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25 Awesome new monster images and special weekend event in Monster MMORPG

Hello dear players. Monster MMORPG once again making a special weekend event with nice bonusses. But the real suprise for this weekend is updated 25 monster images. You can catch them in the game.

Also the process of developing MonsterMMORPG 2.0 started. Stay tuned.

Official site :

Incoming new maps :

Incoming new awesome monsters :

The new updated mosnter images

Redrawn By Henrie

[Image: 436Piribbean.png] [Image: 437Piraid.png] [Image: 550Collecrow.png] [Image: 551Ravenatch.png] [Image: 643Sporoom.png]

Redrawn By GarbageKeeper

[Image: 279Coltide.png] [Image: 280Rainay.png] [Image: 281Horiver.png] [Image: 341Darex.png] [Image: 342Riblack.png] [Image: 343Tyranoir.png] [Image: 344Stegorch.png] [Image: 345Kentower.png] [Image: 346Solare.png] [Image: 352Wasteal.png] [Image: 353Parastlyze.png] [Image: 388Shocoil.png] [Image: 389Wattesla.png] [Image: 390Voltesla.png] [Image: 499Wateel.png] [Image: 500Snakrait.png] [Image: 501Gardeel.png] [Image: 541Nukid.png] [Image: 542Cautant.png] [Image: 543Radiaution.png]

MonsterMMORPG special weekend event and 17 updated monster images

Once again MonsterMMORPG is making an awesome weekend event with super news.

The bonus event is online. You will gain 100% more EXP points from wild monster battles a long with the 100% Gold bonus.

But these are not the all of the news.

We have updated 17 of our current monster images by our volunteer and talented artists redrawings.

Also MonsterMMORPG new maps about to be completed. 19 Zones are completed and only underground maps are remaning.

MonsterMMORPG home page :

Monster MMORPG register page :

The all of the incoming maps of MonsterMMORPG :

The incoming very high quality monsters of MonsterMMORPG :

All of the current monsters of Monster MMORPG :

MonsterDex (like Pokedex) of MonsterMMORPG :

And here the updated 17 new monster images

Redrawn By Henrie

[Image: 212Dimagem.png] [Image: 241Haloudelou.png] [Image: 242Urbai.png] [Image: 456Terrake.png] [Image: 457Terragon.png] [Image: 491Puppin.png] [Image: 492Gathread.png] [Image: 517Metyke.png] [Image: 518Barkel.png] [Image: 521Loveen.png]

Redrawn By GarbageKeeper

[Image: 347Ahuiver.png] [Image: 423Murkrypt.png] [Image: 531Servire.png] [Image: 532Prinsinge.png] [Image: 594Chompup.png] [Image: 595Chomperro.png]

MonsterMMORPG incoming new 72 maps and special weekend event

Once again MonsterMMORPG special weekend event started. This time the EXP and Gold bonus is 150% percent.

It will last during this weekend.

We are also constantly updating our monster images. You better check our latest currently available monsters ^^

For those who does not know, Monster MMORPG is a free to play browser based mmorpg game similar to Pokemon yet unique and all rights reserved game.

The one another news is 72 new maps completed. I am pretty sure you will love them. Here the images of those new 72 maps. These maps will be available hopefully this summer at the game with massive updates.

You can see all of the incoming maps here :

Here 72 new ones

Edit : I am not allowed to post 72 of them here since being too big :(

[Image: 389_Dragon_MonsterArena.png] [Image: 388_Dragon_MajorCity.png] [Image: 386_Dragon_Route_303.png] [Image: 385_Dragon_Route_302.png] [Image: 384_Dragon_MinorCity_3.png] [Image: 383_Dragon_Route_301.png] [Image: 382_Dragon_Route_300.png] [Image: 381_Dragon_Route_299.png] [Image: 380_Dragon_Route_298.png] [Image: 379_Dragon_Route_297.png] [Image: 378_Dragon_MinorCity_2.png] [Image: 377_Dragon_Route_296.png] [Image: 376_Dragon_Route_295.png] [Image: 374_Dragon_MinorCity_1.png] [Image: 372_Dragon_Route_292.png] [Image: 371_Dragon_Route_291.png] [Image: 370_Dragon_Route_290.png] [Image: 369_Dragon_Route_289.png] [Image: 368_Ghost_Route_288.png] [Image: 367_Ghost_MonsterArena.png] [Image: 366_Ghost_MajorCity.png] [Image: 365_Ghost_Route_287.png] [Image: 364_Ghost_Route_286.png] [Image: 363_Ghost_Route_285.png] [Image: 362_Ghost_MinorCity_3.png] [Image: 361_Ghost_Route_284.png] [Image: 360_Ghost_Route_283.png] [Image: 359_Ghost_Route_282.png] [Image: 358_Ghost_MinorCity_2.png] [Image: 351_Ghost_MinorCity_1.png] [Image: 350_Ghost_Route_275.png] [Image: 349_Ghost_Route_274.png] [Image: 348_Ghost_Route_273.png] [Image: 347_Ghost_Route_272.png] [Image: 346_Ghost_Route_271.png] [Image: 325_Flying_Route_255.png] [Image: 324_Flying_Route_254.png] [Image: 323_Flying_Route_253.png] [Image: 322_Psychic_MonsterArena.png] [Image: 297_Steel_MonsterArena.png] [Image: 273_Fight_MonsterArena.png]