I have been relaxing, I did go and get couple mangas that I ordered (Fullmetal Alchemist) and played Virtual Fighter 5(PS3). I didn't play much and it felt little bit awkward... I don't know why... I have to play it some more before I say more. Great looking and controlls feel right but something... something is bothering me...
Today at work some ass***e was pissing me off. I did one thing like my superior has told me to do and this one, who was only ordered some work-rental place because there wasn't any other to work in the evening. okay... so he did come and didn't introduce his name or anything and first thing he did say was "Everything is wrong here...!" and lots of other things. He complained on everything and sayed "I have been doing this kind of work this and that long time and I know best bla bla bla". I tried to tell that my superior has told me to do like this and I was trying to say that my superior is right. But noooo.... he didn't listen. Luckily my shift ended right away and I said goodbye and off I go. What an assh**e! Everyone else has been very nice but this one... I have been working together with my superior and Friday is first day when I'm all alone. I'm little bit nervous but I think everything will go alright. It's only couple of hours but I have to do all the important things so finger crossed and wish me luck! :) Next week will be more challenging because I'm in charge because my superior is going on a vacation. So I have been trying to "study" extra hard. Next week will be tough so then I will be needing some luck! I will tell how everything is going :)
New Zelda is been released in couple days from now(Friday 19.10)! I don't know yet that will I buy it right away or will I wait little bit... Well see... And I get more and more excited about Ninja Gaiden: Dragon Sword for the Nintendo DS! Game looks amazing and feels like a Ninja Gaiden. I did like the PS3 version and will get back to it when I have the time. I have so much playing to do now... I have to finish FNR3, VF5 and pokemon. Zelda is coming and much PS3 games. I hope that they soon release Elder Scroll IV: Oblivion Game Of The Year Edition because I want to get back to that world :P So much to do! :D
I have been pretty lazy in these couple of weeks. One part is because I have been tired but also I have been just lazy. Laying on the sofa etc.
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