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MorkkiTH Blog

Not My Best Day

This haven't been my best day... this morning I did go to work only to notice that I have to go back because I did get sick. I did get back and have been resting most of the day. Laying on the sofa and watching anime. If I'm not tomorrow in shape that I can go to work I have to go see the doctor... I don't like doctors... My girlfriend is worried about me because I have had couple weeks... maybe a litle over a month all kinds of health problems... Maybe I really have to go to see the doctor... I don't know... My girlfriend says it's work exhaustion or something... I have worked really hard but that isn't my decision to work this hard. My company make me do this much. I know why but I wont write it here... Those little fuc****!! I need to do something about this... But now I go back to bed and rest.

Some TGS PS3 Games And Upgrading

I just read some things here:

These RPG games are confirmed to come on the PS3. :)

(PS3) (RPG) Eternal Sonata (Trustybell) with 2 extra characters. (yay!)
(PS3) (RPG) Steambot Chronicles 2
(PS3) (RPG) Persona 4
(PS3) (RPG) White Knight Story (Will be playable at the TGS!)
(PS3) (RPG) Star Ocean 4
(PS3) (Action Adventure RPG) Yakuza 3

These are great news for me who like RPG:s :) Other news that they are announcing is the new DualShock3 controller :)

I'm also thinking of upgrading my PS3 hard drive for bigger one. :) At least 160g but maybe bigger. Is there a limit how big hard drive you can put on the PS3? (maybe I should post this question somewhere...)

More RPGs And Other Things

I have been waiting good jrpg:s on the PS3. Okay... PS3 hasn't been out very long time and more games are coming all the time. But there are only couple rpg:s on the PS3, example: Oblivion, Enchanted Arms, but I have played both games(and finished. Okay... I haven't played ALL the quests at the Oblivion:P) But like I have said I will buy the game of the year edition when it comes out :) Biggest PS3 rpg what I'm waiting is of course Final Fantasy XIII :) (and FFX Versus XIII). Other games what I'm waiting are Disgaea 3, Star Ocean 4, The Last Remnant. These games aren't coming for long time here in Finland/Europe. I just have to wait...:? I have read that Eternal Sonata is also coming to PS3... :) That would be good thing because when I did have x360 I was waiting this game.

I have been playing Ninja Gaiden Sigma and I'm now at the 11 chapter :) I have played at the normal difficulty level and now that I have get into this game, game feels... somewhat easy... I don't know why... But I can beat bosses at my first try And ast time when I died it was at the 3-4 chapter... Maybe I try harder difficulty levels when I first finish normal difficulty :) But Heavenly Sword is coming next week... And that will take some time... :) Some pokemon news... I did get 7 gym badge at the Pokemon Diamond. :) And now I own 68 different pokemons :) I use only couple but nonetheless. :P I try to beat the story before the new Zelda comes out...

Other news... new PS3 firmware did came... 1.93... nothing big... except for you all who did have problems with the 1.92 version. I have been reading that Gran Turismo 5 Prologue("demo") is FREE! (Includes: 40 cars, 5 tracks and online capability) But I don't believe that until it really comes out. One of the Finnish game pages did write that it(maybe) will cost 45 euros... I hope it will be free. Ninja Gaiden II is coming... but it's only on the x360... Next year I really have to buy again x360... :D Not only because this game but all the other games that are coming out. I hope that Microsoft will fix the hardware problems!

I Have had couple days off at work but somehow I haven't relaxed as much I wanted... All kinds of things happened again at work so those things have been bothering me... There are all kinds of sick people in this world... One thing that I just don't get is why people have to use drugs... It isn't that you have to do it, it's a choice you make. If anyone who reads this text and uses drugs, I suggest that you stop to use drugs! Those things aren't harmless! Go get help!

Some good news is that my big sister is pregnant!!!!!! :):):):):):):):):):):):):) I hope that baby will be healthy and will have good life :) I have 3 little-sisters, 1 big sister and 1 little-brother and I love them all! I hope you enjoyed my new blog post and I hope I didn't waste your time :)

Games, Anime, Manga, Food, Worko-out, what else do you need? Nothing!

This is my one day off at work so I've been relaxing. I'm feeling very very good :) I said my girlfriend that I will play this day games, watch anime and read manga so she decided to go visit his relatives. If you already don't know my girlfriend doesn't like games, anime or manga... :| But I do! :D So I have been alone with my hobby's :) I have played Ninja Gaiden Sigma. I'm now at 5 chapter. This game is so hard(!!!!) but very entertaining nonetheless :) I have also watched one of my favorite anime: "Genshiken" Very funny :P:D And I also did read some manga: "Azumanga Daioh" :) This manga is funny and I have watched anime episodes as well. My friends don't get it how I like this serie but I like it and all that matters to me :)

I ate and now I am drinking coffee and eating brownies :) (My girlfriend made these brownies :) She knows how to bake and make good food!) I have lots of time to do different kind of things... I will play more Ninja Gaiden Sigma and of course pokemon Diamond :) Then I will watch last episode of Genshiken... hmm... what else... I don't know yet but something very relaxing and entertaining :)

Have a nice sunday and remember to relax sometimes! :)

First Touch

I figured that I would write short blog post about my first touch about Ninja Gaiden Sigma. It did come yesterday, but I didn't have time to try it. I know that Ninja Gaiden games are hard and difficult. This isn't easy I have to say. I think my self a good player. Not excellent but good... this game really pushes my player limits :) I have beated two first bosses. I beated them at my first try.(Yay for me!) and I get more playing time tomorrow because I promised my girlfriend that when I today come at work I would spend rest of the evening with him... oh well... promise is a promise. But more about Ninja Gaiden Sigma some other time :)

Play games and have fun! :)

Can't Wait So....

I was thinking that I can wait Heavenly Sword to come out and not buying any PS3 games before it... I did buy Pokemon Diamond little while ago and have been playing it now about 20h. But... today I ordered Ninja Gaiden Sigma (PS3) :) (it was to choose between GRAW2, Ninja Gaiden Sigma and Virtual Figter 5) It will come next week but till then I will play Pokemon Diamond :) My PS3 collection is very small and I hope this year my collection will grow at least in 5 PS3 games + 1-3 DS games.

But back to gaming and waiting for Ninja Gaiden :)

Again... Some Thoughts

I've been thinking about my gaming "life" lately... I have played games since when I was only 6-7y old. I did go to my friends because my family didn't have money buy those days gaming machines. I have played Segas, nintendos, sonys etc consoles/games trough my life. Lots of fun memories! :) Now-days I own PS3, Nintendo DS Lite and PC.(owned x360...) I play pretty much, but because I have my real life also(:P), and when I started dating again gaming has gone down little bit. I play about 1-3h per day now, this is much less than last couple years when I played almost all my free-time. Other thing where I have spend time(many years) is the gym. Gym is one thing where I want to go, this is because I want stay in shape and I want to be healthy. :)

I did read an article about Japanese players and how there gaming is more an lifestyle and not a hobby like usually it is here. This isn't anything new who knows something about games and Asians.:P In my friend circle I know one friend who is into gaming like I am. Everyone else are less... every my friend play games of course but much much less than I do. I spend lots of money on gaming/games, I try to find information about games and I speak lots of about games, I play games of course and much more. But still is it lifestyle or only a hobby...? I have asked this question at my self and I have trying to figure this out. In the end I think my gaming is more an hobby than lifestyle. I'm not that hardcore about games in the end.(my friends says otherwise :P:D) But I know that it would be only one more "push" and I would be at the hardcore side :P

So... I'm very curious. Is your gaming life a lifestyle or an hobby and how did you start your gaming career?

...And then something else :) My girlfriend is coming today :) She has been at Germany... I have had lots of work(again) and two more days and then I have some free-time :) I have played some demos at the PS3 and watched new trailers/videos. Heavenly Sword story videos are so cool! :) Guy who tells the story is so good and have amazing voice! I did play the Folklore demo. It was... It didn't hit me. I haven't waited this game but I have heard at this game so I wanted to play the demo, but when I played the demo... it was nothing special. Okay some good things game did have but in the end this game wasn't for me even it is a rpg game. Okay... I would buy this game if it would be very cheap. Bigger and more interesting games are coming.

I have played little bit Pokemon Diamond :) I have spend about 16h at this new pokemon world. My group has Kadabra 40lvl, Gyarados 35lvl, Graveller 22lvl and my first pokemon whos name I don't remember now 36lvl. I haven't found other good pokemons yeat... need good flying pokemon...

PAX2007 was great :) Lots of cool games coming out :)

Memory Leak

Luckily gamespot has this tracking system because otherwise I would forget all this great games which are coming this year. I just remembered that there is coming also Brothers In Arms: Hell's Highway, Assassins Creed and many many more. I listed some games that I will(try at least) buy this year. Couple DS games and lots of PS3 games. I will "burn" lots of money on games :D

Couple days ago came great news! They are making Mafia 2(!:D) and makers are the makers who did the original Mafia game :) I have completed the original Mafia game many many many... many times. It is the best mafia game ever! Great graphics, amazing soundtrack and amazing atmosphere. If you haven't played this game, you have missed one big game! Now I'm waiting...

Yesterday I went to court with my friend (he was testifying) and asked me to come with him for protection. Nothing big didn't happen... (Why everyone want's mean looking bodybuilder with him to court?:P;) ) I have spended time with my good friend and played Pokemon Diamond :) Tomorrow back to work... these couple days went so fast... But you have to work if you want to live(and play games ;))

New Game And Much More

Today was my first day off at work and I did have pretty boring sunday morning so I decided to go buy a new game :) I bought DS game because I only had 3 games on my DS and there isn't lots of good PS3 games around(okay... Virtual Fighter 5, Oblivion, Fight Night 3 etc) and next month is Heavenly Sword coming. So... all the different games I decided to buy Pokemon Diamond on the nintendo DS. I have spend about 6 hours with this game and I it's a great pokemon game :) Someday I will write review or something...(I try to make my reviews much much better in the future).

I did have lots of things happening at work... Friday one man tried to shoot some people... last evening one man tried to hit a man whit his axe... one f**k up week... Luckily I'm not hurt... some people did get hurt but not very badly. I'm trying to relax now... I have 4 days off at work so relaxing and gaming for me :)

This morning my girlfriend left to Germany to see his father(he works in Germany) So I don't see my girlfriend in a week. I tried to get couple of my friends here to have some playing but they are busy... Oh well...

have fun and play games! :)

Some thoughts

I have been reading lots of new Madden game coming out... I just don't get it what makes Madden good game. I know that American football is big thing on USA. American football is fun to watch but I don't like football in general... it just isn't my sport. I have tried couple American football games and I just don't get it. I have said lots of times "I just don't get it"... But it's good that some of you gamers like it. I don't say that American football games like Madden's are bad games. I just say that I don't understand the hype of these games.

Tomorrow I have to go work again. But it's only 5 days and then I have 4 days again of at work :p My girlfriend has lots of work and she are going to Germany because she's father works there. We don't see each other in couple of weeks... I haven't seen my friends on long time. One reason is because most of my friends are living my former living place in north and other reason is that when I'm at work my friends aren't at work.

I watched couple videos at Call Of Duty 4: Modern Warfight game and it looks promising. I haven't played Call Of Duty 3 but maybe I buy it someday... I did like COD 1 & 2 but somehow 3 hasn't interested me enough to buy it. I have to say something about renting games. I am that kind of person that I want to own the games I play. And one reason is that if I rent a game I usually don't have time to finish the game. But one good thing is about renting games! If the game is bad or very bad you didn't waste 60-70 euros!

And then I have to talk about Sauna. I just love sauna! I don't know if USA or anywhere else in europe has same kind of sauna culture like here in Finland. I have seen couple of these "Sauna" thingys what people use in different countries. My opinion is that Finnish Sauna is only real Sauna that people should use. But hey that's only my opinion. And I have seen these warning signs in example American saunas:P "baby's or elder people shouldn't use sauna", "Don't drink alcohol when going to sauna", "Don't throw water on the bath-house stove(did I write this correctly? Finnish this is "kiuas"). Here 1 month old babys are taken to sauna and my grandmothers mother who is about 97y goes to sauna. And of course lots of people drink at the sauna or when going to sauna. And you have to throw some water on the stove(kiuas) when you are there. more warmth is only better! But there is also turkish sauna and all kinds of other but they are only steam saunas and I don't get it. I have tried these but they are just... not for me. And one more thing. I don't get when people use towel at sauna. Okay... some things are cultural etc. But here we are naked. I don't think there isn't anything wrong using towel but that is cultural thing. If you have chance to visit/use real Finnish sauna. Try it! :)

Lots of text... I hope you all did read all of this with interest :) One more thing, I have finished 1-16(21 altogether) tickets (All gold medals) at the motorstorm. So almost done... :)