Don't get me wrong I favor Sony and everything, but could we turn down the fanboyism a tad?espoac
MorisUkunRasik's forum posts
[QUOTE="LongshotX2"][QUOTE="Spartan070"][QUOTE="MorisUkunRasik"]the 64had big games not mgs4 or ff13 big, and the 64 failed because the ps1 was so great, who made the ps1 again? oh yea this thread fails
ROFL! Perfect Dark, Mario 64, Goldeneye, Ocarina, Mario Kart 64 and many others all disagree.
All first party.
Face it,N64 had sh1tty 3rd party support compared to PS1.
Too bad 75% of PS1 games were abysmal flops. Final Fantasy, Metal Gear, Crash Bandicoot and a few others were the only really good games for the console, I should know. I mean jesus how many times did Sony have to rehash Cool Boarders to try and compete with 1080 Snowboarding, which is still the best snowboarding series of all time. Sheesh there were like 7 installments of Cool Boarders on the PS1 and each one kept getting lower scores. At least Rare put out some of the best franchises of all time, which Microsoft wound up ruining like Perfect Dark and Conker. Anyone who says the N64 had bad games is a moron.
no one says it has bad games, but not enough good ones
[QUOTE="Sparkys"][QUOTE="MorisUkunRasik"][QUOTE="jedigemini"][QUOTE="MorisUkunRasik"][QUOTE="jedigemini"]PS2 and Super Nintendo both reigned supreme in their respective era and they were followed up by less popular consoles that were focussed on power, had fewer games, lost marketshare and third party support, and pissed off the gaming/development community at large... I speak of the N64 and PS3... though PS3 looks to have stronger 3rd party support than the N64 at this point, we can only hope it has the same level of first party software (Lair is looking hot for the PS3 but OOT, PD, 007, Mario 64 anyone?)
the 64had big games not mgs4 or ff13 big, and the 64 failed because the ps1 was so great, who made the ps1 again? oh yea this thread fails
OOT, PD, 007, and Mario 64 disagree
as much as I loved 007 and PD they have absolutely nothing on MG, and its hard to compare any game with FF
They have absolutely everything on MG.... MG is a great game, but it's become the same thing gameplay wise 3 and probly 4 times in row... the only diffrence in the games is the setting and story. The gameplay is basicaly the same.
FF is over rated, it's not even the best RPG franchise. Dragon Quest is better.
That'd be a problem if the gameplay wasn't fantastic and itt has one of the best storylines not to say that oot didn't have great gameplay and story and dragon quest being better than FF is opinion.
[QUOTE="HeedleGlavin"][QUOTE="farnham"][QUOTE="HeedleGlavin"]Nope. Factor 5 is a visual-heavy developer.farnham
why did they ditch Xbox then..? also rogue squadron wasnt really bad in sales.. they have a solid fanbase on nintendo platforms.. they wont make lair.. but they will develop on wii.. its pretty much a given..
Well, the GC was very powerful for the time period. Rogue Squadron II: Rogue Leader was a GC launch title - and is still one of the best looking last-gen games. Apparently, the Wii's jump in raw power wasn't enough for Factor 5.
but certainly not as powerful as Xbox.. so your argument falls flat
we can assume that PS3 wont sell well even if Lair comes out.. at the current state i dont see any game that will get it out of this situation.. especially since they dont have anything in April to August.. while Nintendo does have some best sellers up their sleeves.. (especially in japan they have Draqon Quest Swords and One Piece comming out, in NA they have Super Paper Mario, Pokemon and Big Brain Academy) and 360.. well they have their powerful lineup too.
and i dont think nintendo and MS will be stupid and totally forget about september.. they will both drop heavy hitters and that will hurt the PS3.. once again especially in Japan.. (i dont see them having a chance there)
so yeah.. Lair wont make Rogue Squadron Numbers.. and Factor 5 will go figure..
does published by sony mean nothing?
[QUOTE="MorisUkunRasik"][QUOTE="jedigemini"]PS2 and Super Nintendo both reigned supreme in their respective era and they were followed up by less popular consoles that were focussed on power, had fewer games, lost marketshare and third party support, and pissed off the gaming/development community at large... I speak of the N64 and PS3... though PS3 looks to have stronger 3rd party support than the N64 at this point, we can only hope it has the same level of first party software (Lair is looking hot for the PS3 but OOT, PD, 007, Mario 64 anyone?)
the 64had big games not mgs4 or ff13 big, and the 64 failed because the ps1 was so great, who made the ps1 again? oh yea this thread fails
He was only comparing them. And yes, the N64 had some huge games. Also, Wii and 360 are turning out to be the PS1s that killed the N64. Let me finish this by replying to the "who made the ps1 again?" remark you made. Nintendo made great systems, does that mean they're always good? No. No it doesn't.
I think every nintendo system has been good....which one was bad?
[QUOTE="MorisUkunRasik"][QUOTE="jedigemini"]PS2 and Super Nintendo both reigned supreme in their respective era and they were followed up by less popular consoles that were focussed on power, had fewer games, lost marketshare and third party support, and pissed off the gaming/development community at large... I speak of the N64 and PS3... though PS3 looks to have stronger 3rd party support than the N64 at this point, we can only hope it has the same level of first party software (Lair is looking hot for the PS3 but OOT, PD, 007, Mario 64 anyone?)
the 64had big games not mgs4 or ff13 big, and the 64 failed because the ps1 was so great, who made the ps1 again? oh yea this thread fails
OOT, PD, 007, and Mario 64 disagree
as much as I loved 007 and PD they have absolutely nothing on MG, and its hard to compare any game with FF
who else is getting pokemon? common raise your hand dont be shy.omarguy01
I will be getting a ds and that game around the ending of april/beginning of may
PS2 and Super Nintendo both reigned supreme in their respective era and they were followed up by less popular consoles that were focussed on power, had fewer games, lost marketshare and third party support, and pissed off the gaming/development community at large... I speak of the N64 and PS3... though PS3 looks to have stronger 3rd party support than the N64 at this point, we can only hope it has the same level of first party software (Lair is looking hot for the PS3 but OOT, PD, 007, Mario 64 anyone?)
the 64had big games not mgs4 or ff13 big, and the 64 failed because the ps1 was so great, who made the ps1 again? oh yea this thread fails
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