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MorkkiTH Blog

The Day When My Xbox360 Died

It finally happened... thing what I have been afraid... my xbox360 died this morning about 10.00 am. :cry: It was combination of ring of death and some weird freezing thingy. But new Microsoft warranty promises to fix my x360.(I hope) I called at the Microsoft and explained the problem... They promised my console back in 15 days... So this means that I can't play on my xbox at least 15 days!(minimum!)

I have my DS and I have to play with it... mario & luigi: partners in time... here I come! :) Maybe I go buy new game for my DS.... One thing is sure... my girlfriend will be VERY happy when she hears about this great tragedy! She will dance at the grave of the x360... cruel... very cruel!


I have had 4 loooooonnnngggg days at work and 2 more coming. So I Haven't have enough playing time :( I Have been very excited about E3 and watched almost everything possible but because my time is limited in these couple of days, there is much more things to look up. I have 6 days off at work beginning Wednesday so I'm planning to have lots of gaming :D Forza Motorsport 2 is waiting for me ;) And maybe I watch all the star wars movies... maybe... My girlfriend will be at work so she isn't bothering me ;):D

PS3 Price Cut

Okay... Sony announced price cut for the PS3 but it is only in north America :? Why we Europeans are left behind again? Why Sony don't love us? Why Sony wants me to feel like kicking them on the balls?! Come on Sony! Give us something!

2 Days Off

I have couple days of at work and my girlfriend is at work so I have lots of playing to do ;) Of course I go to the gym but I have nothing else to do. I haven't talked much at my training or anything about bodybuilding here... why... I don't know. Maybe I should tell you all something sometimes...(?) :)

I will return playing Forza Motorsport 2 and maybe I try again Dead Rising. I broke my steering wheels attachment thingys... I can play but it is little bit harder. So maybe it is time for new steering wheel.

I have been reading about price cut for the playstation 3... It is about 70 euros... I hoped about 100 euros but what can you do... and this isn't sure thing yet. I will wait better games to come out anyway.


I have had couple days off at work. I haven't played much because I have spend some time with my girlfriend. I also today painted two walls... normal white color... They had couple of holes so I patched those sometime ago and today I painted.

I also bought new couch :) My old one is very bad to sit, so it was time to me buy new couch. Original price was 2500 euros and I did get it 799 euros :) (somekind of sale...) I will get my new couch about 4 weeks...

Forza Motorsport 2

I bought "Forza Motorsport 2" today :) I preordered it before it was launched here so I did get 1 extra car + 3 more because I bought collector's edition :P I have played it and I have to say that it is great game! I will write review someday... I also played trough the FF3 and continued playing Mario & Luigi: Partners In Time (DS). Tomorrow is my last vacation day so no this much gaming for couple of weeks... then I have 1 week vacation ;)


It is second week of my vacation... I have played about 6-8 hours per day. Much less if my girlfriend has a free day at work. But lots of gaming! I Finally finished getting 1000 gamescore at Elder Scroll IV: Oblivion :) I know that you can get 250 gamescore more if i would have expansion pack(shivering Island) but I don't have it. Also soon I will be finishing Final Fantasy III (DS) I hope! My characters are 80 lvl and two of my characters job lvl is 99(knight and Dragoon). Magus is about lvl 85 and Devour is about 70... If I remember correctly.

What would be my next x360 that I will try to finish... I bought the Dead Rising little while ago but I did loose my temper... stupid saving system... Very entertaining game nevertheless... Lots of zombies to kill :D I also remembered that I haven't finished the NFS: Carbon... also there is Test Drive... Test Drive is very entertaining game... so maybe I play that... or Dead Rising... I'm not sure... I also have Mario & Luigi: Partners In Time that I haven't finished yet... Lots of playing to do... But because of my money situation(very tight...) I can't buy new games. So I have Lot's of time to play my "old" games :)

I Have watched almost all my unwatched movies :) There is only left "To Fast And The Furious: Tokyo Drift" DOA movies were... pretty much crap... luckily they were only 2.99 :) So I have had lots of progress in these couple of days :) Today I have watched anime called: "Genshiken". It's very entertaining and funny anime! It is must watch gategory!

Lots of Final Fantasy III

Yesterday evening I was talking with my friend at the FFIII... so I continued to play FFIII. It was about 01.00 at night when I started. I stopped playing about 04.00 clock and I did wake up about 11.00... I immediately turned on my DS and continued to play. It was about 17.00 clock when I did have to go to the shop buy some food.(it took about 30min) I did come back and started again to play:P My party includes "Knight", "White Mage", "Black Mage" and "Viking" Every character is lvl 40. And mages have all lvl 7 spells :) (AND YES I HAVE EATEN TODAY COUPLE OF TIMES!) :D

Dead Rising And More Oblivion

Today I bought Dead Rising for the x360. I have played the demo long time ago but today I saw it very cheap and I thought that "why shouldn't I buy this game?" :D I Haven't yet played the game because I wanted to play trough the thief guild(Elder Scroll IV: Oblivion). I think I have couple more mission before I have played the hole guild. I Have about 25 hours of gameplay at this time... not so much... But more is coming ;)

Game Demos And Vacation

I downloaded couple demos at Live... Sylpheed and Tenchu Z. I have to say that both games was very disappointing. Graphics aren't next gen and controls aren't that good. and all together everything seems bad. Some good things... but that's not enough.

I watched new video of the "Eternal Sonata" and I'm so excited about this game. I haven't heard anything about "Blue Dragon" lately... Both games look very promising RPG games :) Naturally both games are on my must buy list ;) I also have gained some interest on "Darkness". New episode of the "on the spot" showed some gameplay video and game looked promising.

Today also starts my 2 week vacation! :) I'm not planned anything special... I play some games and watch some movies witch I haven't watched... (Includes: Dead Or Alive 1,2,3, Fast And Furious: Tokyo Drift, Initial D, V For Vendetta and Soldier) Also I have planned Star Wars marathon... :D