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MorkkiTH Blog

My Weekend

My weekend almost entirely included Guitar Hero 2 for the x360 :D That game is just... crazy! :D I Beated the game on easy and medium difficulties and I'm starting on Hard. I Wan't to see how I good I am on Hard :D (I Fear that not very good!) Some songs are so great that I keep coming back and play them again and again :) But back to gaming!

Guitar Hero 2

I bought Guitar Hero 2 and I have to say that I'm very pleased :) It's better than I thought! This game is gonna be amazing party game! :D I will write review someday when I have played enough :) I did fill my homebar... and invited my brother. We are gonna play games 3 days :) (pc/x360) But back to Guitar Hero 2 :) Have a nice weekend! :)

3 Days For Gaming

I Have 3 days entirely for gaming :) i'm thinking that I play some PGR3... Because Forza 2 is coming out next month, I think I have to play PGR3 and have some fun with the game. Because next months end, it's all about Forza Motorsport 2 :) But I also will play Lost Planet and Oblivion. I have played 9 levels at the lost planet (how many left...?)

Women... they will kill me someday! My brains hurt when I talk to them... so... painful!

But I think I will have pretty good weekend :) 


God damn it's sometimes hurts to your brain when you are talking to women... Especially when you want to have something bigger than "just friend" relationship. If you say you are beautiful they want to explain everything in detail. Why you have to explain!?! Why it isn't enough when you say "You are beautiful"??!! That's it! And when you say ONE thing wrong... you are back in the square one! Why women want to make man's life complex? Why you have to explain EVERYTHING!?!?

I'm thinking these things because I have known this one girl about 1 year now and we are interested each other...  But let's see...

Again... Games

I Bought couple of days "Lost Planet: Extreme Condition" and Elder Scroll 4: Oblivion on my x360 :) I Have mainly played Lost planet. I will write some reviews when I have played enough and I have time x) Lost Planet has been pretty interesting game and I love the AS or was it AV...(?) or... VS... x) But those are pretty cool :) And lots of big bugs to shoot at :D I pre-ordered Forza Motorsport 2 :) I can't wait to have my hands on it and get to see what kind of game it is :) I have big expectations!

Pretty Good Day

Yes... Good day today :) I have been playing games... some training... evening walk and lots of food :) Morning sucked... but rest of the day was good :) Tomorrow back to work... first in the morning I have to go to police station to get new thingy permit and after that I go to gym. Evening = work. Next free day is wednesday and that day I go to central look some games. "Lunar Knights" is now in the market at here Finland :) And I have to buy one book. I don't know the how to say book name in English, but in Finnish it is "Juoppohullun Päiväkirja". Very very good book series :D Lots of Finnish humour :D

Comics About Games

I have been reading some online comics pretty long time... Nowdays I read CTRL ALT DEL comic, Looking For Group, VG Cats,  Rooster Teeth and Mac Hall. :) CTRL ALT DEL is the best comic that I have ever been reading! It includes everything! It's funny(!), it's about games, it has good characters. Excellent package all together! It's first comic was released 2002 and it is continued to this day. If you want to read this comic and you want to keep up at the storie,  you pretty much have to start at the first comic.

VG Cats is also good comic about games. But It hasn't same kind of storie like CTRL ALT DEL. But that isn't so big a problem. Comic is focused on the Nintendo/anime characters, but some PS2 and couple of x360 characters has appeared at the comic :) Characters are mainly (like the name says) cats :D

Newest comic is "Looking For Group". I started to read this about 2 weeks ago... It isn't about games, but it's pretty funny and it has one character which is just GREAT! :D

But now back to gaming :D

Friends And Gaming

I was thinking.... In these days there is this online gaming. Okay that is excellent thing! You can play with all kinds of people and it doesn't matter if they are 10 000km away. And I know that many has good friends which they have met when playing online games. But... I prefer that I invite people to my house and we play different kinds of games and have fun. We drink, eat, listen to music and of course play games! :) Good game brings friends together and we enjoy. Good example is Fight Night Round 3 or Burnout Revenge or Gears Of War. Friends can bring their own games or console. (Yes we are savages because we don't always play trough the Live/internet)

I'm thinking of buying the Guitar Hero II x360 version :) Rock And Roll!!! :D That will be amazing party game! :D


Creative Zen Vision M & DS Game

Okay... so I bought the Creative Zen Vision M MP3 Player :) And a one DS game. Mario & Luigi: Partners In Time. Okay... I know that game did come out at the market soooo long time ago, but still... I haven't played It so Yay Me! :) I Have only played about 30min this game so I don't say anything about it yet... My new MP3 player is just great! I can put lots of music! I haven't tested the video or picture capabilities... Mut It would be pretty cool to watch anime when going to work... :D