@DarkSaber2k @MoronGotMyName Nope, not even close - they have been working on it for a long time and they are people who worked for publishers who went indie to create the game they wanted. Do you follow RPG news at all, sites have covered this game for ages now - I suggest you read up and educate yourself on how cool it seems.
Now here's a great Kickstarter that needs your support, launched yesterday: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1604283933/the-dark-triad-dragons-death?ref=category
The world is always full of clowns who think current levels of violence in art are "too much", people generally lack the ability to see beyond the present and are terrified of life, death and reality itself so it all gets a bit much for them. 20 years from now people will consider the level of violence in today's video games extremely tame because, believe you me, we can and will go a lot further. This is how art evolves and all taboos are eroded, and it's happening around you right now. Fight the future but you will lose.
@never-named HAH, impossible. He is a shit designer, a shit writer and has a shit view on games - and one look at his latest joke of a game is the nail in the coffin for this clown's "valid criticism".
MoronGotMyName's comments