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MorkkiTH Blog

My Gaming Station (EDIT)

Here are some pics on my gaming setup :) There is no pics on my computer corner because I didn't have the energy to clean that part :P My DVD's and blu-ray movies are on the shelves and my games are on under the TV.









Thanks to 6h05tly I finally took some pics and posted here :) Go check 6h05tly blog

Next post is probably Monthly blog part 3 (2010) but well see... I've been playing Dead Space Extraction and BlazBlue: Calamity Trigger (PS3). Both are great games but I have to admit that BlazBlue: Calamity Trigger is one of the best fighting games I have ever played. I haven't played much but I finished story mode and played some arcade mode. Great game and I'm thinking if I should buy BlazBlue: Continuum Shift... oh and I did give BlazBlue: Calamity Trigger 9.0/10.

- MorkkiTH -

EDIT: I did make the pics littlebit bigger and wrote some txt.

Monthly Blog Part 2 (2011)

I'm late (again) but let's not that bother us anymore, right? :P I'm doing this pretty quickly because it's almost time to go sleep and this thing takes time. (and I'm very tired so sorry if there is some mistakes...) But I hope you enjoy :)






ab ab ab

- Dead Space 2 Collector's edition (GS: 9.0/10, Metacritic: 89/100)
- Dead Space Extraction (Free with Dead Space 2) (GS: x.x/10, Metacritic: 89/100)
- Mass Effect 2 (GS: 8.5/10, Metacritic: 94/100)



- Stacking (Free for PSN+ owners) (GS: 8.0/10, Metacritic: 82/100)




- White Knight Chronicles (PS3)
- LittleBigPlanet (PSP)
- Dead Space 2 (PS3)
- Stacked (PSN)
- Final Fantasy IX (PSP)
- Gran Turismo 5 (PS3)
- The Sly Cooper Collection: Sly Cooper (PS3)



- +71 trophies (couple trophies are on this month...)

- White Knight Chronicles
- Dead Space 2
- Stacking
- Gran Turismo 5
- The Sly Collection: Sly Cooper



- +0 Achievement points (I should start cracking those unfinished x360 games... eh?)



Dead Space 2 (PS3) = 9.5/10


White Knight Chronicles (PS3) = 9.0/10


Sly Racoon (PS3) = 8.0/10 (2 more to go)


Gran Turismo 5 (PS3) = 9.0/10 (This is with all the updates this far)



Dead Space 2 Collector's edition (GS: 9.0/10, Metacritic: 89/100, Me: 9.5/10)

"It's more action game than horror game but I don't mind"



"It's not perfect but I don't mind, I still love this game"





a a

- One Piece (continues)
- DearS (new)



One Piece

"Goodbye Whitebeard...."

OH... and finally my car arrived!!!


Pre Order


I preordered Nintendo 3DS :) I got the Cosmos Black. I haven't ordered any games yet and I probably will not buy any of the launch games. There should be better games short after the launch. I watched this zelda documentary and I got this huge urge to play zelda :P But I have to wait...

Question 210255

Have you ordered Nintendo 3DS?

- MorkkiTH -

Dead Space 2 Finished


I'm now finished my first playtrough on Dead Space 2 (PS3). Score: 9,5/10. Great graphics, great atmosphere and great voice acting/sound. They have made game littlebit faster than previous one and now it's littlebit more normal 3rd person shooter. I'm not saying that it is a bad thing but it's different than first Dead Space. I got 55% of the trophies and I probably get couple more when I'm finished my second playtrough (not sure when that is...). Dead Space 2 was my 4th finished game this month.

Now I'm going to start playing Mass Effect 2 (PS3). I'm interested to see how the game is on PS3 and I really want to play the DLC parts :)

Question 2016825

Have you played Mass Effect 2? (PS3 version). What are your thougts about the game? What are you main game at the moment?

- MorkkiTH -

Sly Racoon Finished


Yesterday evening I finished Sly Racoon (Sly Racoon HD Collection, PS3), Score: 8/10. Game is good but sudden deaths and one hit kills brings the game down. Now I will start Dead Space 2 (PS3)! After that... I'm not sure... But I'm sure Dead Space 2 will take me some time to finish. Oh and then there is Dead Space Extraction (PS3) too which I have to play :) Should I start playing "Nier" (PS3)...

Question n. 19275489

Have you played Dead Space 2/Dead Space Extraction (PS3)? What are your thoughts about the game? (No spoilers!)

- MorkkiTH -

White Knight Chronicles... Finished!


I finally finished White Knight Chronicles (PS3)! :) Score: 9/10. I would have been much higher if there would have been original voice acting and story wasn't anything special and it was poorly written. But otherwise game is solid! This was my first JRPG to finish in the year 2011. Now it's back to Sly cooper collection :) and then... I don't know yet... maybe Dead Space 2 :)

...oh and I was on a small holiday so sorry not checking your blogs and if you did see me on PSN/Live you probably did see my brother playing who was taking care of the dogs.

- MorkkiTH -

3DS and PSP2

Now that we know that there is Nintendo 3DS and PSP2 (or like Sony calls it, NGP) coming. We have heard pretty much all the facts so it's time to choose. (or you can pick both :P ) Both have good qualities but which one is for you? I was not fully decided until I heard very good reasoning at this certain podcast (finnish gaming magazines podcast). I don't remember it fully and converting it to english would be... annoying, so I won't put it here but it made me choose and what is the choice? … Nintendo 3DS.


I have PSP Go and it's pretty new. PSP has pretty much the same games that PS1/PS2/PS3 has but games just aren't that good. They are minimised games of bigger consoles. It may sound that I'm bashing PSP, but I'm not. Yes there is some games which look and are amazing (God of war, FF, Gran Turismo, LBP ect) but you can play similar games on the PS3 with big screen and home theater. PSP2 is going to go pretty much the same path as original PSP. It's not necessary a bad thing but if I can play samekind of games on the PS3 it's just not worth to buy PSP2. (okay this is pretty much the the thing what they did say on the podcast...) I have to admit that specs of the Sony's new console are amazing! Lots of raw power! But it is enough? And the pricing... I'm sure that it's not going to be super expensive handheld. It will be around 299-350.


With Nintendo DS it's different kind of story. You can't play similar games on any other console Okay there is mario and zelda games which are on the Wii, but like the zelda's on the DS those are different than one at the Wii. There is great library of original and very enjoyable games (Advanced wars: Dual strike comes to mind first). I have very high hopes for the Nintendo 3DS. When the device is released there aren't games that I'm interested but in the opening "launch window" there is coming couple games. Price here in Finland is about 279e for the console but game prices haven't been announced. I'm sure games are going to be around 45-60euros. DS game prices are about 39-55e.

This was just something I wanted to write. You can disagree on everything :P

What are your thoughts of the Nintendo 3DS? Or the PSP2/NGP?

- MorkkiTH -

Monthly Blog Part 1 (2011)

Slow month with gaming purchases. New car has taken lots of money so I have to save money couple months... There is just so many great new games... :( Oh well, I will be playing my unfinished games until I get my hands on never games :) (Maybe I can clear my backlog on games... )







- Monster Hunter Freedom Unite (GS: 6.5/10, Metacritic: 81/100)




- Blur (PS3)
- Monster Hunter Freedo Unite (PSP)
- Gran Turismo 5 (PS3)
- Star Ocean 4: The Last Hope (PS3)
- Resident Evil 5: Desperate Escape DLC (PS3)
- Resident Evil 5: Lost In Nightmares DLC (PS3)
- Katamari Forever (PS3)
- Pursuit Force Extreme Justice (PSP)
- The Sly Cooper Collection: Sly Cooper (PS3)



- +51 trophies

- Blur
- Gran Turismo 5
- Enslaved: Odyssey To The West
- The Sly Collection: Sly Cooper
- Resident Evil 5: Desperate Escape DLC (PS3)
- Resident Evil 5: Lost In Nightmares DLC (PS3)



- +0 Achievement points



Enslaved: Odyssey To The West (PS3) = 8.5/10


Resident Evil 5: Lost In Nightmares (PS3) = 7.5/10


Resident Evil 5: Desperate Escape (PS3) = 8.0/10



Gran Turismo 5 (PS3)(GS: 8.0/10, Metacritic: 86/100, Me: 9.0/10)

"G25 + Gran Turismo 5 = AWESOME! 2nd time :P"







a a a a a

- One Piece
- Basquash! (finished)
- Inazuma Eleven (new)
- Sora No Otoshimono (finished)
- Seitokai Yakuindomo (finished)



Seitokai Yakuindomo

I Hope you did enjoy my monthly blog

Back playing GT5

short blog about GT5 experience.

Yes, I'm back on GT5. I took about 3 weeks off playing this game. Played couple other games... but now I'm back in full throttle playing GT5. I have bought about 15 new premium cars in 1.5 days and I have won couple new standard cars. Newest car is "Pagani Zonda R '09" (2 600 000credits). I'm almost trough all the A-spec events and now I'm just going to collect more premium cars. and of course my great desire is to get Red Bull X2010! I have to get to lvl30 and complete Sebastian Vettel challenge which should be very difficult thing to do... (?).

I'm really waiting DLC packets. New premium cars and tracks would be amazing! Newest 1.05 update did bring lots of good things. Seasonal events is probably the biggest thing. also custom sountracks and other things. I'm waiting more updates to be released which would fix and improve the game. I have played online races with my friend and it's lots of fun :)

I'm going to give GT5 my score this month when writing my monthly blog but I'm far from finishing the game. Lots of cars to buy and seasonal events bring new challenges.

Have you played GT5? what do you think about the game?

- MorkkiTH -

I'm ready to go...

I have done pretty much all the things that I need to do to get my laptop and PS3 working again :) I played today (blur, lots of fun by the way!) and I have installed most of the programs on my laptop :) So I'm back :) I should do the TOP10 games of the 2010 blog thingy...

- MorkkiTH -