Games are not violent enough and need to start living up to their reputation so all the spoiled by plastic violence bitches that thought their complaints about video games violence were legit will at least be able to make a statement without being delusional. Fixed.
@strife14467 A mental examination to buy a game? Not only are you missing the whole point - violent video games do NOT cause violence no matter how unstable you are any more than millions of other random factors, the suggestion is also absurd in itself.
@MW2ismygame @MoronGotMyName @bledsoe45sbc I can only recommend reading up on this for yourself if you are interested, there are tons of information about this on the web - a censorship debate is too deep for this commentary field..I just want to make people aware of the issue and encourage them to read how it works.
@Xeroxidous More importantly, and what many seem to forget, it's not dangerous for kids to be exposed to mature-rated games - not a single kid will grow up to be a killer because of it.
@MW2ismygame @MoronGotMyName @bledsoe45sbc Huh? You can make a system that actually is a rating system and not a censorship tool or you can abolish it - neither of these systems "work", they are just there to satisfy the people with zero comprehension of censorship until they can't hold back the future any longer and fold in on themselves.
MoronGotMyName's comments