@ninedot @MoronGotMyName @CP2077 All current articles use phrasings like "could" or "might" contain microtransactions which translates into "that is definitely still the plan". Since they went out of their way to say this is not a MMO, maybe they decided to delay the announcement to maintain the illusion somewhat.
They could either consider not including it (probably only a small chance though), or they have decided to officially re-announce it later thanks to the "this is no MMO" angle or because they are still considering various ways to implement it. But right now this game is definitely planned for microtransactions and if they change their mind about it I can guarantee they will let us know immediately, and not dodge the question.
@deathblow3 @MoronGotMyName They said it would have microtransactions when they first mentioned the title, they have never gone back on it AND the game will require you to be always online, which makes it clear they are still going with it. I suspect they are worried about the backlash and therefore play it down for now, but they are clearly still following that plan - just dodging the question, it seems.
@deathblow3 @MoronGotMyName @ninedot @CP2077 "Bungie's long-rumored MMO project has been outed by the Los Angeles Times in its coverage of a games industry lawsuit. According to the article, the company is developing a new IP called Destiny consisting primarily of sci-fi first-person shooter titles. The title will be sold at retail but will also feature microtransactions."
@ninedot @MoronGotMyName @CP2077 They said it would have microtransactions when the first information of the game was given, now they try to not focus on the issue because of the initial backlash. But just do the math - the REAL reason for an online only requirement is microtransactions - so they are clearly still pushing that idea. It is still theoretically possible they will change their minds, but I doubt it.
@Sstrawberryjam A challenge? This is a MMO, so probably not going to happen. Then again, they need to get the cash shop going so they'll probably throw in the kind of "challenge" we are familiar with from other cash shop games.
MoronGotMyName's comments