekend event. This time event is very special.

The boost amount of EXP and Gold is 250% . So training will be more benefical than anytime else.

Also we have updated 20 monster images with a lot better quality ones.

Here so far updated monsters total 107

Don't forget register and play right now :)

Redrawn By Henrie

[Image: 2Shocoon.png] [Image: 3Masagon.png] [Image: 5Horava.png] [Image: 6Ironate.png] [Image: 45Rufoast.png] [Image: 65Gliling.png] [Image: 66Goulio.png] [Image: 67Volshii.png] [Image: 71Jomonker.png] [Image: 72Monjestor.png] [Image: 81Venopal.png] [Image: 82Whivie.png] [Image: 83Veroceti.png] [Image: 125Bavante.png] [Image: 142Jetegin.png] [Image: 143Engiron.png] [Image: 144Yetee.png] [Image: 211Quensea.png] [Image: 214Glamvas.png] [Image: 245Betamma.png] [Image: 246Gampha.png] [Image: 247Alta.png] [Image: 250Potasinite.png] [Image: 251Socilec.png] [Image: 252Caesidote.png] [Image: 299Scortorch.png] [Image: 300Terrire.png] [Image: 301Inferror.png] [Image: 397Curscreech.png] [Image: 407Annaboo.png] [Image: 408Eerobert.png] [Image: 409Cursuit.png] [Image: 410Kiriron.png] [Image: 411Titanife.png] [Image: 420Nekitten.png] [Image: 421Spirin.png] [Image: 422Tighost.png] [Image: 433Aquatish.png] [Image: 434Anciench.png] [Image: 435Colecoil.png] [Image: 458Terrarth.png] [Image: 493Voodoll.png] [Image: 519Titanine.png] [Image: 520Agapup.png] [Image: 600Chlorulk.png] [Image: 601Chloreck.png] [Image: 602Chloroot.png] [Image: 603Smosea.png] [Image: 604Pyrool.png] [Image: 605Pyrain.png] [Image: 606Salapad.png] [Image: 607Lilard.png] [Image: 608Kimodrown.png] [Image: 609Beelet.png] [Image: 610Beeroth.png] [Image: 611Beetall.png] [Image: 646Volcaurus.png] [Image: 647Zonench.png] [Image: 648Tsunidle.png] [Image: 649Stellack.png] [Image: 650Spiralaxy.png]

Redrawn By GarbageKeeper

[Image: 348Ahuizouth.png] [Image: 361Vladepes.png] [Image: 393Martiaya.png] [Image: 394Fightengu.png] [Image: 424Cursnake.png] [Image: 425Lambus.png] [Image: 426Dracloud.png] [Image: 440Phanternal.png] [Image: 441Poltevil.png] [Image: 442Nufo.png] [Image: 443Monue.png] [Image: 444Chimernue.png] [Image: 462Dualit.png] [Image: 463Janusplit.png] [Image: 464Hydevil.png] [Image: 465Jekyllight.png] [Image: 505Psychick.png] [Image: 506Symbird.png] [Image: 507Spirelic.png] [Image: 508Fuzzap.png] [Image: 509Plaspark.png] [Image: 510Teslectric.png] [Image: 533Kingnite.png] [Image: 567Worca.png] [Image: 568Akhuluit.png] [Image: 651Kelvice.png] [Image: 652Meteoid.png] [Image: 656Solord.png] [Image: 657Lunardian.png] [Image: 658Alaclipse.png] [Image: 659Alieian.png]

319 New Incoming Very High Quality Game Maps Of Free Online Game MonsterMMORPG

Monster MMORPG keep rocking the browser games world. The user base of MonsterMMORPG keep increasing every day. It started to catch attention all over the world.

MonsterMMORPG is preparing massive updates for the summer. Hopefully this summer the number one browser game will become MonsterMMORPG with the incoming new awesome quality game maps and the new super insane quality monsters.

These won't be the only new features of free to play browser based mmorpg game Monster MMORPG. We are also planning to update whole theme of the game with a lot of new awesome features. Check out forum constantly for the news.

Keep following us and enjoy.

For watching latest HD gameplay tutorial of MonsterMMORPG click here

Additional details to these the special weekend event is now on. You can gain 100% more Experience and Gold from battles. Haven fun.

Check here for the maps :

Also here some of them for you

[Image: 139_Ground_Route_109.png] [Image: 140_Ground_Route_110.png] [Image: 141_Ground_Route_111.png] [Image: 142_Ground_MinorCity_1.png] [Image: 143_Ground_Route_112.png] [Image: 144_Ground_Route_113.png] [Image: 145_Ground_Route_114.png] [Image: 146_Ground_Route_115.png] [Image: 147_Ground_Route_116.png] [Image: 148_Ground_Route_117.png] [Image: 149_Ground_Route_118.png] [Image: 150_Ground_MinorCity_2.png] [Image: 151_Ground_Route_119.png] [Image: 152_Ground_Route_120.png] [Image: 153_Ground_Route_121.png] [Image: 154_Ground_Route_122.png] [Image: 155_Ground_MinorCity_3.png] [Image: 156_Ground_Route_123.png] [Image: 157_Ground_Route_124.png] [Image: 158_Ground_MajorCity.png] [Image: 159_Ground_MonsterArena.png] [Image: 160_Ground_Route_125.png] [Image: 161_Ground_Route_126.png] [Image: 162_Rock_Route_127.png] [Image: 163_Rock_Route_128.png] [Image: 164_Rock_Route_129.png] [Image: 165_Rock_Route_130.png] [Image: 166_Rock_MinorCity_1.png] [Image: 167_Rock_Route_131.png] [Image: 168_Rock_Route_132.png] [Image: 169_Rock_Route_133.png] [Image: 170_Rock_Route_134.png] [Image: 171_Rock_Route_135.png] [Image: 172_Rock_MinorCity_2.png] [Image: 173_Rock_Route_136.png] [Image: 174_Rock_Route_137.png] [Image: 175_Rock_Route_138.png] [Image: 176_Rock_Route_139.png] [Image: 177_Rock_MinorCity_3.png] [Image: 178_Rock_Route_140.png] [Image: 179_Rock_Route_141.png] [Image: 180_Rock_Route_142.png] [Image: 181_Rock_MajorCity.png] [Image: 182_Rock_MonsterArena.png] [Image: 183_Rock_Route_143.png] [Image: 184_Rock_Route_144.png] [Image: 185_Fire_Route_145.png] [Image: 186_Fire_Route_146.png] [Image: 187_Fire_Route_147.png] [Image: 188_Fire_Route_148.png] [Image: 189_Fire_Route_149.png] [Image: 190_Fire_Route_150.png] [Image: 191_Fire_MinorCity_1.png] [Image: 192_Fire_Route_151.png] [Image: 193_Fire_Route_152.png] [Image: 194_Fire_Route_153.png] [Image: 195_Fire_Route_154.png] [Image: 196_Fire_Route_155.png] [Image: 197_Fire_MinorCity_2.png] [Image: 198_Fire_Route_156.png] [Image: 199_Fire_Route_157.png] [Image: 200_Fire_MinorCity_3.png] [Image: 201_Fire_Route_158.png] [Image: 202_Fire_Route_159.png] [Image: 203_Fire_Route_160.png] [Image: 204_Fire_MajorCity.png] [Image: 205_Fire_MonsterArena.png] [Image: 206_Fire_Route_161.png] [Image: 207_Fire_Route_162.png] [Image: 208_Eletric_Route_163.png] [Image: 209_Eletric_Route_164.png] [Image: 210_Eletric_Route_165.png]

Special weekend event started for MonsterMMORPG

Special weekend bonus event started. You will get 100% bonus EXP and Gold from wild monster battles.

Also we updated new monsters page and new maps page. Now they are better looking.

Currently there are very high quality 59 new incoming monsters.

Also there are 160 super quality maps completed so far. There will be total 520 maps hopefully.

So far redrawing completed awesome quality monsters of monstermmorpg

MonsterMMORPG is the new leader of addicting games with the features it provides. MonsterMMORPG recently started to improve its current monster images quality with the volunteer artists help. If you want more information about monster mmorpg monsters check out its awesome dex . The special game banners are also high quality and you can use them.

You should also check out awesome game avatars of monstermmorpg :) Also the new incoming monsters of monstermmorpg is fantastic.

We also recently hired a professional pixel artist to get new awesome quality 520 new maps . Once they are done we will replace our current game maps with them. Login this adventure and play right now for free :)

MonsterMMORPG gameplay screenshots are also very instructive about the game itself. MonsterMMORPG game dedicated forum also very useful.

Don't forget to check out gameplay videos page of monstermmorpg. Also check out monstermmorpg youtube channel for videos

And now the redrawn high quality monsters of monstermmorpg. They are available in the game right now. So you can catch them and have them :)

Redrawn By Henrie

[Image: 1Masgras.png] [Image: 2Shocoon.png] [Image: 3Masagon.png] [Image: 4Larvitle.png] [Image: 6Ironate.png] [Image: 44Ruffial.png] [Image: 73Moniyon.png] [Image: 81Venopal.png] [Image: 125Bavante.png] [Image: 142Jetegin.png] [Image: 143Engiron.png] [Image: 144Yetee.png] [Image: 245Betamma.png] [Image: 246Gampha.png] [Image: 299Scortorch.png] [Image: 397Curscreech.png] [Image: 409Cursuit.png] [Image: 411Titanife.png] [Image: 420Nekitten.png] [Image: 422Tighost.png] [Image: 435Colecoil.png] [Image: 458Terrarth.png] [Image: 493Voodoll.png] [Image: 519Titanine.png] [Image: 603Smosea.png] [Image: 606Salapad.png] [Image: 609Beelet.png] [Image: 646Volcaurus.png] [Image: 647Zonench.png] [Image: 648Tsunidle.png] [Image: 649Stellack.png] [Image: 650Spiralaxy.png]

Redrawn By GarbageKeeper

[Image: 393Martiaya.png] [Image: 394Fightengu.png] [Image: 424Cursnake.png] [Image: 425Lambus.png] [Image: 426Dracloud.png] [Image: 440Phanternal.png] [Image: 441Poltevil.png] [Image: 442Nufo.png] [Image: 443Monue.png] [Image: 444Chimernue.png] [Image: 462Dualit.png] [Image: 463Janusplit.png] [Image: 464Hydevil.png] [Image: 465Jekyllight.png] [Image: 505Psychick.png] [Image: 506Symbird.png] [Image: 507Spirelic.png] [Image: 508Fuzzap.png] [Image: 509Plaspark.png] [Image: 510Teslectric.png] [Image: 533Kingnite.png] [Image: 567Worca.png] [Image: 568Akhuluit.png] [Image: 651Kelvice.png] [Image: 652Meteoid.png] [Image: 656Solord.png] [Image: 657Lunardian.png] [Image: 658Alaclipse.png] [Image: 659Alieian.png]

Redrawn By Miyavi

[Image: 7Flolz.png] [Image: 8Shariond.png] [Image: 9Dicaccio.png] [Image: 212Dimagem.png] [Image: 240Miroushon.png] [Image: 241Haloudelou.png] [Image: 253Polnorso.png] [Image: 621Padark.png]

MonsterMMORPG incoming new maps - Awesome quality

Alright people. F2P Browser MMORPG game MonsterMMORPG is working very hard to provide you a better gaming experience. We are working on new monsters, maps and other cool new stuff. I will release the new map images as they are done. The images below are the ones completed so far. They are not available in the game yet but hopefully they will be soon available along with the new awesome monsters.

Lets see the so far completed maps. Please click on them to see full size or you can visit NewMaps link for seeing full size

[Image: 001-TOWN 000.PNG] [Image: 002-route1 (NEWGRASS).PNG] [Image: 003-route2(NEWGRASS).PNG] [Image: 004-route3(NEWGRASS).PNG] [Image: 005-route4(NEWGRASS).PNG] [Image: 006-route5.PNG] [Image: 007-TOWN2ZONE1.PNG] [Image: 008-route6.PNG] [Image: 009-route7.PNG] [Image: 010-route8.PNG] [Image: 011-tOWN3.PNG] [Image: 012-route9.PNG] [Image: 013-route10.PNG] [Image: 014-route11.PNG] [Image: 015-route12.PNG] [Image: 016-route13.PNG] [Image: 017-route14.PNG] [Image: 018-route15.PNG] [Image: 019-route16.PNG] [Image: 020-city-NORMAL-MM.PNG] [Image: 021-route17.PNG] [Image: 022-route18.PNG] [Image: 023-route19.PNG] [Image: 024-route20.PNG] [Image: 025-TOWN.PNG] [Image: 026-route21.PNG] [Image: 027-route22.PNG] [Image: 028-route23.PNG] [Image: 028-route24.PNG] [Image: 029-route25.PNG] [Image: 030-route26.PNG] [Image: 031-TOWN.PNG] [Image: 032-route27.PNG] [Image: 033-route28.PNG] [Image: 034-route29.PNG] [Image: 035-route30.PNG] [Image: 036-TOWN.PNG] [Image: 037-route31.PNG] [Image: 038-route32.PNG] [Image: 039-route33.PNG] [Image: 040-route34.PNG] [Image: 041-CITY.PNG] [Image: 042-route35.PNG] [Image: 043-route36.PNG] [Image: 044-route37.PNG] [Image: 045-route38.PNG] [Image: 046-route39.PNG] [Image: 047-route40.PNG] [Image: 048-TOWN.PNG] [Image: 049-route41.PNG] [Image: 050-route42.PNG] [Image: 051-route43.PNG] [Image: 052-route44.PNG] [Image: 053-TOWN.PNG] [Image: 054-route45.PNG] [Image: 055-route46.PNG] [Image: 056-route47.PNG] [Image: 057-TOWN.PNG] [Image: 058-route48.PNG] [Image: 059-route49.PNG] [Image: 060-route50.PNG] [Image: 061-route51.PNG] [Image: 062-route52.PNG] [Image: 063-CITY.PNG] [Image: 064-route53.PNG] [Image: 065-route54.PNG] [Image: FIRSTGYM.PNG]

MonsterMMORPG updating its Monsters with new high quality more realistic ones

Alright people. First of all the new special event started for best of addicting games F2P MMORPG MonsterMMORPG which is better than Pokemon Online games.

For this weekend 200% EXP and Gold bonus is on. And now the better part comes. As our talented volunteer players redrawing our current monsters we are updating their images. Here lets see them :)

Redrawn By Henrie

[Image: 3Masagon.png] [Image: 6Ironate.png] [Image: 44Ruffial.png] [Image: 73Moniyon.png] [Image: 125Bavante.png] [Image: 142Jetegin.png] [Image: 144Yetee.png] [Image: 245Betamma.png] [Image: 246Gampha.png] [Image: 397Curscreech.png] [Image: 409Cursuit.png] [Image: 411Titanife.png] [Image: 422Tighost.png] [Image: 435Colecoil.png] [Image: 458Terrarth.png] [Image: 493Voodoll.png] [Image: 519Titanine.png] [Image: 646Volcaurus.png] [Image: 647Zonench.png] [Image: 648Tsunidle.png] [Image: 649Stellack.png] [Image: 650Spiralaxy.png]

Redrawn By GarbageKeeper

[Image: 393Martiaya.png] [Image: 394Fightengu.png] [Image: 424Cursnake.png] [Image: 440Phanternal.png] [Image: 441Poltevil.png] [Image: 442Nufo.png] [Image: 443Monue.png] [Image: 444Chimernue.png] [Image: 462Dualit.png] [Image: 463Janusplit.png] [Image: 464Hydevil.png] [Image: 465Jekyllight.png] [Image: 505Psychick.png] [Image: 506Symbird.png] [Image: 507Spirelic.png] [Image: 533Kingnite.png] [Image: 567Worca.png] [Image: 568Akhuluit.png] [Image: 651Kelvice.png] [Image: 652Meteoid.png] [Image: 656Solord.png] [Image: 657Lunardian.png] [Image: 658Alaclipse.png] [Image: 659Alieian.png]

Redrawn By Miyavi

[Image: 212Dimagem.png] [Image: 240Miroushon.png] [Image: 241Haloudelou.png] [Image: 253Polnorso.png]

Best Of Addicting Games MonsterMMORPG For Pokemon Online Games Fans New Maps

Alright people. First of all F2P Browser Game MonsterMMORPG special weekend event is on. So you can farm :D

Now we recently started releasing our new map images. I am pretty sure you will love them :) Hopefully there will be total 520 maps. We also continue drawing our new monsters. They are also doing very good :)

All rights reserved to best of online addicting games MonsterMMORPG

Click on images to see full sizes or you can see whole as a full size from here :

001-TOWN 000: [Image: 001-TOWN 000.PNG] 002-route1 (NEWGRASS): [Image: 002-route1 (NEWGRASS).PNG] 003-route2(NEWGRASS): [Image: 003-route2(NEWGRASS).PNG] 004-route3(NEWGRASS): [Image: 004-route3(NEWGRASS).PNG] 005-route4(NEWGRASS): [Image: 005-route4(NEWGRASS).PNG] 006-route5: [Image: 006-route5.PNG] 007-TOWN2ZONE1: [Image: 007-TOWN2ZONE1.PNG] 008-route6: [Image: 008-route6.PNG] 009-route7: [Image: 009-route7.PNG] 010-route8: [Image: 010-route8.PNG] 011-tOWN3: [Image: 011-tOWN3.PNG] 012-route9: [Image: 012-route9.PNG] 013-route10: [Image: 013-route10.PNG] 014-route11: [Image: 014-route11.PNG] 015-route12: [Image: 015-route12.PNG] 016-route13: [Image: 016-route13.PNG] 017-route14: [Image: 017-route14.PNG] 018-route15: [Image: 018-route15.PNG] 019-route16: [Image: 019-route16.PNG] 020-city-NORMAL-MM: [Image: 020-city-NORMAL-MM.PNG] 021-route17: [Image: 021-route17.PNG] 022-route18: [Image: 022-route18.PNG] 023-route19: [Image: 023-route19.PNG] 024-route20: [Image: 024-route20.PNG] 025-TOWN: [Image: 025-TOWN.PNG] 026-route21: [Image: 026-route21.PNG] 027-route22: [Image: 027-route22.PNG] 028-route23: [Image: 028-route23.PNG] 028-route24: [Image: 028-route24.PNG] 029-route25: [Image: 029-route25.PNG] 030-route26: [Image: 030-route26.PNG] 031-TOWN: [Image: 031-TOWN.PNG] 032-route27: [Image: 032-route27.PNG] 033-route28: [Image: 033-route28.PNG] 034-route29: [Image: 034-route29.PNG] 035-route30: [Image: 035-route30.PNG] 036-TOWN: [Image: 036-TOWN.PNG] 037-route31: [Image: 037-route31.PNG] 038-route32: [Image: 038-route32.PNG] 039-route33: [Image: 039-route33.PNG] 040-route34: [Image: 040-route34.PNG] 041-CITY: [Image: 041-CITY.PNG] 042-route35: [Image: 042-route35.PNG] 043-route36: [Image: 043-route36.PNG] FIRSTGYM: [Image: FIRSTGYM.PNG]

MonsterMMORPG new Monsters and Special weekend event - addicting online mmorpg

Hello people. F2P browser MMORPG Game , one of the best online games MonsterMMORPG started a special weekend event once again. If you like to play free games check out monster mmorpg ^^

Hopefully i will also start releasing new maps images soon. MonsterMMORPG hopefully will become one of the most successful games in the world ^^

Now the event is 100% EXP and Money bonus from wild monster battles.

Lets come to new Monster images. There are some pretty cool dragons.

All rights reserved to MonsterMMORPG once again

Vydral (Electric & Poison): [Image: 045_Vydral.png]

Gigoliath (Rock & Psychic): [Image: 046_Gigoliath.png] -

Aturion (Light & Steel): [Image: 047_Aturion.png]

Grasilisk (Grass & Water): [Image: 048_Grasilisk.png] -

Ugoyle (Dragon & Dark): [Image: 049_Ugoyle.png]

Aurorile (Dragon & Ice): [Image: 050_Aurorile.png] -

Orogond (Dragon & Fire): [Image: 051_Orogond.png]