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MorkkiTH Blog

Super Mario Galaxy


First I just say: OMG! :D :P I got this game today morning and after playing... lots of hours :P I have to say that Super Mario Galaxy is probably best mario game which I have ever played! Last mario which I did enjoy this much was Super Mario 64. Again your duty is to rescue the princess and travel the galaxy. You are again collecting stars and it still is very addictive and fun! :) There is some conditions which you have to have before you can get certain stars. There has to be comet flying trough the galaxy where you are and it makes things different. Sometimes it gives you a time limit, sometimes it hardens enemies ect. Again: Lots of fun! :D

Game sounds amazing and there is all old themes there but little bit modernised. Soundtrack is very good and it sounds and feels like mario. Nothing extra special, but very good soundtrack. I haven't played many Wii games at the moment but I have to say that this game looks amazing! I have component cable and it makes games look much better than original Wii scart cable! It's not like SD to HD but still. Or is there something wrong in my eyes...

If you have Wii and you don't own this game... then why did you buy Wii?!


Some Zelda: Twilight Princess progress report :) I have played about 16hours and I just restored 3 shadowthingy. Game has been pretty easy thus far. There have been couple problems which did give gray hairs but eventually I managed to solve them. I think I have long way to go before I can finish this game. and it looks that I don't have time to play PS3 games this month... :P maybe... :D

oh and I have been watching this show :D There go and see SGI episodes 1-52.

- MorkkiTH -

Me And My Wii

So in my last blog post I did write that I ordered Wii. It arrived monday and I have been testing and playing it couple days now. My first thoughts are: Wii is great! It's not graphics wise like x360 or PS3 but controls are different, fun and very good. Games are other thing why I did get Wii. Sadly there isn't much very good games like x360 or PS3 has but if you like certain games like I do then Wii is good choice!

...and now some ancient history :P I started my gaming "career" pretty much in 8bit nintendo and super mario bros. Soon did come metal gear, metroid prime, Kirby ( :P ) and all other big nintendo games. But years passed and I pretty much abandoned nintendo before N64. But when I bought nintendo DS all was changed! DS did bring me back to nintendo :) So I like zelda and mario games very very much! There is very good collection of old mario, zelda and metroid games in the wiistore which I'm going to purchase near future... I just have to buy memory card... by the way which is the biggest memory card capacity that wii supports? I could get this Kingston SDHC 8gt card... I updated my Wii and now there should be somekind of support for bigger cards.

I bought 2 games: Pikmin 2(Very cheap) and The Legend Of Zelda: Twilight Princess (Must :D ). I also ordered Super Mario Galaxy and it should come in couple days I think... Wii sports did come with the console and it's my fiancee's favorite game ever :D :o She plays mostly golf and tennis. I have been playing mostly Zelda (about 6hours) but Pikmin 2 has also got my attention. Beginning of the zelda was pretty boring but after couple hours it's getting better every minute :) My first wiistore buy was: Zelda: oscarina of time and Zelda: Majora's mask. I have never played these games (yes I have done horrible thing when not playing this game :P ) but I'm eager to begin :)

Suggest me games which are worth purchasing :) I have done some research but others suggestions are always good to hear.


- MorkkiTH -

How I Have Been Spending Time

I thought it would be good time to write a new blog post :) So what I have been doing? Well... Lots of time has gone with my new dog "Iines", I've been training it little bit (it's good to start training very early!). I have been training at the gym also now that I'm in full health :) It's been hard work but it's good that my muscles remember every move :) I have also changed my diet. I eat much more and there is lots of meat in my meals :P It's my 3rd week since my start and everything is going very well :) in Penchpress (right word...?) I'm lifting at the moment 140kg (308.65lbs) but I am far away at my best! :( deadlift is 200kg (440.92lbs) but that's far away too :( oh well... I need just more time and training.


I've got this "itch" for something new... :P so... I ordered Nintendo Wii :D I know, I know, I have said that there is no point getting wii because there isn't much good games on the wii. But still... I watched super mario galaxy and zelda videos and... that's it! I ordered Wii, 2 games, motion plus, second controller for wiiware games and wii points. I have checked how many interesting games there is on disc and there isn't many :( But still I'm going to get wii :P Well see if I'm going to dissapoint or... well see... wii

Now that I'm getting wii and I have to have working wlan, I put my wlan working. I have been thinking of putting that thing working for a long time and now that I have good reason I did :P I'm not very good in this technical stuff so It did take some time and checking manual several times :P

I have been playing Call of juarez: Bound In Blood, Fight Night Round 4, FF7, Prototype, Red Faction Guerilla and couple other games. Unfortunately I haven't had as much time I would want to :( Yes I'm on my vacation but still. Like I did say I have new dog and gym training. And of course I have to spend some time with my fiance.

I know that everyone is busy but if you have the time to tell what have you been doing and what have you been playing it would be nice :) I will be checking and commenting on your blogs when I have the time :) I hope you all are doing fine and you all are healthy!

- MorkkiTH -

Monthly Blog Part 6 (2009)

I did have pretty quiet month. I didn't get as much playing time I would have liked, but hey you can't win every time. But well see if my next monthly blog is bigger :)

gs progress




- GRID(GS:8.0/10, Metacritic:85/100)
-Red Faction: Guerilla(GS:8.5/10, Metacritic:86/100)
-inFamous (GS:8.0/10, Metacritic:78/100)
-Prototype (GS:8.5/10, Metacritic:84/100)


-Final Fantasy VII(GS:9.5/10, Metacritic:92/100)








Total: +50 new trophys

-Red Faction Guerilla


- inFamous

- Battlefield: Bad Company

- Protype


-inFamous (PS3) = 9.0/10


- inFamous (PS3)
- Guitar Hero World Tour (PS3)
- Final Fantasy VII (PSN)
- Battlefield Bad Company (PS3)
- Prototype
- Red Faction Guerilla (PS3)
- Grid (PS3)
- LittleBigPlanet (PS3)
- Gran Turismo 5 Prologue (PS3)
- COD: WAW (PS3)
- Killzone 2 (PS3)



Red Faction: Guerilla(GS:8.5/10, Metacritic:86/100)





ainitialdgintamalucky star

- Ranma 1/2
- Initial D
- Lucky Star
- Gintama


You can see other monthly blogshere

New Family Member

Yep, I got a dog littlewhile ago! :) it's 10weeks old and name is: Iines (Daisy) from donal duck comics :P It's mixed breed and amazing dog :)


I'm trying to do my monthly blog tomorrow :)

- MorkkiTH -

Just Writing Something

Hey everyone! :)

I've been very busy in these couple weeks. Work is... full of work! ( :P ) but seriously. I've been very stressed! But there is bright future ahead of me! SUMMER VACATION! :D 4 weeks of playing games, watching anime, sleeping, friends and relaxing with my fiancee. 5 more days! 5 days and then I'm free for a while :D I did spend some good time with my friend (Very big guy, he works as a security guard at the same firm as I did!) last saturday/sunday :D We thought; "Hey, our girlfriends are somewhere else, we should drink and play games!" and... we started to drink about saturday evening 17.00 and continued to sunday morning 06.30 (I think...) We played guitar hero: world tour, fight night round 3, COD: WAW, Red faction Guerilla and... fight night round 4 demo. Total liquid amount: 1 bottle of rum, 1 bottle of koskenkorva, 1 bottle of tarschnapps, tequila and whisky. Yep... we were very, very, very drunk :P But we did have lots of good time and and we didn't even have a bad hangover :P :) So that "trip" was enough for me for a while. I can drink a lot! but it has been about 5 years since I have drank that much! So remember kids, alcohol is bad for you! only for adults!

So what are my plans for gaming section in my vacation? I have so many games unfinished... and new games are coming all the time. I finished inFamous couple days ago (I did all the side missions, collected all the dead drops and almost all the fragments, 4missing...) and I started to play Prototype, I played about 2 hours and then moved back to play Red faction Guerilla. Destroying buildings, cars and pretty much everything is fun! :D :P

Have you tested fight night round 4 demo yet? Game looks great and controlls feels good, hard, but good. I just have to play it more :P Fight Night Round 3 is my all time fav boxing game! and with friend it's just... awesome! :D so I have very high expectations for this game! I haven't played FF7 as much I would have wanted but I'm going to fix this problem when my vacations starts :) only just over 5 hours of gameplay at the moment...

I hope you all have fun with games and everything :) and if you have the time tell me what have you been doing lately :)

- MorkkiTH -

E3 Games


So E3 is over and I got pretty much I wanted from E3 this year :) Much better shows than last year and lots of interesting games. Then I started to think how many games there is coming this year(and next) which I would want. So here is the list:

PS3 Exclusive:

Ratchet & Clank: A Crack In Time
White Knight Chronicles
Ucharted 2: Among Thieves
Gran Turismo 5
Heavy Rain: The Origami Killer

2010 or later
The Last Guardian
God Of War 3
FFXIV Online



Fight Night Round 4
Brutal Legend
Moder Warfare 2
Batman: Arkham Asylum
Assassin's Creed 2
Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2
Dragon Age Origins
Bioshock 2

Army Of Two: The 40th Day

Release dates isn't confirmed on all games but year 2009 will be great year for us gamers! If I would buy all the "must buy" games of x360, Wii, DS and PSP I would go bankcrupt very quickly! :P I left Prototype, Red faction and... out of the list because those are released in couple days... How many games I got there...(?) ... 20 games!!! and only 6 are coming next year. So it's about 14 games for this year :D Have you thought which games are you going to get this year? :)


At last FFVII did come to EU psn store! :) I downloaded it yesterday and I have been playing it couple hours at the moment. Game brings lots of good memories! Last time I played FFVII was about 5 years ago. Game still have that something which want's me to play this game! :) I have also played infamous couple days now and it's been lots of fun!. I'm at the second island and I'm playing good side. I'm going to play probably bad side also but I'm not sure when... so many games which I have to play :P

But I get back to check some E3 stuff and continue FF7 :)

- MorkkiTH -

Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo


Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo did held their press conferences. I'm pretty sure that there is lots of this kind of blog post but still, I will share my opinion too :P :D I'm not going to tell everything what happened in these conferences. Mainly what I thought important ect. I'm pretty sure that everyone has seen these press conferences and know what I'm talking and everyone has his/her own opinions, so I don't want fanboys here commenting!!! We all are gamers and love gaming so be nice and have fun :)


Last couple E3 conferences what Nintendo has shown has been disappointing and sadly this year isn't anything new :( Nintendo seems to continue to make games to casual gamers. Yes, I know that there is lots of money in casual games but what about hardcore gamers?! At the moment I don't own any nintendo console. There is couple reasons. I don't have enough money to buy games to multiple consoles and other reason is that there is no good games on Wii. There are lots of good games on the DS but at the moment I want to play "home" console. So... I have owned 2 DS handheld's and been thinking if I should buy Wii. Nintendo's conference did make me not want this console! :( But...! Then what about games?

There was couple interesting new games introduced: new metroid prime (wii), Super mario galaxy 2 (wii), red steel 2 (wii), Golden Sun (DS) and zelda spirit track (DS). Other wii games wasn't that interesting. I have to save some money and that's is one reason why I'm not buying new console at the moment... I could reason this somehow to my fiancee... :P oh and what the f*** was that heartbeat meter (or what it was called...?)?!?!?!? Are you f****** kidding me?!

It's sad that Nintendo's conference was the weakest of all three. I was waiting so much more!


I was eager to see what Microsoft would bring and there was lots of good stuff! They announced this new full body motion sensor and showed what you could do with it. Also that conversation with that "boy" was cool but little bit creepy :P But it was cool! it would be cool if you could in the game ask all the question yourself from a game character. I mean really ask. I hope they implement this somehow in the near future. Peter molyneux wasvery excited about this. Peter is excited pretty much anything :PAlso that skateboard game seems to kick new tony hawk's game a** :P. But i'm also little bit skeptic if this technology really works that well. We just have to wait and see.


Microsoft brings also some good games:

Mass effect 2 (wasn't shown in the press conference but still), Forza motorsport 3, Alan Wake, Splinter Cell Conviction, Crackdown 2, Left 4 Dead 2, Halo ODST and new halo reach. What else... oh and metal gear rising is also coming to xbox360! These all are only on xbox360! (Left 4 dead 2 is also on the PC)

There was also shown beatles rockband but that's also coming to other platforms... But as you see x360 have good lineup this and next year. There was also shown some new features which you will be getting. Better quality of videos (full 1080p) and no downloading. They didn't mention that you will be needing good Internet connection. I don't need this kind of feature, but I admit that lots of people want's this kind of stuff and it's good that Microsoft is listening. Very good and interesting show :)


I was mostly waiting this press conference because I mainly play with PS3 (owned PSP long time ago). Sony did show new motion controller thingy. It was lots like wii contoller but it had some odd ball in the end of controller. I really hope they get it off before releasing the final version! They did show pretty much same kind of things like Nintendo did. So nothing extra special. Some archering (which was done same like with wii controller but looked better), some 1st person shooter, swords and drawing. Like I mentioned this is pretty much same what Nintendo has shown us before. I think this is only mainly attracting casual gamers. Yes I will test this one too, but worth getting...? maybe... maybe not.

New PSP model is coming, which is called PSP Go. There is now UMD drive and it is smaller, lighter than old psp. I think older psp looks much better than PSP Go. PSP Go is pretty good looking but still ugly, I don't know why... maybe it's just me. It has 16Gt flash memory but I think that isn't enough but luckily you can put more. I still like to buy my games on disc.


So what games Sony brings:

Assassin's Creed PSP, , FFXIV (14), Metal Gear Solid PSP, MAG, Gran Turismo 5, Gran Turismo PSP, The Last Guardian, ModNation racers, Uncharted 2, Agency, God Of War 3.There is also new DLC costumes ect coming to LittleBigPlanet. Oh and FFVII is on the US PSN store! Why sony!?!?! Why us europeans haven't got this?!?!?! (Question: can I buy US stuff if I have us account? I have credit card but I have only bought eu stuff... Am I banned or something If I buy US stuff? If I can I'm going to get this like... right now!)

and more: Assassin's Creed 2, FFXIII, Batman: Arkham Asylum, Ghostbusters, Ninja Gaiden sigma 2 ect. Assassin's Creed 2 looks great and fighting looks much more fun and double hidden blades looks awesome! :D I have very high hopes for this game!

Very good show from Sony!

In The End

First the winner: Sony. Nope this isn't fanboyism. It was pretty hard to choose between Microsoft and Sony. Both did bring good new stuff. Microsoft did bring new Metal gear, full body camera ect. Sony did bring new psp, motion controller, lots of interesting games. Both have their old series coming like halo, forza motorsport, god of war and gran turismo. I got pretty excited about FFXIV even if it is online game. And it's coming 2010!

I did manage to watch these shows live :) I still have to watch EA, and rest of the ubisoft's press conference. There is still lots of stuff coming! E3 isn't over so let's have fun and enjoy! :)

Remember to check my monthly blog here! :)

Monthly Blog Part 5 (2009)


gs progress



double narutox-men

- X-Men Origins: Wolverine Uncaged Edition (GS: 7.0/10, Metacritic: 73/100)
- Naruto: Ultimate Ninja Storm (GS: 7.5/10, Metacritic: 74/100)
- Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Double Agent (GS: 8.0/10, Metacritic: 78/100)


- Rag Doll Kung Fu (GS: 5.5/10, Metacritic: 68/100) (free)



pelaaja pelit





cat kung







Total: +72 new trophys (1 PLATINUM!!)

-Uncharted: Drakes Fortune


- Dead space

- X-Men Origins: Wolverine


X-men origins: WolverinePlatinum Trophy


- Sega Mega Drive Ultimate Collection (PS3) = 8.5/10
- Dead Space (PS3) (2nd playtrough)
- X-Men Origins: Wolverine Uncaged Edition (PS3) = 8.5/10 (x3)


- Dead Space (PS3)
- Eternal Sonata (PS3)
- Nauro Ultimate Ninja Storm (PS3)
- X-Men Origins: Wolverine Demo (PS3)
- X-Men Origins: Wolverine Uncaged Edition s(PS3)
- Rainbow Six Vegas 2 (PS3)
- Sega Mega Drive Ultimate Collection (PS3)
- Rag Doll Kung Fu (PSN)
- Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Double Agent (PS3)
- inFamous Demo (PS3)
- UFC2009 Undisputed Demo (PS3)


X-Men Origins: Wolverine Uncaged Edition (GS: 7.0/10, Metacritic: 73/100)








- Ranma 1/2


You can see other monthly blogs here