At this point I don't really care because you can't fix stupid and most politicians today are beyond ignorant.
They are all sitting around pointing their fingers at Video Games and not looking into what happened itself, a ton of things about the shooting haven't been answered and yet nothing about it will be said besides how everything around the shooter influenced him to do it. When and where was it EVER said that he even played a Video Game let alone one with shooting and violence?
... I didn't say anything about it now, if consoles never existed in the first place gaming would have never become popular enough for computers built for gaming to be made and such games for those computers to play. I was being jokingly sarcastic with what Max-Hit said, computers might be I never said they weren't I was just stating that they wouldn't have ever gotten to that stage if consoles didn't exist because Video Games wouldn't exist without consoles to play them on.
I completely agree, most series puts everything into multiplayer while single-player suffers.
I wouldn't mind digital but I would rather not be constrained to that to be the ONLY way to get games, god knows they would start making us pay to go to the online store to buy something.
I wish games had the difficulty that the game Prinny has(maybe not as hard.. I would never finish another game), and the unique world/characters/story that games like Banjo, Conker and many other games had. Not just some trigger happy, press a button to watch a cutscene to do damage montage of a short game.
Most popular game series now seem to just be riding on the fame of the franchise's name.
Morokoo's comments